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R: 13 / I: 11


Is this like some 4chan kind of deal?
Seems like it, anyway I'm just gonna leave some stuff here…perhaps
R: 14 / I: 3


R: 4 / I: 3
spamfilter please
R: 3 / I: 0


Some rules:
1. You must be 18+ to use this site.
2. Spoiler any NSFW images.
3. Assume all images with a spoiler to be NSFW.
4. If it is illegal in The United States of America don't post it.
5 Don't be a jerk, if you are not feeling someones work try offering up constructive criticism instead of putting them down.

Feel free to make a thread of your own and share your creations!
R: 2026 / I: 519


This is where I'll be dumping my garbage! Hurray!

>What's going to happen to the tumblr space place

I'll probably be shutting down the concrete staircase at some point (when I get round to it in a few months I suspect), but for Queenie's comic I'll keep up until tumblr *actually* dies, which can be any day now, really. Then I don't know what lol.

Before I moved to tumblr, I used a thread remarkably similar to this one in order to distribute my junk. It's as simple as it gets. There's no login wall, no paywall, no downscaling in resolution or lossy compression, the content browsing is easy (you scroll up) and anyone is free to view and comment without needing to sign up to any other service. This solution fits my needs, and I'll be using my twitter for updates (which would inevitably lead back to here for high-res or full comics). I'll also be double posting stuff on Patreon. Inevitably many will call me gay for picking this bizarre solution over something they suggested, so by all means repost any of my junk onto whatever site you want (with source).

Onto the thread. A couple of things:
1. Read the rules: https://subchan.org/ab/res/1.html#q1
2. Feel free to post in this thread, but don't shitpost too much
3. I won't post horse in this thread, that goes over here: https://mlpg.co/art/res/16668.html
4. You want to start your own thread for your own junk? Help yourself!

Twatter: https://twitter.com/shoutingisfun
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shoutingisfun
Queenie&Anon's Adventure: https://queenieadventure.tumblr.com/post/174249703503/about
R: 2 / I: 1
For some reason, I cannot comment on shit. This is what I see. I’m not expecting this new thread to go through but if it does here’s the screen I get when I try to comment on posts
R: 39 / I: 179

Maali's horse drawings

This is where I'll dump all my pony and deer pics for safekeeping hmm yes