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It All Comes Tumblin Down
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File (hide): 1545168524496.png (195.09 KB, 834x1238, garbage01.png)


 No.2[Watch Thread][Last 50 Posts]

This is where I'll be dumping my garbage! Hurray!

>What's going to happen to the tumblr space place

I'll probably be shutting down the concrete staircase at some point (when I get round to it in a few months I suspect), but for Queenie's comic I'll keep up until tumblr *actually* dies, which can be any day now, really. Then I don't know what lol.

Before I moved to tumblr, I used a thread remarkably similar to this one in order to distribute my junk. It's as simple as it gets. There's no login wall, no paywall, no downscaling in resolution or lossy compression, the content browsing is easy (you scroll up) and anyone is free to view and comment without needing to sign up to any other service. This solution fits my needs, and I'll be using my twitter for updates (which would inevitably lead back to here for high-res or full comics). I'll also be double posting stuff on Patreon. Inevitably many will call me gay for picking this bizarre solution over something they suggested, so by all means repost any of my junk onto whatever site you want (with source).

Onto the thread. A couple of things:
1. Read the rules: https://subchan.org/ab/res/1.html#q1
2. Feel free to post in this thread, but don't shitpost too much
3. I won't post horse in this thread, that goes over here: https://mlpg.co/art/res/16668.html
4. You want to start your own thread for your own junk? Help yourself!

Twatter: https://twitter.com/shoutingisfun
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shoutingisfun
Queenie&Anon's Adventure: https://queenieadventure.tumblr.com/post/174249703503/about


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Happy Christmas folks, I hope this years' brings you more joy than the last.



With the way it's going, tumblr will probably get killed before I get to the good stuff


I guess it has some decent utility, but I'm not so hot on the idea of having my very own special fan club server.


lol I know right? with porn and all


Feel free to zip it on mega or something. Most of it is on e621, some (more shit) bits are missing, but I wouldn't mind if you post the URL here. As long as there's no spooky banette malware in it.


>goodra comic
Dude I didn't like it at all. It started off in one direction and veered off in another, it had no aim and weak writing. I'm fleshing out another comic to replace it, it'll be leagues better.


Thing is, in the other thread where my horse garbage is posted, after all these years (like 4 now), everything's still there. It ain't going anywhere any time soon.


I know this isn't a perfect solution, and I have no doubt better functionality can get shoehorned in at a later stage. Right now this place is fine, it allows me to get abused anonymously and there's no size limit (I mean there probably is but it's better than tumblr lol)

Fears about this place filling up with posts that aren't mine needn't be. I can delete posts in this thread (and I'll be clearing up later), so I can filter some of the shitposting at least.

Anyway, I'm getting back to the queenie comic. Update soonish, I hate the fact that it's been over a year since I posted chapter 3, but there we go, hopefully this will be worth the weight.


Well, if you don't mind, here is the RAR of all NSFW (and some SFW) stuff I could find in your Tumblr and some on E621. Hope it pleases y'all and everyone can download it.


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Well dude, here it is. Hope you like it. I want to make the letters more visible just to avoid mix them with the colors.


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I'm not dead, the queenie comic is still very much going, I'm not gay, and some other things that were covered by the post on patreon and twitter. LET'S REPLY TO SOME MESSAGES:


holy shit spoilers dude


yeah shit you may not be aware i'm sort of ignoring frodonoghts for a bit while i hardcore the queenie comic. i may rethink this as i make progress


honestly i just think they don't care - not much job security for them now, is there?


the *FAR DISTANT FUTURE* plan is a hard-boiled detective story, no lewd stuff, but that's some distance away, and still being built up (in my head)


im gæ


just skip this update


>kind of a time killer
yeah tell me about it
soon to be 3 kids lol

oh hey you posted it, nice work


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i know right lol

I'll be doing some cleanup in this thread soon, so the post count will drop at some point.


A form of validation: a new drawing when it's the real deal


Glad y'ain't dead, Shout. How's things?


Audino knows full well what that shirt says…


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>Glad y'ain't dead, Shout. How's things?
Could be better.
Could be way worse.
IRL's been getting in the way of progress, and making rushed decisions to begin with cause pic related, domino affect if you have everything else planned.

Hope you fellas have a grand weekend, I gots work to do!


Try and have fun. And remember to shitpost at us if you feel like you need a break.


Take your time, you probably know yourself that rushed projects usually turn out… unsatisfactory.

Rank your life and yourself above your work and things will work out eventually.


Jeez Shout, your art and character expression only seems to improve. Love everything I'm seeing here. Take as much time as you need, man. Hope this weekend is productive and not too stressful!


Always nice to see you around, boi.


And just like that the great forces of shout's board were calmed but for how long ?


Until next Friday, if you're lucky.




Wow it was quite a ride to find this place from a random comic link from a friend. It makes it all the more special.
I thought the thing was dead, It kinda makes my day that it isn't.


its only alive on friday
and its shout update or shout hate


I do a lot of minipainting, and I know this feel.


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hey gamers anon here i'm currently working on a half-baked solution for archiving the stuff shout puts out does someone still have a link to all the stuff he made would be a big help.


You may want to look at >>111 for starters. Jay arranged pretty much everything non-horse in one big folder. Might not really be everything but it's a start.


ph yeah you right thanks a lot


What sorta animal is made out of sprite? Besides gamers.


the coke-bird


don't make fun of my French accent desu


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Ranma Grumpig… HHNNGGHH. My actual heart. It's like she fused with P-chan.

Don't know if that was what you were going for, but I'm all for it.


Shouts, draw a qt snekperior!


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hey gamers coder-anon here the website looks horrible but its almost done i just need to add a few things and host it on a free hoster. and also upload the entirety of shout's picture on it




When is Shout's friday?
I mean it's probably like 10am in Shout's timezone.



Well to be fair, making art is incredibly time-consuming and not everyone has the time and/or the motivation to do that on the side.

Besides, Blitz stays amazingly close to the source material with most of what she draws. It's a classic case of "If you're good at something, never do it for free".
However, I am also not a fan of her paywalling her old content instead of just her new stuff. As long as I don't know her motive, though, I'll withhold any judgement on that part.

Shout on the other hand takes the source material and puts his own little spin on it. Queenie is my absolutely favorite design for a Nidoqueen, but that's just my opinion.
Shout could just as easily make money with his hobby but despite his family and his job taking up most of his time, he insists on keeping it just that: his hobby. Why exactly he does, I'm still not quite sure.

I don't find Blitz or any other professional artist to be bad, Shout's just generous beyond compare.


$5 says he'll hide the ending behind a pay wall, the ending so many people crave and would obviously pay for to get that conclusion.


oh I hope so, the bitching will be delicious


At this point some patreons are getting angry at her, so you wouldn't have to wait for long after a shitshow it would start.


he use to have a tumblr where he posted instead of /trash but now he moved here i think he is done with 4chan as a whole and won't even do a thread of art like he use to do.


At this point I would be happy with the WIP pages, the suspense is killing me


He originally posted a poll asking if people would be good waiting or wanted to see the WIP pages. Apparently a group of idiots said they would be fine waiting so now here we are wondering if Queeny ever gets the D.


Yes, always quality over quantity, specially w/ a great artist like Shout. But if we already waited for so long, what is a few more weeks if we can also get new stuff on random sketches (heck that even help him to vary a little in what he draws)?
I always favored getting some funny or sexy stuff every friday and eventually an update on Queenie, rather than weeks or even months of dead silence.
But OFC we can't force him to do as we please, so all is left is to wait patiently.

Heck, I've waited FOUR FREAKING YEARS for an update in "Dating a Team Magma Grunt" by Gooberman (also an amazing comic!), I can wait as much for Queenie (as long Shout give us a "shout" every now and then)


Just saw a new issue of "Dating a Team Magma Grunt" got uploaded the other day I guess Gooberman is finally done with his military service.


We had to wait 9 years for the complete hellsing ultimate abridged of 10 episodes. It's not even been a year since the last Queenie pages were uploaded.
I've learned how to wait for the good stuff.


In Hellsing Ultimate at least we knew the people making it were still alive, unlike Gooberman who could have (as far as I know) died and we would never see a continuation on DATMG, but yeah, another example of patience bear great fruits.


Nuzlocke comics are usually come of the best stuff of Pokémon comics, like those from Ky-nim, Pettyartist, Alex-namn, French-teapot and Kitfox-crimson. BUt as well is a shame those amazing who the artist seemly just dropped w/o warning like "Child's Game" by ClassyWurmple and "SoulSilver: Apocalypse" by SABERinBLUE


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it's not a friday
don't tell anyone
i'm super busy on it
posting next friday


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Well it's in Korean, but here it is, hot off the press: https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=kdk5011&logNo=221466046488&navType=tl



ʳᵉˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ʰᵉ ʰʸᵖᵉᵗʳᵃᶦⁿ


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Nvm, found the English translation here: https://mangadex.org/chapter/543436/1


O shit


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Oy fam! Generation 8 is here! New region, new mons.
Ya already picked a starter? Weird they didn't show the legendaries…



Can't wait to have the absolute mess of Brexit in a Pokemon game.


Team Brexit?


its about goddamn time


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Sure, why not. We've already had four or five takes on the Bilderberg Group as the story's villains. A Team of rebels fighting against a corrupt government would be new, and quite relevant.
Maybe they could try for actual moral ambiguity, instead of Gen 5's puppy-kicking. Although I don't think they should go as far as having a state-sponsored faux-grassroots counter-resistance; that'd be taking realism a little too far.


> that pose
is this real or fanart?


hot damn son, 7 parts and we haven't even finished the second one
looking forward to em


that's official, it's a part of the episode RR poster


Whelp. The Tumblr hosting the Queenie comic is dooown


eat my ass, fag


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He said next Friday. Only one week away!


big reee


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2 days to go


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You all gosh darn diggity ready?!


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i can hear you guy's disappointment from here


what shout giveth shout taketh


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It's not Friday Night yet, even on the east coast of the USA.


Oh lawd that comic, I need it for my sad pathetic life to have meaning


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oh hey


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happy friday night


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i love you


love ya more


Praise him, for he has risen


gods be praised!


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The wait is over boys!


worth the wait.

Zoomed in on the wide panels. The detail is awesome. Those panels in the hotel are a real treat.

God this comic makes me feel so good. Just let Queenie find happiness. It's all I want from life anymore.


File (hide): 1552094699413.gif (2.98 MB, 500x281, 1488846401219.gif)

good shit muh d00d



So when's the porn?


of fucking cours the first pokemon to beat queenie is a jew




>implying she's going to lose
Haha, no she'll win in the end
But he's going to put her to sleep and use Nightmare, sending her back to the scene in the first page of this update and she's going to go full vietnam flashback and brutally murder the shit out of him via "sleep talk"
The setup is too good to not be obvious


thanks i love it and also you


So… when does Queeny get the D?


>>370 And here I was expceting one or two pages and instead you deliver this incredible bounty.


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Shout, you may be a faggét, but you are the best faggét. Somehow, in an adorable Nidoqueen, you've created an icon.


gibs me dat update


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yeah guys bully me


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>>391 time to commit ritual sudoku


Draw more, art whore


Awesome stuff Shout! Keep the good work, mate :D

I mean… Took you long enough! Bet ya was jerking off to your own porn drawings most of the time. Now post the next one now! Get to the good stuff already!!! >:(


ur ghey
but is ok bc i love u


Are you sure he didn't? You don't need a pokéball to catch someone's heart.


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Even if she's not properly registered as his Pokemon, how would the other trainer know that? Don't forget, Anon and Queenie have already been through multiple battles (including a gym battle) and a major city or two without anyone noticing.


>oh, snap!
Seriously tho, probably a taxi or muscling through it to a nearest poké-center


she's fucking that Hypno isn't she



literally a 0% chance


Are you still working on the archive?


yes anon i'm still doing it but its fucking broken bc i'm shit but ill finish it soon


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alright coderAnon here.
so i went back on the website tried to fix it and it all broke down and it doesn't work anymore so i'm gonne have to rework it completely now. :(


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don't worry its getting there and it will actually work now


No, we have to wait another year for her to get properly screwed.


I'll wait forever if I have to.


You are a cool dude, thanks for taking so much effort to make this website


And sorry to admit shout, but the current tumblr for hosting queenieandanon is seriously bad


aww you too nice desu. don't worry when its done ill try to update it when i learn how to do css more. maybe do a phone version but don't hold me on that


forgot to includ the update screenshot


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believe me i know tumblr is a shit solution, but thankfully we have here, too.

happy frodo night


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so i guess this guy called the shit out of it

also man this looks great, I hope you open this up to other homeless artists




>having actually read it now
Holy shit, Shout. That was intense. Bad feels for everyone involved.

Except you, you glorious fagge. You are amazing.


shout i don't have the IQ to make the next tumblr also how the code is structured unless i give the source code out to everyone its a 1 artist type website, even if i wanted to make it a big thing i don't have the money to host a server desu


Absolute savagery, I love it

Very well done on the action scenes, Shout. You put in good work all that time, well worth the wait.

Also that second panel on page 28 got me to thinking, if Queenie was a Stand what would her stand cry be?


the nword lmao


File (hide): 1552685183051-0.webm (Spoiler Image, 15.28 MB, 1918x930, webSite.webm) [play once] [loop]

last update and then i will stop attention whoring


Worth the wait
One day anon's gonna start being a little too scared of queen and shit will get dark


While I was browsing your other artwork you posted more! Awesome!

Also jeez, she's kinda ruthless. Not that I blame her.

You had a few typos too, btw. First time I've noticed any in your artwork. You doing alright? Is our acoustic screeching putting you under too much stress?
("arlight" Pg. 26, "forfiet" Pg. 28)


Two weeks in a ROW!? HOLY SHIT!


And now they go to a new hotel room and Anon comforts her… WITH HIS DICK.


love ya shout


so shout how is the progression chart looking these days?

Im a bit bummed about next week being the last update in a while, I know the good shit takes a while to cook but at least I would like to temper my expectations


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Keep up the good work, mate! Loving it so far!


I love the OK on her hat being the opposite of Shout's NO face


dank post number
and continuing the trend of good fuckin shit my dude


> enters her mind on his trainer's command
> upon seeing her memories, pities her too much to actively go in and make it worse
> she fucks him up anyway
I feel kind of sorry for the Hypno. She should have fucked up his trainer like that, not him.


Uh, am I missing something here? There's like half a dozen open source danboorus out there already. What is the purpose of this project?


being a giant attention whore


but more seriously the idea i had was to make a website that allows people to comment anonymously on it without making a account and also allow the artist to put up small updates when he wants to just say something like tumblr but the gallery would be somwhere else and also a somwhat advanced research system that gives you a bunch of pictures to look atthat has the same tag. also i always hated how some website don't use the arrow keys to navigate over a pool so i'm also adding that.


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File (hide): 1552755465619-1.png (Spoiler Image, 405.8 KB, 901x936, websiteupdate3.png)

Do you guys have any idea of what else i should add bc i feel like there is something missing but i don't know


I am legitimately terrified how how queenie would behave if she were to evolve and get pissed off


What the hell are you talking about
She’s a Nidoqueen, what the hell is she gonna evolve into?


what was that nidoking going to do to her




that explains why she has a preference for humans


nidoempress duh


>It would be nice to have a list to choose any image for the gallery.
what do you mean by that ?
i'm sorry i'm retarded and french


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forgot to add the update with it desu


nigga what the fuck
He was actively mocking her for being a fighting dog


I hope we get to see these 2 again


Thinking if we can get some sexy action later in a side/non-canon art with those two… tapirs got horse-like dicks w/ a grip to hold the female btw


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Almost done anons


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87 fucking pages have been uploaded on the gallery i will do the rest of shout's stuff when i wake up in the morning. if someone can download everything shout posted here it would be a big help also (i will also fix the layout don't worry it wont look like that when i give you guys the link)


File (hide): 1552892897553.png (927 B, 73x36, he died 8(.png)

jesus fucking christ I knew the update was gonna go hard but I wasn't ready for it to go *this* hard. Can't wait to see this arc progress and cry like a motherfucker through it


This should be it. I assumed you meant comic-only, unless you want the sketches as well.



Remember that he has a trainer that he probably values in some way, who expects him to show no restraint. If there wasn't at least some modicum of pity at play here, he'd do as his trainer expects him to, get into that cage and double team her with that nightmare version of a nidoking. Kick her while she's on the ground from within her own trauma. Instead, he limits himself to watching and a little taunting. I'm not even sure if I'd think to just stand there if I was in his shoes.


I've already posted a .rar with all stuff I could find of Shout, NSFW or SFW including Anon&Queenie stuff and random art he posted, including here on subchan. Didn't you see it?


Pretty useless without the decryption key.



I also mentioned it in >>282 so I'm a bit confused, myself.


My bad… Thought "link without key" meant it didn't need one…


i'm talking about the new stuff he put on HERE desu


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coderAnon here
alright quick update i have been working with my current website for a while now and then i realised my current data base structure was fucking retarded so i'm working on it to fix it and add a shit load of new stuff so everyone could use the website better but i got a assignment for school that i have to focus on right now so i won't be updating anytime soon i think unless i get time to work on it.but for now it will only be a classic ass gallery so i don't know if you guys will find any real use for it


Well ok, I also update it with the new stuff like the recent Queenie pages.


Oh alright i didn't know that thanks a lot for telling me, sorry about that


If he really wanted to help, he'd have "eaten" the dream. It'd hurt, but that's what happens when you literally drain emotional trauma out of something.
Instead, he's letting it play out because he's a dick.
There is no pity. He's getting his jollies off at her suffering, and he can let it run as long as he wants because time is fucky in dreamland. Outside, it could have been only a few seconds. Inside? It could be an eternity.


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an embarrassingly short and fairly meaningless entry


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and it wouldn't be so bad if there was something afterwards to spice things up, like I had intended, but here's where we stop for a bit I guess


Understandable that she doesn't want to give Anon the details right after that fight. I look forward to seeing when that bomb gets dropped eventually.


Dangit Shout now I dont have anything to look forward to on Fridays.
Queenie is adorable as always tho.


Now see you got me excited for drunk Queenie…


How many drinks would it take to get her drunk?


She better get sloppy drunk and jump on his junk


Well since this is her first time she likely has a pretty low tolerance… Probably 2 to get buzzed, 3 for drunk, and 4 for sloppy sex plastered with Anon?


I feel like she'd be an initial happy drunk and then depressing mess after a few more.


>first two drinks: happy huggy drunk
>next two drinks: crying, clinging drunk
>next drink: angry drunk
>blackout drunk: Hey Anon you wanna fuck a pokemon? You don't get to say no~


God i want to fuck a pokemon…


The Nindoqueen is for lovey dovey intercourse after a decent romantic outing, not for sloppy drunk sex.
you animal


Then the next morning Anon asks the question that only blackout drunks, and Steve Urkel can ask: "Did I do that?"


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don't beat yourself up m80. shit's still very good and entertaining. you write the best dialogue.


I’m usually not a fan of coconut, but I might have to try a Piña Colada now.


You're forgetting, Anon.
He'd be sober.
He'd remember.
He'd only be asking if he did that in a mix of pride and awe.


But Queenie's a Poison-type. The question now is whether being immune to toxins prevents you from becoming drunk, an ancient problem that has been debated among pen & paper roleplayers for generations.
As near as I can tell, the general consensus is "go with whatever sounds better". Personally, I'd make a distinction between Pokemon that employ poison (e.g. Zubat, Seviper) and Pokemon that are basically made of poison (e.g. Koffing, Trubbish).


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q t 3.14 best gril


> Queenie speed-downed 2 pina colada early on in the day
She's going to drink a lot more and there's going to be drunk Queenie, isn't there?


How long do you anticipate before more chapters? Weeks? months? Just curious so I can set a mental time to check back. Love the work!


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yeah good question, and I'll throw up a question for you chappes:

Given that there are about 80+ more pages for me to do (and reading through what I have I know I want to make some changes and additions), and doing the last 39 pages took a few months in itself, I'm going to say a fair while.

What is immediately evident is not drawing anything else during that time period will not only drive me crazy, but it'll also just be bad for me - not enough practice time to try anything new, despite how much progress I can get done if I just hardcore it. So with that said I am going back to a regular stuff posting timetable, again even if they're just sketches. I think the silence drove us all a bit crazy.

As for Queenie stuff, here's the question: I have 4 more parts (which is likely to become more 5 parts later). Rather than me posting once everything is nearly done, which would take so long, should I just post when a part is done? Not one page at a time, I hate that in webcomics, it's like watching a movie in 30 second segments. So part 4 is looking like 18 pages (subject to change lol), once I get that done I feel I should just post it, and start working on part 5 (with regular misc arty bits and practice to fill the gaps).

Does that sound okay? Please give me your onions.


I'd be down for that, dont burn yourself out man.


If I were you, I'd make generous predictions about the chapters, release them one at a time. Under promise and over deliver is usually best. No decent person is gonna rag on you for doing what you need to in order to function artistically. (lul u gay) I do creative work with mini painting and digital art and I find myself doing about 70% done with a project then getting mega burnout. It takes considerable effort to do the last 30%. the idea and planning phases seem to energize me while hunkering down and doing all the hard detail work makes my mind wanna jump ship. So yea, you do you. I'd release 1 chapter at a time at a pace that doesn't make you wanna die. (wheres the porn faeg)


take your time big boy we can wait just don't off yourself


Releasing when a part is done sounds fine.


>I find myself doing about 70% done with a project then getting mega burnout. It takes considerable effort to do the last 30%. the idea and planning phases seem to energize me while hunkering down and doing all the hard detail work makes my mind wanna jump ship.
I'm not any kind of artist, but this still hits close to home.


Disclosure: I'm personally the "Finish everything, then post steadily" kind because I would lose respect for myself if I did what so many fanfic authors have done—stopped in the middle of nowhere—but I did in one case work chapter-by-chapter with a roughly regular release schedule (per month-or-two).

You've already identified your problem in two ways:
>an embarrassingly short and fairly meaningless entry and it wouldn't be so bad if there was something afterwards to spice things up, like I had intended
>I have 4 more parts (which is likely to become more 5 parts later)

Your next step is to get a better mental picture of the narrative arc(s) ahead to know where the best places to release pages are at. They may be "end of part," or perhaps narrower and more frequent as would be "end of act" (I'm presuming a typical 3- or 5-part structure per part), or just "whenever something looks cool." Then you can build around that a plan for other works (e.g., a 3-page something between every act and a larger piece between parts) that satisfies your other needs.

I believe it's safe to say that your readership will stick with you as long as you don't blast off for Mars and leave a deadfic behind, so you needn't sweat the schedule too much.

In Pokémon, poison resists but is not immune to poisons. Anti-venom is made from venom; poisons combined have effects that may compound, mitigate, or nullify the overall effect. That's good for authors because they can design rules that make it interesting.


I actually like one page at a time. I go back and reread everything later if I feel like I haven't gotten it down.


I'd say post in small batches? Every 3-4 pages or something; usually enough is going on that a few pages is a good stopping point for a bit. It'll keep things regular enough to not have the fans in anticipation and long enough for you to work out kinks and make changes without rushing through.


while i personally would like it one page at a time, i say do whatever makes you not burn out. despite the odd shithead coming in and complaining, we're mostly patient. take your time.


The problem with the one page at a time thing is that its a constant pressure. I work overnight tech support and some nights I get ZERO calls. Even though it can be low stress the sensation of being on call is a palpable one. Having a looming deadline can cause stress even when no work is being done.


That honestly sounds perfect. I said it before, but I personally love the variety the old Friday Nights brought in.

As for Queenie, I really like the idea of posting the parts as they come. Because you're right; one page at a time is cancer and not well suited for comics with narrative.

Do what's best for you, though. Burnout is real, so find that balance you like and/or can tolerate best. We love you just the same.


I like more the ideia of getting a bunch of pages ready and post rather than one at time in a random time schedule. I'm a patient person so I can wait, but posting one at the time I get the feeling that the artist is feeding us on grains rather than and actual meal, we "starve" faster.

I miss you posting random sketches and drawings between the time you work on/post Queenie comic, and if is driving you nuts only doing Queenie, than go back into drawing those, it will be nice to balance stuff once in a while


Yeah man do whatever works! Like many have said before, you do this shit for free so like, we're all just happy to have a comic. making the comic experience suck for you means we don't get a comic, so like, do what's best for you. We'll be here either way


You've already topped a lot of artists who drop one page a month (based on posted pages relativ to silence), and as much as I love my daily webcomic read (questionablecontent.net to name one) I'd vote for batch dumps.
Also more smut between dumps, (I'm sure we all want to see queeny rosy cheeked and satisfied) unless that causes more art burnout.


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Well I guess that settles it, more regular posting, with updates to the queenie posting when I do them, just don't expect the regular posts to be superduper if I'm on a roll with the comic, or if I'm doing horse stuff (I've still got a few projects I want to complete before the show is kill)

I know a few of you had preferred me to keep up the frini posting, and I'm sorry it's taken me this long to get round to it again. I just know I don't have a lot of time in the week to get stuff done.

it isn't finished so don't bother reposting, i'll work on other positions later


Why not post hawrss stuff here?


Not gonna lie, Shout….I kinda want smut with the Greasy Slut howrses. pls pls pls?


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holy FUCK thats hot


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Shout, I like your porn as much as the next guy, but I need more OL charizard in my life.
Still saving that anyway.


Reminds me of the pokémon quote "screw me onto your big dick and wear me like a cocksleeve" https://youtu.be/hNqtfFXq00k


Yo you should draw that Leafeon wearing panties or lingere on her head or something and wiggling her ass for her master. Really any Pokemon with four legs would work. Dialouge of her being confused as to how she's wearing the clothes wrong would be top tier. I love some cute lewd stuff like that lol


Also I just pledged to your patreon cuz you deserve it my guy. Here's to the best for you and I hope to remain a patron for the years of great art to come <3


It's a nice place

Don't ruin it, faggot


>poison resists but is not immune to poisons
Poison-types resist Poison-type damage, but they're immune to the PSN status condition (unless a Salazzle is involved). So Sludge Bomb will still hurt from the impact, but Toxic is harmless.
That said, as far as I know the type-based immunity is only mechanically quantified for airborne and contact poison. Consumption isn't explicitly documented outside of the likes of Snorlax and Garbodor.
Also, apparently in Gen2 (only), Twineedle was able to poison Poison-types…


Oh I wouldn't worry about that guy, you seem
equipped to take care of that one yourself


Jesus fucking god shout you are gonna give me a heart attack


>it isn't finished so don't bother reposting, i'll work on other positions later

Just a heads up, this pic is not even two days old and it has managed to spread like wildfire across various feral Pokemon NSFW circles. You simply can't throw out quality smut (especially Eeveelution smut) and expect it to go without reposting.

I came here ONLY from trying to find the source of this image; which has been cropped and recropped without a signature or link anywhere. Now that I'm here, I see you make EXTREMELY good quality stories, characters, AND smut, so all's good! Just keep in mind that nerds on the internet will go horny on main even if you say not to. ESPECIALLY if you say not to.

(So a signature or link or such would be advised for "unfinished" work going forward.)


you again?


>various feral Pokemon NSFW circles

you mean /vp/? I saw it on e621 before I saw it here, I was pleasantly surprised shout posted some smut on a non-friday



Not even those sources, believe it or not. When I said various, I mean various, different places unconnected to one another, with the theme being feral Pokeporn. shout severely underestimates what 10% of his power can do to the internet. Imagine what he can do with 50%.


Yo I just found out you’ve been dumping stuff on here this whole time ah beans




or what if more Ampharos?


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plan v2.0 i fucked up in a few places so i'm making amendments
and also the rest of that weird-looking bulbasaur porn
i suspect next week will be horse submission, so it'll be over in the other thread (check the OP).

because it's somewhere else, it is the way of things
yeah that's something i got to do
and i really really want to get started on that properly, just need time now
yeah i know, it kind of blew up, wasn't expecting it
nah, not yet. they're both planned, but not quite yet

have a lovely weekend guys, hopefully something better soon



goddamn shout this is absolute banger. what a way to end a Friday.


Heckin decent my dude


thats the most adorable bj I have ever seen

for the love of god please make a full course, you know, licking the sides, suckling the balls, taking the entire shaft on her mouth, showing the cum in her mouth and then swallowing, that kind of stuff

dang it we dont deserve you


Hope you can find time for yourself, Shout, and that the kids are doing well.



Feral's not really my thing but damn I guess I fuck leaves now. BRB planting a shrub.

Wholeheartedly agree with more cute Queenie. You're doing God's work!


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>more cute Queenie


sounds good muh man


I wish that leafie was me ♡w♡


I'm sure someone will fuck you, anon.



Hopefully this is the (semi) last edit to the plan! I see creators get so caught up with remaking old stuff that they never DO get to the new stuff. So adding now seems like the more solid plan!


After this Leafeon piece, I believe you can single-handedly wrestle the monopolization of feral Pokemon smut away from the top dog. It's spicy, it's sensual, it's sweet, and it has a sense of humor. I even noticed that you even managed to get across her breath control with your dialog, as well as her speaking tics. That's some strong, strong, strong stuff right there.

And if you're after feral like me, you know that it blows having to wait for the drip feed of renders to get the good stuff out, so seeing a piece which blitzes several monochrome sketches is super refreshing and welcome when they are of this high quality! People seem kinda obsessed with anthro Pokemon stuff, which is fine for them, but the feral space doesn't have expansive of a selection.

So uh yeah! Keep it all coming. Just know my vote is anything that's feral and/or unconventional picks.


I used your drawing as a reference/warmup/inspiration thing for what I want to draw eventually, which is…


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>>A Thing


Sooo…any hopes for some more wildecest? Some day?
Those few pics were amazing, but it kills me that they never went all in


Wait, shouting did wildcest? Why have I never seen this?! :o


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nick wilde from zootopia and his oc mom




dude i would fuck all the character from zootopia&pokemon its ok bc its only in my head and i'm not fucking dogs irl


we all have thing we dont like nigga, I would prefer for Shout not to make lewds of snek pokemon since no limbs are a total bonerkiller for me but what are you gonna do? tell the artist to NOT do shit they want to do?

he will get around to your sick fetish eventually, just chill



>doesn't know how to tell a joke

>doesn't know that a joke has to be told so that the reader instantly knows it's a joke, otherwise it's the author's fault for getting shitstormed

Just be glad that most people around here are chill.


If one person doesn't get its a joke, its them not catching on.

If multiple people aren't getting its a joke, your not so good at telling jokes.


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>tfw I can pretend it's a girl as long as I can't see the dick


yeah pretty much. A joke needs more qualifications than being called such to actually, y'know, work. Otherwise it's just a cheap cop-out for when nobody agreed with you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


protip, check the corners of the eyes for eyelashes. typical indicator of femininity


Generally, yes, but you know they draw traps with long lashes. That's how they get you, aside from giving them female bone structure and calling it a boy.


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Someone haven't saw Nanbaka yet. All men have colorful hair, feminine eyelashes and even painted polished nails, not to mention they literally sparkle "fabulously".
Still pretty funny though :P



Alright, that makes more sense. But here's the deal, right?

Shout doesn't focus primarily on Zootopia, specifically. As such, there's a significantly lower amount of people that are familiar with the series and, by extension, its memes within his community. I myself for instance don't know anything about Zootopia except that it's basically THE source for furry porn.

Within a Zootopia-based community, this comment would have been a joke. Period. But anywhere else it's the writer's job to somehow make sure that everybody is on the same page.

Had that image been posted before the comment was made, the indivivual reader would have been the one to blame for not reading through the blog. As it stands though, this just isn't the case here.

Jokes aren't facts; they're subjective. So if one gambles with the audience, EVEN IF the audience are all idiots, one doesn't have the right to complain.

TL;DR: If you make a joke, be SURE everyone knows what you're referencing, because YOU have to land the joke.


weaverxshout crossover when


This guy gets it


However, comma. Ambio



Glad to see you guys are taking the time to productively discuss the most insightful, thought out, and sincere comments after shout's last post! I appreciate the focus on community and comradery through common interests! We're all building our ideas off each other's to build everyone up and not down!

Keep it up, guys, I'm proud!


Eat a bag of AIDS


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nice pilpul rabbi


hey gamers why is this chat full of faggotry can you guys stop being gay for like 3 seconds jesus


wht did he say ???????



I'm sorry. It was genuinely mostly my fault because I have a bad habit of talking WAY too much. So I'm just gonna shut up until at least next week's friday night post so things calm down a bit again.

(wow, way to make myself sound SUPER important)


i know you will show up as a anon anon don't worry about it you homo. i have been gone for a full week and i just didn't know wtf was going on.


A story always exists for far longer than it was waited for, Shout.

We'll clamber and wail for it to be done for 2 weeks to 6 months, then it lives for decades.

I'm really glad you're taking your time with this.


Hey at least you update your shit faster than "Prequel: or making a cat cry the adventure"




Finally got some Coconut Cream and made one. Gotta say, it’s not that bad! Thanks, Shout.


over in the pone thread


what pone thread


this is the second pone thread, go nuts


i just realised that i never asked shout for his permision to post every single picture he ever made on a website


ay he would've said something by now if he wasn't cool with it right? I'm sure he's seen the website updates


Anon fucking Queenie when?




Last Friday.


We've got a genius sleuth over here


this is coder anon
Shout if you see this contact me trough twitter ill give you acces to admin power on the website when it goes online. very important desu. you can find the twitter link on the website itself


Hey boss
Odd question but do ya play dnd?


Yo, you got somewhere i can find your art?


Hey gamers coder anon here.
so i finished the website(woo) and it still looks rough around the edges but normally it should work on anything you guys use (phone/laptop/tablet/PC) so ill link it here if you guys have any problem with it please contact me trough twitter. you don't need to follow me on twitter tho. also shout i'm saying this again IF you see this please add me on twitter i will tell you how to upload images on the website. now i will go back into lurking for a while bc i'm working on a 4chan like part of the website so you guys can keep sending in abuse to shout and also maybe a comment section. http://shoutsgallery.epizy.com/index.php
(i didn't upload all of shout's pictures yet bc i don't have them all but i will soon )


his twitter is @pdart_nsfw


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I think you deserve this




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Good job coder anon
Here’s 7 good boi points for the hard gamer work


don't worry ill fix the layout of the website later and make it more sharp and easier to use


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pretty dull collection tonight laddos
I was working on something then I realised it was hyper shit then it got magically dereted.
Something decent next week, I'll try extra hard.

Gosh maybe I'll even find some time to read through some of what's in this thread later tonight.

Have a top weekend fellas.


Is that "hyper shit" as in quality or the fetish


alright gamers quick update shout reminded me that porn is not allowed everywhere and i had to switch place" so now the websit'e is hosted somwhere else.
if you see this please contact me again shout desu.


looks fine to me breh. glad you keep in touch with us.


I'm guessing he drew a big girl with big tits, but he wound up drawing the tits at a grotesque size.


quick question for you guys.
how would you feel to have a 4chan like chatroom but everytime we reach a 200 message they all get deleted and we start over ?


After those Leafeon sets, I am INCREDIBLY unconvinced what you said was "shit" was of poor quality. Two random sketches was enough to rack up a collective 600 points on e6, not to mention wherever else they got reposted to.

I know it's nice to have quality control and a sense of pride, but you'd be surprised what other people might see in those pieces! One man's trash is another's treasure, and whatnot.


personally i think its good shout is so grounded in reality bc it means he will always try to improve in a way and try new tings and he will never get bored of what he is doing bc there will always be something new to learn. and thanks to that us (the consumers) are way better off bc we get to see a AMAZING artist get even more amazing.


Quick question my dude. How much experience making websites do you have?


i have enough to build a basic website with a bunch of special features. but only in php so there won't be any fancy jquerry stuff.


That middle sketch has hips that could start and end wars. I would slay ten men in single combat to plant my palms on her.


dont delet pls


you keep introducing new girls and I always want to see more of them

who will get the spotlight when you are done with this Queenie run?


He's right you know. Look at the artflood of the girl in the grey sweater from Sword/Shield. Which isn't even out yet.

I wonder how (the girl with the Hypno)'s gonna hold down two jobs- one at the Diglett mudwrestling bar, one at The Greasy Slut- to pay for her pokemon's new skull?


Best girl is scottish girl after all


Remind me of that PokePorn comic that has been going for quite some time now, "Deception" by Master Ploxy.
Ya got everything good one can expect from a 170+ page porn comic, besides some actual decent plot and waaaaay too many funny faces/reactions :P

E621: https://e621.net/pool/show/7636
Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ps1yo47p3orynff/AABusqBulmlg0k7kJXvpQBSVa?dl=0


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Time to actually talk to you guys lol

Actually it was just an audino, but loads of things about her and the perspective were just off. I fudged it in some areas and it just sucked so out the window she went.

Well I actually decided to do pokes more because it's good drawing practice. I was doing ponies before, which only really have one body type. Pokes are all over the place, and it's really pushing me to try new things and actually get better. I feel if I stick to doing just one body type or just one way of a thing then I'll just stagnate, which is the worst thing that could happen. That or losing my hands in some freak accident.

Anyway, I keep doing other pokes just because I find it interesting to try something new and different. Like this salazzle I sketched last night while working on other things. I still haven't got her down yet and I need more practice because I'm going to be doing way more of her soon, but I'd never draw that body type if I just stuck to what I thought was attractive - not that I'll be drawing any terrible fetishes any time soon.

I used to, back when I had time.

Christ I hope not *every single* one. Most of them are terrible.

Oh yeah, that guy's top. He has a really dynamic way of drawing faces, they're amazing.


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oh and i did this a while ago
just that miserable sunflora
i'll do him a comic at some point


While I do agree with the sentiment that there's a desire to see lewds of most of the characters you produce… Because of Salazzle's nature I actually like seeing her not lewded.


That may sound like an interesting plot for a ecchi (nono-hentai/porn) series with all or one of those things:
-Pokémon with Cute Charm ability but don't like being touched as they want to be loved for whom they are, not cuz their ability;
-Pokémon with Cute Charm ability that want to date/love another that have Oblivious ability;
-Pokémon with Oblivious ability wants to know what is love ̶b̶a̶b̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶h̶u̶r̶t̶ ̶m̶e but fails to understand the concept;
-Pokémon typically associated with being sexy want to live "normal" lives but everything seems to push them to abuse their appearance to get stuff.

That also reminded me about another PokePorn comic, "How My Gardevoir Became A Porn Star" by TheKite. Pretty smooth drawings and coloring.
Also recomend it: https://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/TheKite/664273/How-My-Gardevoir-Became-A-Porn-Star---00


hate to be a broken record
you know


>Most of them are terrible.

I haven't been around until recently but from what I could find, you've always had a very consistent artstyle.

With most artists you can clearly see their learning curve so most of their early art isn't that great by comparison. In your case though you've only improved in terms of detail BECAUSE you'd already laid a solid foundation. Even your sketches are far beyond average in terms of quality.

I know you're very critical with yourself but rest assured the majority of your work is some really good stuff overall.


i have been stalking him since his mlp art anfd when i joined his aret was already good tier. it only god good with time


Could also have a homosexual pokemon with Cute Charm. Constantly attracting the opposite gender but that's not what they're after.


That actually was already kinda done (not in Pokeporn yet though) in the manga "I'm the Main Character of a Harem Manga, but I'm Gay So Every Day Is Hell for Me"


asking a question then leaving a nword on read huh smh smh


This is an anonymous board, no one knows whether you're allowed to say that or not.


haha no anon don't get me wrong.
i have said the nword so many fucking times that it isn't even fun anymore so instead i like to say nword. bc turns out that if you say a word a lot it jut loses all taste.
also 4chan use to mute you if you just said nigger so it just kind of turned into a habbit


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>when you remember tomorrow is Friday and that means a shout update

It is a Good Friday indeed


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I totally ran out of time on this one, and a few bits are rushed or otherwise just not thought about properly. I wanted to have this coloured (or shaded at least) but oh well. Maybe later.

I spent a bit of time going through and changing bits in the queenie comic this week, and I'll probably go into more depth next week about that, as well as other larger projects I'd like to do.

That's kind of how I feel. She's like turned into this go-to-pokelewd lady. I want to give her an actual character and more depth than just 'hy bb wan som fuc?'. Hopefully I'll do her justice.

Have a top weekend lads.


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and the dialogue's not really necessary


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and previous sketches just fucking around


shout already posted his stuff on twitter can't wait to see what the uncensored verions looks like


Okay, now you're memeing us, Shout. "ran out of time" and made three different scenes with inks and dialogue. I'm not sure what "enough" time would look like, because these are stand out amazing! I imagine these will be making the rounds on the boards.

Aaaaaaand just as I say this, I see it be posted in the server I'm in. 10 minutes!


Holy fucking shit ACTUAL dragonite stuff. It's about damn time there needs to be WAY more of this because I sure as hell can't find it anywhere else.


and the lord did say there should be more dragonite porn, and it was so, and the people rejoiced, and the children danced and played upon the cut stone, and there was much merrymaking, and the lord saw this, and did know that his people were happy


I wish you had weirder fetishes
This is a perfect setup for unbirthing




i do not have this fetish and yet I would enjoy it greatly here. Or facesitting. Idc the risks.


Dunno to say if what I've are weird fetishes but at least can look like "picky"
Like, I enjoy pregnant women but not "inflated" or "bloated"; and there are futas that I enjoy despite not being gay like on "Bondage Faeries", "Cursed Toilet" and "Sei So Tsui Dan Sha" which I think are more "fake futas", as they could use strap-ons instead, would feel the same, not like they are "traps"


Big yikes from me fam


if you want to see unbirthing then go find the billion other images out there with it

or stay and enjoy more of shout's 'noob trainer discovering pet problems'


Because it's a standard trope unfortunately. If suddenly both parties want it then somehow it stops being hot. The reluctance of once, usually on the male side, does it for some people. I rather have it your way and watch this guy rail that dragonite willingly


Two reasons on where it comes from.
A: The situations. If you have something where a trainer gets introduced to sex with his pokemon, 'jesus what the fuck' is a more natural and believable reaction than 'oh right! Time to get my dick wet!'. That last one maybe comes later, once he's been made comfortable with it. Once you have a character that already screws pokeymans on the regular, that's when you can have him go into it with enthusiasm.
B: The appeal. People want to be desired. People like the thought of being desired so much, that in a sexual encounter, they aren't doing the pursuing, they don't need to persuade anyone that it's a good idea to hook up. It's hottest and the most appealing, when it is forced onto them, either by circumstance, or by physical force. It also breaks the ice, where an innocent trainer would have a lot of hangups and inhibitions.
And pokemon specifically, is basically made to appeal to that taste. You have pokemon here, who reach sexual maturity much, much faster than their trainers, and by extension, if either of the two is the side tempted to initiate sexual encounters, it's the pokemon pursuing their trainer, not the other way round.

I'm someone who fully enjoys that trope. It is a good one to use and thus exists for a reason.


The _lack_ of dialogue lets it go in a different direction. "1-Jackpot! 2-Don't clench, don't clench! 3-This is grosser then expected, also my hand is numb to the elbow."
Somewhere, somewhen, this is the first day hell that young horse and cow wranglers go through.
Aside from that, pokemon dragging their young trainers into physical adulthood is both sympathetically pathetic, and glad it's not me so turn it up funny.


You can enjoy it, and I agree with why you enjoy it, but it also gets overused to the point that it becomes stale unless you like eating stale chips too. Breaking the routine every once in a while is ok.


A) In a world full of dragons, living plants, electrically charged rodents, and creatures capable of demolishing a building, you're gonna have to define what qualifies as "believable". Believable to who? The characters in the story? The random passing reader? Someone who follows a particular series? Folks who wanna bust fat nuts to funny colored animals? Sure, it may be "logical" in the meta sense (us, IRL), but there is absolutely no reason for someone in-universe to not know about their Pokemon's heat cycles. It's like living in the countryside and not knowing that chickens laid eggs, how to tell a stallion from a mare, or that cows can be milked. And that's animal husbandry on the mundane scale; imagine what you'd need to teach kids to deal with borderline supernatural beings! The reason he doesn't know about it in the comic is just to get people's dicks hard.

B) You're right for the most part! Pokemon, as a franchise, was based around the central theme of relationships between you and your Pokemon. And seeing how Pokemon came about after the Japanese bubble economy burst in the 80s, leaving people poorer and unhappier, yyyyeah folks may want to feel wanted. Unconditional love is very much necessary in a world where it seems working no longer gets you anything of value. That said, the creepy undertones come into play with something called "Born Sexy Yesterday".

You know the one. Some insanely sexy alien, robot, or other lifeform shows up on Earth and doesn't know about human culture/traditions/emotions. What ends up happening is that they take residence with whatever random dude who comes across them first; with said dude having absolutely no notable traits except for…uh…existing? What usually follows is an OOPSIE BOOPSIE SEXY TIMES at best, and intentional sexual coercion at worst. With no other point of reference for what is/isn't appropriate/expected, the random dude who saw this being first has an all access pass to be a sleazeball with hardly any consequences. They Sexy tends to be the type who won't complain, won't resist, be very gullible, have no expectations/limits for what the random dude says/does, always down to fuck, and not have much say in anything so long as said dude tells her what to do.

Which is the supposed appeal of this kink, I guess; not taking initiative to find a partner or even come to the remote realm of possible rejection can be appealing to the stereotypical geek. Which…isn't the best thing to be considered the "target audience" for. The implication is always "the only way you'll smash puss if it was delivered to you on a silver platter in bed", which isn't really fun for anyone involved.

C) It's okay to nut to porn without having to justify to ourselves that it isn't nasty or creepy on some level. You like vore, he likes hyper udders, she likes dubcon, and I like ferals. It's FINE. It's okay. Getting horny isn't a felony. Just don't believe what you consume in fiction is of any way reflective of IRL. Doing otherwise is what makes you a real, actual repulsive neckbeard.


Save pokemonRapeRant.txt



yo nice post number


Salazzle's fetishes are things like holding hands in public, cuddling, and having her head pet sensually in loving way that doesn't lead to sex.
Unfortunately due to her pheromones going off when any of the above are done, sex always happens and she's a bit embarrassed by it.


jesus christ how horrifying
looks like one of those indents kenshiro leaves in people with his punches
will trainer fuck he dragonite proper?




It's not hump day, humpnigger


Utterly debauched. I love it.



Hump-your-hand Day


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Yeah this is gay and obviously not finished. I've been spending a lot of time this week working on the comic so I couldn't finish what I had intended here, so I guess I'll be finishing it for next week.

Oh by the way: I'll be on some terrible kind of a vacation friday to monday next week, so I'll post on thursday. Thursday night's a pretty cool guy too, right?

I hope you have a good weekend felas, and I'll make sure the next post will *actually* be half-decent.


that charmeleon is cute! CUTE!
Have fun on your vacation.


and give her an extra big brapper


Personally, I'm more of an anthro fan.


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That Salazzle is actually super great. Nice to see art of her that's actually badass instead of just sexy (not that there's anything wrong with sexy, I just want to see my girl kick some ass too, dammit). Hope to see more of her from you soon.


this shit's already more than half-decent my friend. that charmeleon is waifu bait.
have fun, come back with l00ds


Checking on E621, even searching img with "safe" rate, most still depict Salazzle as somewhat horny,clingy or doing sexy poses. Here some more "wholesome".





Guy, you can still use teats as sex toys. Posexe made an image about this.


Seconded. I love me some salazzle.


What's the name of that, anyway? (It's not "nipple insertion", that ended up being things going into nipples instead of nipples going into things.)


you guys are going to have to stop! this is lewd >:C


I could only think "reverse nipple insertion", I guess this is what you're looking for: https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/?tags=reverse_nipple_penetration


wanting to have sex with pokémon is a clear sign of autism


What a silly proclamation. If you've got a problem with something, I'd personally recommend you avoid it, you may find your day much brighter as a result ;)


you should never take a anon comment to heart.
>inb4 haha i didn't take it to heart
>inb4 you are trying to backtrack
(i'm not the anon you are talking to i'm another one)


yeah but we're still allowed to sass them if they're saying some dumb shit


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you gonna get haunted


does anyone have a mega that has every picture that shout send here?


haunt me until next the full moon <3


So is necrophilia if I pork a Ghost type?
And when I hatch one from an egg? Are they considered stillborn then? So it becomes both necro and pedophilia?


I require fanart

I require fanart of raichu getting fucked by her trainer.


would it at all be possible for some uh… Bisharp Stuff?


These aren't questions you're supposed to ask.



It's a magical world of magical sentient psuedo-animals and demigods. They ain't gotta explain shit.

No matter what they're probably ~~adorable~~ fuckable.


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Did concrete staircase draw this?


No, you goober, note the signature in the bottom-left corner.


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Howdy fellas, dropping in from /vp/ to post a funny edit, don't mind me, keep up the great work, love the art, all that good stuff

I'm not sayin' there should be a Leafeon dressed up in an air force getup, but I'm definitely saying there should be a Leafeon dressed up in an air force getup


coonkun. there's a name I haven't heard in a while.


all my friends went to the chair force and became miserable.
you can't make me go.



I can imagine that, bean bags are better


hey shout, sorry if you get asked this a lot but are you ever thinking about continuing that braixen puke comic?


I'd love to see a continuation of it too. Not even into puke, it was just strangly cute and heartwarming.


Excuse me what sorcery is this?


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on holiday tomorrow til monday, hopefully i'll have time to do some sketchbook work.

i'll answer some questions in this thread in a bit



Very ass-thetically pleasing.


wait a second it ain't friday yet


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goddamn you have a way of drawing pokemon I'd never consider sexy in a way that absolutely stuns me. Seriously, well done. I want to cuddle that Miltank


If you could have one pokemon for snuggling, which would it be?


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Life's been busy this last week. I've been working on the comic, and it's now in a state where I can carry on with inking it like before, so it'll be good to make some *actual* progress now!

Salazzle's a pretty good fighter if you look at her stats and abilities, it's actually kind of a shame she's constantly lumped in with porn when there's so much more she could be. But then that could be said about anything I guess.


Maybe sorta? But like, no actual puke would be involved. It's not something I'm into. I just did it for a laugh.

>raichu getting fucked by her trainer
Sure, I need to draw some actual fucking soon anyway.
>bisharp stuff
I gotta get some bisharp practice to be honest so yeah sure.
Oh yeah you requested that like weeks ago, right? I'm not a fan of Serperiors, but I'll give it a shot. Something else to practice.
Honestly probably something like a nidoqueen. Large enough, but not too large like a snorlax, and non-fluffy. The fluff would just get in my nose and I'd want to scratch my entire face off. But then I'd get poisoned and die if it was following the game logic so I guess I'll die.


I know I requested it before, but…
…greasy slut pone porn?
I know you rarely draw actual pone smut, but it seems they should live up to their name, right?


Glad you've hit a stable spot.
Flareon when
OL Charizard when


"Surperior's a great choice, ninetails… Always had a thing for Absols"


could at least share the video with the class


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But who could resist this?


>The fluff would just get in my nose and I'd want to scratch my entire face off.
Now I'm picturing a trainer with a fur allergy and a pokemon with a sneezing fetish. Something super fluffy like a flareon.


I think Shout would rather make something more challenging.
I mean, basically EVERYBODY have done porn about humanoid and/or popular Pokémon in some way, but what about some less popular or with a not much aesthetic design to look "sexy"? He already made Garbodor and Ludicolo, but how about something like Tynamo, Barbanacle, Simisear, Bronzong and Muk?


I won't lie, I'd kill for some ninetales action done in your artstyle!

*Shamelessly tosses the request into the ever-growing pile* :D


I'd love to see what you'd do with a bisharp, be it lewd or otherwise, so I'm pretty stoked. love your stuff.


I remember the mommy ninetiles memes
those were hot
pls shout


While I feel like a dick for piling atop the request mountain, but could we get some Female Samurott?

I’d like to think they’re prudish enough to remain sexually stoic in front of their trainers but then proceed to masturbate themselves into a quivering mess in a closet while in heat.


if you see this message shout check your twitter PM desu



holy shit this, I will give you whatever amount of money you want if you do this shout(up to $200 anyway)



I was kinda thinking more along the lines of a feral ninetales tbh, kinda like the leafeon he did, but milftales is also pretty darn attractive


Female samurott is shamefully underrepresented in art, she definitely deserves more


I think the fact that even females got thick beard/whiskers is kinda off putting for most artists to try to draw porn. But heck just be creative and don't add those, or at least some sideburns if you think must still have something


shout if you see this read your twitter pm but don't try to contact me trough them my twitter was suspended lmao


Well you just give them glorious Shogun luscious locks to make up for it. Easy!


someone's been naughty


only a lil



Also Samurotts’ proportions are kinda odd to work with. Extend the limbs and you’d get a near proper anthro Pokémon there


alright gamers i found a way to embed a discord chat into a website should i do that for the website and if i do that should i put it on all the pages or have a single page dedicated to the discord chat ?


Single page for it I'd say. If it ends up being on every page then have some way to hide it or some option so that it isn't loading up the discord chat each time you click "next" when reading the comic.


i tough about it and having it on every page would just make it too heavy so its on a single page called Chat you guys can now talk using discord or just join shout's discord on the website




I think anywhere else would be a problem cuz "nobody" like porn -_-


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yeah this week was awful for free time, i did this and there was no time to try anything else. I did draw a raichu but it sucked so I destroyed it, I'll work on another at a better time.

I really want to do some more GS in the future.


I had an idea for a ninetails comic at some point, but way into the distant. Maybe just some sketches next time.

HAH, GOOD NEWS: No messages. One assumes when you're a naughty lad on twitter your pending messages also get killed.




>drawing of raichu sucked and I destroyed it
Rip big brown electric mouse


Bisharp makes me think of Bubbles in a bladed armour outfit (from Questionablecontent.net)


i have been using discord for years now they allow porn so maybe we really should make a discord server


fuck me


>go from a semi-insular community to a fully insular one that you need an invite to get into
just say you want to keep shout to yourself, you big gay homo-fag.


alright first of all the fact i want shout to myself was never a secret.
and i think if we post a infinit invite here or on the website then everyone could just join when they look for shout also his twitter



It is a tempting idea however:

1. Infinite invites tend to break after a while. Not sure why but it happens, we would need to keep whatever post contains it updated.

2. A code-fag is making a love porject just for shout's artwork.
Cluttering up the thread won't be much of a problem then.

3. Are there enough shout fans wanting to "mingle" to warrant communication outside of here?

4. Would shout even be comfortable with it?

If the above is resolved, he mayaswell move over to discord and just make a channel that only he can pot in for his art, the rest for us cretens.


well i did add a discord chat embeded into the website you guys can use its kind of laggy but my idea was that not everyone would stay for days on that discord but more that people would go there to chat when shout post art


Discord is terrible, they always get taken over by powerstripping autists who create drama and bring it back to the original comfy anonymous place to shit it up, I've seen it like a dozen times. Either that or they're just dead, in which case why have them in the first place? If you really need a chat on your gallery site for some reason just embed an irc client or something.
What's wrong with here anyway?


discord's service is a lot more fun to use for this kind of thing then the 4chan format but i see what you mean i'm ok either way



With the pro's and cons laid out, I think we can all agree that the final say in the matter should be shout's.


Yeah, and it was "no."


Fuck discord. I ain't touching that shit. Subchan is perfect.


In addition to the powertripping and drama, there's also the fact that the community would be splintered, and smaller communities tend to die out.
I personally am convinced that the people who spontaneously suggest using Discord are paid shills and freaks who treat the platform as a cult that they belong to. Everyone else, from every part of the political spectrum, always condemns Discord because, as you've seen, it kills everything it touches, and it's been going on long enough now for most people to be aware of that.


alright then no discord


Would love to see a Gourgeist from you.


I don't get the fascination with those weird-looking jetplane blobs.

I wouldn't go as far as to say it's perfect by any stretch, but it's much more open and available than Discord.

To be honest I don't like using discord, but it's more of a necessity at this stage. Regardless of the sever-specific politics and drama that inevitably happens, the software itself is a pretty nasty piece of work, its passive scanning activities aren't too dissimilar from malware (thankfully easily thwarted by sandboxing). Besides, if a fanclub server for me were to exist, would it be any different from the myriad of other art/poke/horse/lewd servers out there? I don't think it's worth it.

Regardless of whatever reason some people have against using a particular service, there are no strings attached here, no sign up requirements, no creepy backend data slurping, it's as simple as it gets.



>Regardless of whatever reason some people have against using a particular service, there are no strings attached here, no sign up requirements, no creepy backend data slurping, it's as simple as it gets.

True and true. I don't even mind the lack of structure on subchan, as long Shout can post his stuff here without any problem, I don't care for anything else.


Excellent bisharp lol


Pumpkin girl is doing her best and that’s the best



weird-looking jetplane blobs vs weird looking gourd blobs


Bulky wife looks cute


now this is some top notch bisharp.


the jet girl is cute


On the topic of blobs. Voltorb with pink panties that say "just" on the back. Give it goth makeup and a skateboard.



Fuck my tired brain I meant "jucy."


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This seems like Queenie


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Don't worry anon i got you


every day I spend coming back here I'm reminded more and more why I hate chanboards lmao, shout's lucky he has top-tier content or I'd be out


every day I come back here I'm just reminded why I love to what with all this bullshit that is posted



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One day



8/8 thnx m8


Any chance for a thicc roserade based loosely on some of the stuff in this paste?


Love the fact the heights were mostly based on the games, Audino is 3'07"/1.1m and Flabébé was almost invisible being only 0'04"/0.1 m lol


shout when you see this this friday please contact me trough my new twitter account https://twitter.com/MiltonFromTorna
ill tell you how to use the website again


Ain't nobody reading all of that


Worth a shot.


it was a nice story i liked it anon thank you


Machamp is 5 feet/1.6m and Looking how it looked higher than Jim, I guess all the humans in the movie are tall midget then :T


Watching and waiting… For Queenie and Anon…


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This week was supposed to be so many other things. A teacher delphox for a (really gay) bud, a steelix and onix comic, a gardening audino - but combination of spending time on another comic and things just not working properly lead to the emotionless bisharp returning. She's kind of growing on me.

I ain't readin that.


sorry lads, it won't be for a while, got one project to work on, then another, THEN i'll be back to Queenie…. then a hiatus come early June for a few weeks while life kicks me in the dick.

Have a top weekend fellas.


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>this hugger doesn't carry cork strips specifically for bladed pokes
this is why spontaneous hugging is child's play. Premeditated cuddling is for big-brain trainers.


also good luck on dealing with the dick kicks, Shout. Hope you and yours have a good summer.


Now that's some quality shit


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This sharp cutie deserves hugs and I won't take no for an answer


What if one of them wore a flex seal/ tape tank top?


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Take all the time you need shout.
Thanks for the Friday art! :)


Just give her a pat on the shoulder…pauldrons? Would she even feel the pat?


Hug her anyway.


Another comic? Do tell!


pls draw teacher delphox



>not hugging the bisharp anyway

Pussy, I'd fuck it and risk the cuts, I ain't a bitch.

good shit by the way!


It seems it’s actually safest to kiss her instead of hugs


I must see this in comic form.


Fuck at least put garden gloves on and hold hands?


Discovered the Queenie comic on a random search of Tumblr a few days ago and I'm utterly hooked.

This rendition of Nidoqueen is just so delightful! She's such an angel, super cute, and she's got some real interesting character development! Honestly I've totally fallen in love with her, if she were real I would cuddle the shit out of her.

I'm not normally a fan of NSFW work but what's been in the comic so far seems quite tame and tasteful, and in some ways even cute.

Can't wait to see how the story progresses. You've earned another fan today, Shout! Top work!!!



no u


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What about a Spinda maid who's (obviously) clumsy but enthusiastic?


There's no sexier pokemon than meganium come on now


So, is that a no on the Samurott request?


He just needs to get some blade covers is all. Nice and easy fix.



Some nice soft leather covers. In black. With tassels.


Maybe Zangoose and Seviper rage fucking

Also, any thoughts on "egg insertion", be by a tentacle or bug?


Now I'm picturing a Zangoose and Seviper fighting over their trainer and who's better.


To make it saucier, male Zangoose and female Serviper. So while Zangoose is fucking the Serviper, she's fucking him with her tail.



Isn't Seviper's tail a huge blade? I'm sure there's some niche appeal to a few people but I'm not sure anal evisceration is really the sort of thing people had in mind for the pairing.



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Oviposition is a stupid fetish.


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no happy friday for us bro…

(manly tears been shed)


take all the time you need Shout, here's hoping you're dealing with the usual shit and not some sudden serious shit.


It stems from the idea of being "filled", in that capacity I can understand it, especially when it comes to literally fetishizing bodily fluids (like people who are into "messy" stuff). I can also understand it from the perspective of wanting to be able to carry a child of someone else, be it a lesbian who doesn't want a man inside them or a gay man who physically can't carry a child. It's kind of an intimate thing like that. Does it make more sense / sound less stupid now?

That said, still can't understand vore. Especially cock vore. Why. Just why.

(And no, oviposition is not a fetish of mine)


this place took a turn jesus


"Vorarephilia is characterized by the erotic desire to be consumed by, or sometimes to personally consume, another person or creature, or an erotic attraction to the process of eating in general practice. After consumption, the enlarged belly of the consumer is often described with great care. Vorarephiles sometimes prefer to differentiate between soft vore and hard vore; soft vore means the victim is swallowed whole and alive, and may possibly come back out in the case of a "non-fatal" scenario, while in hard vore the victim goes through a more gruesome, realistic digestion process, often getting chewed up beforehand" - Source: Wikipedia

I think the biggest reason for someone to like for is that part of soft vore, "being inside a fleshy, comfortable and warm place", cuz I haven't saw many hard vore in comparison (I also don't like it but to each their own). The cock/vagina/nipple/anal vore is mostly called "unbirth" which might have something else involved… I recall theBoogie nowadays do more vore than other stuff, which is kinda of a shame since he have a godly drawing skill.


It's what happens when people try to have a conversation in a vacuum.


i know but still damn it went down hill quick lol. well at least people are having fun!


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I hope you're doing alright Shout.

Best regards~


I mean, we could start a better conversation. Like, I've been wondering, is there a term for the relationship between Anon and Queenie, where one party is romantically interested (but too timid to say it outright), and the other is too oblivious to pick up on the increasingly unsubtle hints? I feel like it's probably a whole genre, or there's a single Japanese word that encompasses the entire relationship dynamic.


i think queenie is interested in anon and anon knows it too wall since i started reuploading it i noticed that multiple time queenie does some pretty hardcore flirt with anon and anon reacts to it like when they want to sleep togheter or when she invites anon to take a shower with her. i don't like the whole pokemon X trainer thing a lot but for now the story is just about 2 idiot going on adventure and that i like a lot so i don't mind the romance subplot



I don't really think that there's a specific term for that kind of relationship, especially considering that at this point Anon is CLEARLY not completely oblivious to Queenie's desires anymore, actively teasing her just before the Hypno fight. The problem is that Anon has moral issues with the idea of having a romantic relationship with a Pokémon. Basically, he knows but decides to avoid the topic for the time being.


He will give in one day
Maybe not all a sudden, but hopefully sometime before the story ends?
Pic not related


We've all seen this kind of trope, the sex/relationship fantasy the characters have but can't do cuz society wouldn't approve.
Be incest (even with step siblings is considered to be), "zoophiliac" (including anthro characters, which is the case of Anon and Queenie), with a "minor" (either, both are "adults" but someone is much older, perhaps even on the hundreds; or one of them IS actually a minor, but since the other LOOK like a minor is "ok"); or just straight MILF/older teen going after the shota.
Almost nobody goes for those things cuz either or both are against the law or morally condemned by society. And surely will end with the question "Should I follow my morals or my ̶b̶o̶n̶e̶r heart?"


A Salazzle with a human allergy and everytime she sneezes she dumps more pheromones everywhere by accident.



Oh, it's absolutely a trope and I'd want them to just fuck go for it as much as the next fag. But I suppose tropes build up tension pretty effectively, as much as I hate to admit it.


at some point though it just gets old. Especially with how infrequently it gets updated.


File (hide): 1559247060914.png (51.43 KB, 516x467, detonation.png)

bloody hell lads whatever happened to 'don't shitpost too much'?


We tried…


Sorry, Shout. things got out of hand…



Did we though?
Did we really?


you decided to use a watered down version of 4chan shout did you really think you were going to get anything else but a watered down shitpost


We failed


File (hide): 1559252022426.png (104.98 KB, 841x466, fagge.png)

oh you're absolutely right, it just would have been nice to keep it a little more gallery-like without having to delete so many posts (one by one, as it happens).

I might need to have an *actual* gallery somewhere else, you know. Not sure where though. More research later.


Once again, Discord would be a great choice. You could make channels dedicated to your art, and quarantine the shitposts to another.


It'd be a great choice only for those who have discord, but you have a fair point.


This style has grown on me. It definitely promotes interaction in a way that a gallery with comments doesn't. All it really needs is a bit of extra functionality, some way to automatically sort between content posts and anon responses to content and anon responses to anon bullshit.
Even just a couple pre-set filters and post collapsing, like a "Hide all non-shout posts" button, with a button on each post that will un-hide responses to that post would feel like enough, at least from this end.
Whether Pineapple wants to put in the work to implement something like that is another thing though, I have no idea how difficult it would be.


interasting idea anon


Long answer: Nothing else to do.

Short answer: Your mom.


Agree with >>876
Discord is the best option if you want a gallery, Shout. It'd also be a lot easier to interact with fans of your art, since you can do it pretty much whenever you have free time


it's the best option for people who have discord. for the rest of us who don't feel like installing more shit, we get left behind with whatever happens to filter down.
In other words, the best option if you want to split the community.


dude discord is basically a web browser that takes you to the discord website.
but after thinking about >>878
i feel like the best idea would be to have a gallery website with a 4chan like forum attached to it that would just send a message everytime shout post something. ill start working on it when i'm done with my exams


we get lonely and autistic when you go away uwu


I'd bookmark Shoutbooru.
Pretty sure we're lonely and autistic when he's here, too.


also feel free to make reports on posts you think are too shitposty, this place does have janitors.


Salazzle can be incredible if used right. I've used mine (a shiny named Majesty) in several of those online competitions, she kicks plenty of ass.

I'd imagine in the Pokemon world, Salazzle doesn't have a great reputation because of the pheromone thing and people become suspicious of male trainers who pick her, so the only people who go for her are girl trainers (like Plumeria) or highly dedicated trainers who can ignore the stigma and use her to the best of her abilities.

…also I don't know why that Salazzle is crying but I hope she's okay.


We Here for ya shout, just let us know the plan when we get there


Perhaps when the post-count hits 1000, a new thread could be made?
Loading times get progressively slower…


If this website works anything like 8ch, you should be able to make threads that are locked/non-mods can't post in. So all you do for a gallery is make a dedicated thread for that, and check the option that prevents non-mods from posting in it. And if you hit the limit, you can just make a second one.


So what, he just makes a Discord with a bunch of channels for different categories of artwork he makes (A Pokemon channel, a MLP channel, etc.) that people can see but not post in? Sounds good.


like other people pointed out discord has a way of fragmanting someone's fanbase and ultimately die with enough time.
and shout has said before that he doesn't want a discord server at all bc he doesn't like it so i think we should respect his choice


File (hide): 1559333317597.png (1.58 MB, 841x4193, hug from behind full.png)

happy friday night lads
what's the weekend plans

If enough people want it at this point there's not a lot of reason to not, it's not like I'll shut this place down, but it'll help with the shitposting. Not that I'm blaming any of you, it's natural instinct for all of us at this point.

Only concern is I have no idea how to run it, or if I want to run it at all. The more time spent doing some admin crap for patreon or twitter or discord ultimately means less drawtime.


>whats the weekend plans
i got beer and pot noodles and am watching localc speedrunning events, also STREAM WHEN?


>Only concern is I have no idea how to run it
From my experience of Discord, it's easy. Just find which of your followers is the biggest faggot furry and have him be admin, and allow for almost exclusely gay RPing. You won't have to do anything yourself at that point, the admin(s) will see to banning and kicking anyone who complains about their incest/futa/diaperplay.


that is insanely accurate
shout if you don't want to do discord you should not do it my dude. you just going to hurt yourself



I would be in the group against a Discord. Never really understood the hype and never really enjoyed using it much myself. I would say don't create extra work for yourself that's unnecessary.

A quick Ctrl+F seems to work quite well on this thread at the moment.


I am going to suggest furaffinity or e621 as a way to host as it is very centralized with a more easier way of looking though art than scrolling though a over hundred post thread. I know your fears are that they will delete you background work (or that may have been someone else I don’t remember) but I know for a fact you can show backdrops: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/22723921/


you dont have to admin shit most of the time anyways, you'll be fine


the problem is that shout likes to interact with the people following him. e621 is gallery website and so i furaffinity.


File (hide): 1559346357082.gif (1.77 MB, 300x225, rita wew.gif)

>there's not a lot of reason to not
We're talking about a platform which has had tens of millions invested in it, does not have any ads or other obvious way of turning a profit, and was founded by the same person who founded OpenFeint, a mobile gaming network that was sued for illegally harvesting and selling its users' data.
That's just the tip of the iceberg. There are, in fact, a lot of reasons to not.


What this guy said, 100%


I cri everytiem


i'm a 100% with you the only reason why i use discord is to shitpost at a very high frequancy so i don't care about it a lot but you should def not use it otherwise


I would rather check tutorials and such to see if worth my time to have one of these things before creating an account.

As far as I can remember, you've said that you: don't like to have a tight schedule, don't want to turn a passion into a boring work and never want to feel pressured to do stuff you don't want at the moment. You rather much do everything at your own pace. And having an account somewhere is expected that you have interactions almost all week for many hours, perhaps even stream you drawing/sketching, really doesn't seem worth it. You don't even have a Patreon or ask us money to draw fcol, you do this for fun.

If anything, it may be a bit more "clean" in terms of comment posting, but so it is art sites like DeviantArt, which btw is not uncommon to have an artist posting a suggestive (clearly erotic) work and link elsewhere to see the uncensored version (AbyssWatchers, JagoDibuja, Liang-Xing, sinner-comics, Xierra099, etc). I couldn't follow you on Discord cuz don't have an account, but certainly on DA, but as always is up to you the decision.


beer and stardew valley, I feel like staying cozy this weekend.


I hate discord
just upload to the site coderanon was making



Work. I never get weekends off, so I'll forever be a lonely loser.


What data was harvested? If its just shit I spew then fuck it I don't care. I only use discord for fucking around with friends anyways. If it's Collecting more tham that then I have a problem.


if shout ends up using it i will do my best to make it better since its still a little rough on the edges desu


Can we please stop talking about fucking discord





I agree, it's made more for speaking purposes instead. smh


Eat goat ass you fucking terrorist, I'd fuck him hard.


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File (hide): 1559864445638-2.png (356.6 KB, 950x1755, Wooloo stack.png)

So how about that sheep, shout


wooloo is a pure boi, no l00ding here


Like humping a cotton pile


File (hide): 1559872589150.jpg (214.95 KB, 2960x1080, Wololoo.jpg)

who would lewd such a pure fluffy thing? Unless they were welsh or a kiwi.


File (hide): 1559881026127.gif (440.86 KB, 240x270, c14.gif)

Ever heard of "Leggy Lamb"?
An actual cartoon of Droppy from the 60s shown a sheep with most of the wool ripped apart exactly like this (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1y3cwt skip to 2:55), then people made it into a lewd character with even a gang and stuff, and then Minu8 made her crossover with the "Beep Beep I'm a Sheep" song of LilDeuceDeuce (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy6qR1q2RvM) (fun stuff actually, references galore lol).

So yeah, answering your question: who would lewd a sheep? The internet. (Also I don't even need to look to know that there must be already over 100 imgs of it on R34 by now)


Just a heads up lads hiatus time is now. I'm about 2 hours' worth of work to finish a horse comic I've been working on for a while, but free time right noe is impossible to judge. Probably no frini post


take all the time you need dood.


Quality over quantity, there's no rush man


I was being facetious.
It happens. Hope your weekend is good.


I don't know how the fuck I find this site, buut i love it Shout :)


Just happy you keep us informed rather than being silent for weeks/months at a time!


hey gamers its me the big homo suprimo.
i just finished exam so if any of you want to see any addition to the website tell me so i can start working on it right away also shout contact me trough dm on twitter https://twitter.com/k0up1p


*Twiddles thumbs*


Why don't you try shoving them up your ass?


shout has posted on twitter guys don't worry we are all going to make it


Shout posted on the mlp thread my dudes.




Not really sure if you're pulling my leg on this.




Oh no my third leg!


File (hide): 1560781725825.png (138.42 KB, 561x752, scrafty.png)

Sorry about the quiet reception lads, I'm enjoying a bit of downtime with the family. I'm sure you've all noticed the longass comic in the *other* thread.

Take care chums, I'll be back to it in due course.


have fun shout don't worry about it




I didn't know there was another thread :( What comic am I missing?




No one give him any hints other than that, he can certainly find it on his own


Wait what happens horse thread
What is the thread’s tensile strength?


Don't worry fam I got you

Eat a fat sack of dicks, fag.


Enjoy your downtime shout


I personally just hate the layout of chan boards. Too much empty space, and no filter for all the spam posts so I can just have the sweet sweet Shout images.



This is a fair point.

I'm sure codefag will have his website up to snuff in due time. I'd recommend using it.

On that note, codefag has made a really nice gift, in the form of a website, for shout and I hope it gets support and love from others.


I'm also sure he's a colossal homo


i made a fucking website while i was supposed to work for school AND i'm making a javascript rpg engine right now waiting for shout to contact me again. i'm more of a homo you could ever hope to be.


File (hide): 1561528411220.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 24.78 KB, 350x324, AAD2F74B-EC28-486E-8A8E-9….jpeg)

What’s the rpg about boss?


File (hide): 1561553690327.png (Spoiler Image, 56.64 KB, 1915x739, Sans titre.png)

right now its a really bare bone engine that i'm making little by little just somwhat finished the combat system even tho it still needs to be cleaned up a little but play your cards right and i might turn it into something nice and include it on the website


You can build a thousand websites, but suck one dick and you'll always be a cocksucker


interesting point anon


Please do!


Seems like the amount of general dick suckage is just about high enough for summoning Shout today.


No Queenie this week? D:


File (hide): 1562042182187.jpg (2 KB, 60x53, Thomas.jpg)

Hope you're doing ok Shout. IRL drama sucks man, here's to hoping for a quick resolution.


File (hide): 1562192225531.webm (12.17 KB, 800x600, just experimenting.webm) [play once] [loop]

jesus this place is turning into an absolute mess fast
i might have to find somewhere else faster than expected
in the mean time please no infighting, the clearup is lengthy


keep doing god's work shout


File (hide): 1562206057545.gif (996.62 KB, 500x275, o5oLImoQgGsKY.gif)

save us from these morons shout. we get lonely and the idiots get pissy.



It was just a matter of time, really.


Oh I agree, it was always going to be a hazard, I guess I was a little too optimistic. I need to chat with codeanon


File (hide): 1562251879274.jpg (37.17 KB, 600x600, 2dd.jpg)


I will support you code-kun <3


thank you anon uwu
i'm waiting shout whenever you are ready


don't act like a child anon please


>initiating contact with the obvious desperate obsessive stalker
bruh why


sometime you just want to know people enjoy the stuff you make


good news gamer i talked with shout and i think we might move to the website soon at least i hope we do. if we do don't worry ill fix all the shitty stuff i did on it. right now i'm waiting for shout to get back to me. if you guys have an idea to fix the website please tell me


The only real thing that should be added 100% is a easy way to remove blatant shitposts.
Also are there pages missing in the Quennie comic on the website?


i didn't add the queenie comic yet (i'm lazy) and the only person that can post on the website is shout (and me but i will only do it for archive that shout doesn't post)


Could it be used as a general platform for other artists to create their own space and post their stuff?


i worked with this idea in my head but to do it i would need to buy my own servers to allow nsfw and right now i'm not making any money at all. if i had a way to pay for the servers i would love to open it to the public


also if i do end up making it a big platform for everyone i will make it the best of the best so that artist will finally have a safe place for the art they make



I wouldn't worry about having it as a gallery for other artists. But I would suggest an already existing CMS tbh. Something like wordpress that auto updates. You'd just have to create a theme, which isn't too bad but requires investment.

In terms of hosts, nearlyfreespeech might be a good option that does not care about adult content, but you will have to pay. It is fairly cheap.


also codeanon, your twitter seems to be gone.


i never used wordpress or other framework that makes your website automatically i always made them by hand from scratch so i don't know. i like it more that way since i can just change everything myself

yeah i got my twitter taken down bc of a stupid joke https://twitter.com/k0up1p here is my new one sorry for not haviong a better way to talk with you guys


I can't see this working out well in the long run. Using an existing website or system is usually better than making something bespoke and finding the dozens of things you forgot about or never knew needed to be a thing after you declare it's done and ready for use.

Is your site responsive for mobile phone users? Is it protected against unauthorised access so no-one can delete all of Shout's work? Is it backed up so if someone does, it's all recoverable? Can it be easily DDOS'd? Have you made absolutely sure no-one can inject scripts and get user passwords, opening up the possibility that your passwords get stolen? Are you salting the passwords? Encrypting anything?

This is why people use existing frameworks. Because people always think they're just reinventing a wheel when they're actually signing up to reinvent an entire car.

Maybe I'm wrong and your site is awesome. That'd be pretty rad, honestly.


I agree, but what are the options?


just to be safe i went trough all of it and it should all be fine. if there are any problem in therms of website designe ill also fix them. i'm not a pro but i'm pretty sure it should work correctly. worst case scenario we come back here since i'm a 100% sure everything shout will post on the website will be ripped and reposted on e621 or some other gallery website.


well people can stop being such pussies and deal with here.


I never thought I'd say this, but I miss Tumblr. Lower barriers to interaction (liking/sharing and vs. actually commenting), better organization, and it's just generally easier to use.

Sure anyone can still interact here, but it's bare bones, and there's not even that much reach. Excited to see if what coderanon comes up with improves things much, even if it's just setup more like a bare bones webcomic with Discus commenting or something. Heck, Shout could even get a little money back with banner ads.


Tumblr, for its many, many faults, was actually a really good platform for artists. Supposedly there's a NewTumblr floating around but it's still in the construction phase and I'm not sure how willing Shout is to move his gallery again.


I just want the Queeeeeeeennnnn.


File (hide): 1563051846095.png (50.44 KB, 400x378, FeelsQueenieMan.png)

We all do Anon, we all do.


i wish tumblr wasn't kill 2 anons i lost so many amazing artist. like sir render knight of blender.


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uh fuck it's been a while
I'm not really *back*, yet, I just had to draw something, you know?
>where the fuck ARE you?
IRLing a bit. Nothing bad, a very nice bit of IRL, just requires a lot of attention and love and holding and changing and feeding and burping and all the rest of it. I'm sure you get the idea.
>so when
I don't know, actually. I'm doing drawings in scraps of free time here and there, but it's hard to get back into it when I do have more time. I gotta train myself back into the schedule thing before I can really be *back*.

Still love you guys.


Oh my god congrats Shout.


Congratulations on yet another real human bean added to your family
I hope you told your wife you're proud of her.


Congrats Shout!


good to hear from ya at least muh d00d.
good luck with the progeny, say hi once in a while even if you don't have anything for us.
we miss you uwu


holey shit bro! congrasts


This kid isn't really news right? I think I remember you announcing him at an earlier date.


He did mention it before, but we can still congratulate him on having a healthy addition to the family. A lot of shit can happen during the process, you know.


you go be a good daddy


Free time? More time? "back"? No, Shout. It is not going to get better. You will now have to learn how to guerilla draw. Paper on the back of a diaper box. Drawing with one eye on the baby monitor. Learning how to photoshop a ripped drawing in less time then it would take to draw it again. And height. You will need to move everything higher.



We must give it a name like papa shout.

I vote squeal or bellow.

Oh! Is it a boy or a girl?


File (hide): 1563512040042.jpg (37.89 KB, 639x481, Fatty Slap.jpg)

Hush. They don't need nicknames, they're just Shout's kids.


just some random sketched while I wasn't sure what to draw
I'll get back to it soon though

I guess some people missed the hints
I'm not new to this game, yo, been doing it for nearly 4 years.


Funny enough the conversation about Shouts's kids' nicknames happened already too


S'alright, Shout, babies eat time and shit distractions. We'll still be here once you've got the free time.


Many congratulations to you, Shout! Wishing you, your wife and your new child all the best!!!



File (hide): 1564148457842.jpg (26.1 KB, 539x960, TiCj2DJ.jpg)

what did he mean by this?



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The dragonborn must learn to use his voice and Shout!


fix your shit


It's probably either an "I'm alive but too busy for anything" post or an imposter


I wonder if Shout ever shitposts with his name off


you gotta read between the lines


File (hide): 1564493800241.png (123.57 KB, 543x547, yeah it is.png)

>or an imposter
Yeah it's one of those. I make it a thing to never post without some kind of drawing. Detecting the realio dealio is easier with this knowledge.

May as well make an update post while I'm here.
Time is still limited, still not back, just what happens I guess. I'm sure to the immense disgust of many of you I'm working on a longass horse comic as my last, then I'll carry on with Ms Queenie and gang.

The current situation isn't the greatest for you guys on the receiving end, so I'm sorry about that. It's difficult, but I'm not going to give up, it'll just take a while, that's all.

Love most of you.


ignore the fags shout, the real fans know what's up.
i'm really curious how you're gonna handle AJ's mom(?).
take your time muh duwd, we love ya


Oh. Fuck yes. Oh I'm happy to hear that.


File (hide): 1564515871595.png (58.1 KB, 600x432, nidogon.png)

draw this


File (hide): 1564523436308.png (204.57 KB, 821x950, PÆNIS.png)


>ms queenie
Wedding subplot confirmed?



Best meme of the thread


I'm not worried, I follow both threads.


Well we're not paying you like in a Patreon of Kofi, so there's a limit of how much we can "demand" updates. But overall, I believe we have more patient people here than those spoiled brats that just keep asking for more and more.

Also have you said you fave mon/starter of Gen 8 so far? Can you draw it too?


lol nice


File (hide): 1564598669705.gif (16.11 KB, 320x288, ERECT.gif)

Shout is a wonderful human, who not only has a loving family, but draws art for us degenerates. This truly is a beautiful board.


he does have a patreon though ;3


Oh yeah, I remember now, but he use it more like a tip jar, not like other artists w/ Patreon that make a monthly exchange money w/ drawing like "Gimme 5 buck for a sketch every month", "Gimme 50 for a full color comic page", etc.


>how will he handle AJ's Mom
well he did ask for one of those "death ciders" at the end of the pinkie pies mom comic.


hey I saw the comic of anon getting shout down by pinkie pie mom, an it got me think on a comic Idea you could to next. It starts with anon rejection from pinkie pie mom then him meeting up with a friend who would not just help him with pinkie pie mom but all six of the main ponies parents except for apple jack, which would require 4 wall break, which the friend does an teaches anon. From there the friend as anon for his and spike help to get the main six for them self. After anon help the friend the friend gives him item that will help even the most stubborn of ponies he all create the house in which anon will use to trap them in. Which will have no windows 1 door for escape an key which anon will have an either hid it or swallow it, there will also be ventilation, a bed and a fridge stock full of food for a 3 months then the rest is what you decide.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Honestly I just want to see Anon finally get some action. Queenie or pony idc.


What the fuck


This is why we need an age wall of some kind


is this the type of wall that's like 50ft or something and we push him off?


I hope Queenie gets some eventually.


Holy crap I just check the horse thread and he pasted the same shit over there too


Honestly all I can think of whenever I visit this site


Brother, I require Queenie sustenance….


Even if such a wall would be implemented, it wouldn't keep out the legitimately retarded.


Shout has been good to us. Very good. But it's too bad we'll never get any really long Queenie stories again.
They'll never get to Cinnibar Island. They'll never get to the gym, and announce themselves as Sex Machine and Death Machine. They'll never go north, cross Ash's path, hear some of what went down with him (and his retired domestic bliss with Misty the accidental porn star.). Never hit on Team Rocket black outfits. Never two on one a vending machine for Cinnibar CinniBars (It's the cinnimin bun that's shaped like a bar!) Never discover what Officer Jenny is armed with. Queenie'll never nurse Anon's spray burns through the night in her arms, in a holding cell.


This almost reads like a copypasta wth


Nothing this week?


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Not happy friday for us again bro.


Mercy brother, please…


File (hide): 1565860071329.png (36.23 KB, 601x342, my back is fuqued.png)

nice to see this place is a fucking mess
I buggered my back lol
No perma damage, just supremely agonising
Took a nock to my motivatio, but I'm still going with that bloody horse comic. Just hurts quite a bit after too many hours of sitting.

Remember to do your exercises guys, the alternative is uncomfortable.


File (hide): 1565862271324.png (531.65 KB, 1041x813, 1555251541716.png)

I'm just glad to hear you're alive, man


I know the feeling, Shout. Keep the faith and stay strong. If you want a bit of advice, try regular stretches. I stretch before bed, and it keeps my back in line.


back pain has been surprisingly frequent among people i know… good luck with that shit man.


Brother, Care for yourself before you care for us. Your survival is necessary for the rest of us to survive.


Just imagine a happy, smiling Queenie giving you a back massage.


Good to hear from you, Shout. Wish it was better news. Get well soon, dork


He's Dorkus Maximus, pleb.


Is that you Mandy


Shut this board down immediately.



No hugs for you.


Ah Fuck who called the cops


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Bruh your back is fucked up and you think our top concern is the horse comic? Are you able to work? is your child traumatized by the sight of a weakened father? Are the males around you capitalizing on your damaged Chad-o-meter?


his kid is gonna kick him from the throne now that Shout has shown weakness


Like Zeus and Chronos, and before that, Chronos and Ouranos.


Their battle will be legendary!


I hope your back gets better soon Shout


File (hide): 1566586868279.jpg (91.44 KB, 540x645, no happy friday again.jpg)



>Pokemon Masters comes out
>Miltank is a starter
>can't stop thinking of shouts Miltank pics when I see her
you turned me into a degenerate damn it


It has been 10 thousand years…


>[Killer Queen] is a [STAND] that has no weakness!


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my back feels way better now, thanks for the concern. and thanks for waiting, I feel like garbage for not posting anything in ages, but I've been grinding this horse comic thing as hard as I comfortably can during my silence. hopefully it'll be completed "soon".

Just some low quality human sketches for general studies, I still kind of suck at human faces, so I guess there's plenty to work on.


Glad your back unfucked itself enough to not be terrible, Shout.
And you shouldn't feel bad about being taken out by physical problems. That is literally the one thing that gets you a completely free pass anywhere you go.



>"I still kinda suck at human faces"

>posts detailed, highly expressive, quality sketches of human faces

Why you have to be so self-deprecating?




thanks i love it


well, it's something i guess


File (hide): 1567212761511.gif (186.92 KB, 220x165, Skeletor.gif)

"Still kinda suck at human faces."

Dude. Have you even looked at your own art. It's amazing.


I'm sure you'll give us more than we can possibly handle. And those are good faces. Of course I'm judging by what resulted, not what you intended. Still good.


I dunno about anyone else here but I'm just as happy with pony stuff as pokemon, even if I haven't followed the show in a couple years I still like the characters. Not like I've actually played a pokemon game since Ruby either.


File (hide): 1567228396774.png (154.81 KB, 326x326, PhkqCqE.png)

>I still kind of suck at human faces
no you fucking don't


I see realistic faces and realistic-cartoon faces. That's more than I've ever been able to do AND look actually good. If you ever wanted to give Anon an actual face, you already got the gist of how to do so man.


>If you ever wanted to give Anon an actual face
That would go against the point of Anonymous, though. Figures, given your tripfagging.


I just need to see a happy Queenie. Please Shout.


File (hide): 1567787431543-0.png (146.67 KB, 659x578, neetmareanie.png)

File (hide): 1567787431543-1.png (220.56 KB, 781x666, oralhealth.png)

File (hide): 1567787431543-2.png (124.49 KB, 711x667, p82.png)

Just some silly sketches
uhhhhhhhh by the way i killed my patreon who cares

>If you ever wanted to give Anon an actual face
That's ridiculous.
there you go just for you


RIP tip jar.
Also that's a cute corsola murderer you got there.


File (hide): 1567799439361.gif (2.7 MB, 328x190, 1488846182833.gif)

aaaaah yeah that's some good shit


NEETMareanie is cute! Cute!


Any alternative Tip Jars, like a Ko-fi?


Happy Queenie acquired! YES!


I guess we could just dox him and mail him physical cash


Sounds like a plan.


just shove a check through the folds of reality and directly into his bank account, duh


Oh yeah, that's the shit. I wanna put her in a syringe and inject her directly into my arm.


Make a ko-fi or something


Aww. No more tip jar then?


File (hide): 1568323840850.png (285.23 KB, 673x769, clefable.png)

She borrowed your blah blah blah

rip the tip
lol it won't last
no thanks, I just wanna draw.


Glad you do.
And I wasn't aware there was a lingerie line for pokemon. I imagine some wear it better than others.


>he drew my clefable request from a thousand years ago
I'm gonna print this out and show my mom brb


>it won't last


>it won't last
>it won't last


>lol it won't last
You know what else won't last? Anon in bed when QUEENIE ROCKS HIS WORLD.


File (hide): 1568375362951.png (75.9 KB, 688x595, fuck.png)

you know what i did
my schedule is in that much of a mess i genuinely thought yesterday was friday
my god i'm all over the place


>sad Queenie with a pizza on the floor
No. Bad Shout. Queenie deserves happiness.


it didnt last


guys what if queenie did the stanky leg? haha just kidding… unless?


File (hide): 1568398487642.png (468.37 KB, 1200x894, Mha_2a9e53_6483730.png)

get some fuckin rest, sort your shit out


This is your fate if Queenie doesn't end up happy.


File (hide): 1568423282674.png (79.77 KB, 268x296, Joltic.png)

All these people talking about sad Queenie, and I'm here just wondering if Shout should take a break and a breather. Don't beat yourself up.


May god help the next Hypno that dares to look inside her head. He ain't getting up from being street pizza inside and out.



File (hide): 1568461026610.png (4.32 MB, 1765x2122, bored_doge.png)


I noticed two things on the queenie picture. One it said 82 does that mean that sketch is from page 82? If so man you've been putting in some serious work. Also it looks like she has stitches on her back? I'm probably wrong but those x's kinds look like stitches. Either way I love your work.


Well for me it was :)


-You- can do what you like and not post. I will do no such thing.


Holy fucking shit. I want to bang Queenie so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I read the comic I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Queenie. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Queenie's tight Pokemon pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/pokemon babies.


Jesus dude calm down. It's just a story.


File (hide): 1568510405378.png (64.96 KB, 801x223, 1.png)


This dude gets it


Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors dog. I'd dressed her in a Nidoqueen outfit and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my computer. I might not ever get to see Queenie again.


Well now I feel retarded.


Fag alert


I wonder what Shout thinks of this.


He should be very proud.


File (hide): 1568521111087.gif (5.24 MB, 440x300, tenor.gif)


10/10 could see someone posting this unironically


I am a bit afraid that it was not ironic.


i really hope they touch no-no areas in part 4


The way queenie pounded that first drink I'm thinking there will be drunk confessions.


Anyone have the comics of the Braixen into puking?


File (hide): 1568609621256.jpg (114.69 KB, 1149x973, Avoiding the question.jpg)

Only the parts that make funny reaction images, sorry.


Just re-read the Queenie comic from start to finish. I never realized all the tiny details in the backgrounds of all the panels. It made me all the more thankful that the artist cares so much about his craft to make something that can be read again and again and still have the same positive effect.

Thanks for sharing your stuff Shout. :)



File (hide): 1568655304839.png (353.17 KB, 1011x630, cursed_fortnite.png)

I deeply apologize for what I have created.





Early Queenie was T H I C C


Hey Shout, I have 2 questions:
1. When will Anon and Queenie pip-pip the diddly-do?
2. What's the progress on the next part of the comic?


It has been 6 months since the last queenie comic…


yeah oof. Now I know how steven universe fans felt :P


It has been ten thousand years since I have known joy…


Shout I just want to say that I love the comic, and I know that it's been a long time since the last proper update but I'm still super excited to see what you come up with. Take your time do what you do and please don't forget about us in this Burning dumpster fire of a sub Chan.


I love you Shout.



If he a fag i'm a fag too
Shout is the GOAT


Double fag


Anon, please, we're ALL fags here.



Triple Fag




shout plz at least let us know ur alive its been 2 weeks


No Panic, let him just take his time


The Queenie comic is going to be Shout's Half-Life 3, isn't it?


Nah, there's a possibility it will actually be good.


I'll just make my own Queenie comic, with blackjack, and hookers!


Don't forget Queenie


He already said it'd have hookers so obviously he won't


File (hide): 1570063667317.jpg (62.47 KB, 755x671, FUCK.jpg)

be patient


Let's face it, shout is gone.


Considering he has several young kids, his free time is essentially nil. I don't know what you were expecting, but I figured it'd be at least a couple months before he got the free time to post again.


This pic cracks me up


Fuck's sake still nothing?


Shout's a busy guy, I'm sure he'll post something eventually, just gotta be patient.


File (hide): 1570239325058.jpg (16.83 KB, 243x276, Shy rainbow ponyta.jpg)

>the horse and pokemon streams are crossing again


Oh no, Shout's gonna draw some Ponyta


am I bant?


File (hide): 1570257823432.png (255.44 KB, 483x350, Cotton candy ponyta.png)

That does seem likely, though who can say for certain?



He shut off his Patreon… Not looking great.


Probably to nip any claims of "he's taking money and not doing anything" in the bud.
Regardless, the thread's still gonna be here if/when he comes back to it.


Chill TF out. He hasn't even been gone for a month. Have you all forgot he just had a kid <4 months ago?
he literally mentioned that in >>1139 dipshit


We've been waiting for over a year and a half for Queenie to get some dick. We can wait longer…



the waiting has come to an end


Nah that's old, and Shout has changed how he draws Queenie since then.


I want to dick queenie guys, what do I do


you're just not as good looking or as big as anon so you should give up that dream


But my dick is bigger and my beard fuller


Queenie is too pure for this world. Anon better treat her right.


Shout pls come back.


Shout tweeted again. nice. new horse comic


File (hide): 1570833906245.png (95.46 KB, 557x388, sketch garbage.png)

jesus you guys are gay
I ain't dead I was busy working on horse


pic related? because this looks like one hell of a horse comic


>he doesn't follow shout on Twitter


we're gay for you sempai


>having Twitter
Colossal faggot

yeah but now horse is dead to you.


Now that Horse Comic is over, are you gonna focus more on queenie?


we missed you senpai uwu
that was some good ass horse



The lord cometh back, and he provide horse.
(That comic was actually really well done. Love the expressions and the motion.)

Praise be to shout.


File (hide): 1571093871202.png (287.99 KB, 914x957, flowaaaa.png)

and yes now i'm working on another comic
i'll have some kind of update soon, i'm just having fun with a bit of downtime at the mo


don't worry bud, just do you


Hope you enjoy it.


do whatever you want man, that comic was a fuckin mic drop if i've ever seen one.


plenty of "CoNtENt Cre@toRS" are way less consistent than you, Shout

luv you 5ever <3 <3


It's been so long since we have seen her. Can we please get some Queen?


nigga just be patient. Y'ain't gonna die because you didn't see a picture.


File (hide): 1571432512613.png (557.03 KB, 1200x1685, 01.png)

i don't know man he might

oh well

uhhhh doin another comic (i just can't stop it) about that fucking sunflora i did a few times, i'm having to learn a bunch of new things for this one. i've been trying to understand how landscapes work, as well as better & more dynamic perspectives, more humans, the works.
doing new stuff is fun!


You just can't help yourself, can you? :P


it's a cry for help, i'm sure



How can we help bro?


I appreciate anything you put here Shout.
Whether it be Sketches, inkings, ideas,
comics, etc.

I just love what you do.


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File (hide): 1572017817529-1.png (760.39 KB, 1200x689, well fuck.png)



That is a bomb-ass landscape, Shout.


Neat. And what >>1269 said.
Also is that a greasy slut logo


More of this BrapQueen


if it is then we all know what that means


File (hide): 1572085865201.png (64.95 KB, 482x460, smugflora.png)

it means she's drinking out of a greasy slut cup
salazze's too pure to actually be associated with such establishments

the trope of salazzle being a huge slut is tiring, i much prefer the idea of her just being an absolute sweetheart, if a little possessive


So does she patronize the place?
I'd take the
>sweet but possessive
bit to go more along the "she just found the cup in your room and was sitting there holding it when you walked in" angle, but her expression doesn't fit


I'd be fine headpatting a Salazzle that takes sneaky indirect kisses.


I don't really care for salazzle personally, I'm just thinking now that they are in the same universe that it won't be long until pinkie fucks a slurpuff or something


File (hide): 1572114784050.png (123.34 KB, 600x797, 1508781786420.png)

What would the kids be like?


i dunno, a messier creamy version of fluffle puff?


lovey dovey sex in the missionary position please


Would you impregnate one, Shout?


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This bastard got us emotionally dependent on his adorable Nidoqueen, and will never give us closure. How dare you Shout.


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File (hide): 1573244711264-2.png (1.25 MB, 1767x2313, delphoxsketches.png)

I don't normally post 'working things out sketches' but I had a hell of a time working out how to delphox. I don't like her base design, her sleeves annoy me.

Comic is still comicing. I'm tired.

hoppo frodo noght


>didn't go for the vertical-striped shirt
Remember to rest when you're tired, Shout.


Christ it's about time.


Shout please tell us you are alive.


Oh my page didn't show the updated replies. ffs.


i actually find this kind of sketch interesting. it helps me see ways i can improve with my drawing as well.





File (hide): 1573264330314.jpg (152.56 KB, 1192x670, Hoover1979.jpg)


Art takes time you fool.


shout you keep introducing cool new characters and my boner is sad
because you are not an octopus, and most likely will not be able to give every one of them the love they deserve

cool shit


don't post anything that even references Shout- you ain't defeating myo




File (hide): 1573369307291.gif (471.02 KB, 300x300, Sweat Hard Boys.gif)

Goddamn, that first pic is asking for a mating press second panel


bro I'm trying to make it through No Nut November here Shout, no lewds im begging you


nvm, failed. let the lewds rain down.



I'm still going strong.
I've edged myself like every day.

everything hurts.


Shout, destroy this man. Give us the Queen lewds!


someone draw porn of this


Shout, where are you? Why are you hiding?


>implying he's hiding and not just dealing with his family, like a good father
cut the umbilical, Anon. Christ.


I know he has a life and stuff. I'm just being cheeky.


what's a father? is it like a vader?


Maybe try sucking his dick more and he'll show.


I bet that shit is a big fat lie
He is clearly the mom


I know you're there Shout. I CAN SENSE YOU.


Shout is a real human bean.

Also it isn't Friday yet, damn.


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No guarantee of content delivery though, nowadays.

I've misplaced my momentum. Ever since finishing the last horse comic I've found it difficult to settle back into the swang of thangs.

I know exactly why, that fucking mountain range picture I did a few weeks back was supposed to be *this* picture, but obviously it didn't sit well with the rest of the comics' style, and I've been going backwards and forward about what style I should even do it in - sketchy or in my usual lines, heavily valued or minimal shading, blah blah blah and I think that indecision really buggered my motivatio about.

Then I started drawing a little comic about a magmar bully lady thing (it was anti-bully week last week, apparently), then I realised I couldn't have done it in time so I gave up on that in favour of a family commitment, and that was another blow to mr. motivatio.

Of course there's also the usual stuff occupying my head. Work, fam, christmas plannings, illness (just a really nasty cold I'm not dying lol) and general distractions.

I'll get it back, it's just taking a bit of time.


>Valve made another half-life game before Shout finished his comic
you'll get there eventually.


That's the funniest thing I've heard all week


fuck me that's pretty damning when you say it like that


it's ok. we still don't have portal 3.



Happy friday night: I was messing around with some stuff and came up with some Queenie sketches. Not exactly michelangelo but I figured It'd liven up the thread.

Thanks for the lit shit Shout, draw when you're feeling it, we're all grateful you're sharing your art with us in the first place.


Just another comic in a long line of comics I'm waiting updates for(Out of placers, Lackadaisy, Beatriz Overseer)


perhaps I'm something of a selfish asshole, but could we perhaps, see more of the bisharp some time? maybe something lewd?


Victory Fire for me.


File (hide): 1574720115010.jpg (23.39 KB, 310x325, really.jpg)

Ok, as someone who has an entire 3cm thick book (the font is fucking size 9) dedicated to practicing drawing techniques, you're pretty damn good. Not professional artist good, but good enough where you can pretty casually draw a face and not have to correct it 100 times. So stop belittling yourself.


>asks artist not to belittle himself
>subtly belittles himself
what is in this book? like drawings don't have a font size?


I bet its mostly technical stuff, this is how you do X see figure 1 and 2 for comparison of "done right" vs "done wrong" INDEPTHTECHNICALSTUFF


Hope you had a good thanksgiving, Shout.


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File (hide): 1575061217709-1.png (128.28 KB, 493x827, 02.png)

lol i'm busy with a comic
so i did a silly little 'i'm not dead yet' thing

I have something else for her in mind
>something lewd

That's fucking charming!

I can't help but compare myself to the ones I admire, for better or worse. I know there's more for me to learn and improve on, so I feel as though I should. I'd like to be 'up there' at some point, and I'm fully aware that I have a long way to climb before I can even consider myself good enough.

I don't know why though lol, it's not like I want to go professional or anything, I just want to be able to do it. Like Son Goku, I just want to get stronger. I'm also very retarded.

I don't celebrate this, but I am thankful that you are thankful.


We believe in you shout.


>Like Son Goku, I just want to get stronger. I'm also very retarded.

Just like Son Goku.


You're not wrong


I believe in shout.

He's gonna pull some wool over our eyes and
gives us the goods when we least expect it.

Either way, I'm grateful for his art.


That's right, he's going to give up the goods so hard. He's going to bend us over and shove those goods right up there.


I did say maybe! just as a sort of one off thing really, I apologize if that request isn't quite what you'd want.


Shout, I've been very naughty this year, as has this thread. What do you have for us?


check this shit out


while neat, this isn't a general-purpose advertising thread.


a cute and sexy coalossal


At least he actually posted something.


neat idea but I don't have a goddamn quantum computer to run this shit




File (hide): 1576108480433.png (73.61 KB, 645x322, bisharp 3.png)

I've been an assface
I've also been working on two comics
One completed hopefully before christmas


if it isn't before then, then I hope you have a merry Christmas.



A noble death, to be sure.


File (hide): 1576118678078.jpg (120.84 KB, 1028x666, SNOW.jpg)

Even if the comic isn't ready by then,
I wont be upset, I will only
be more happy and excited when it
drops, because I'll know you
didn't rush it to meet demand.


we will always love you shout
full homo


absolute unit


chad bisharp trainer, god bless.


File (hide): 1576197640331.png (112.06 KB, 755x424, bisharp 3.png)

that he is not

sketches all completed, just inking and colouring now. aiming for 20th.


well.. alright.


chad in denial


I read that with more of a Saitama vibe. With "cuddle" instead of "fight", but otherwise similar energy. A "dangerous and worthy cuddle".


Could there be a new thread?
This one is starting to load slower and slower.


Are you not using the "last 50" mode? That said, 1000 posts is generally a good point to make new threads…


Coward, have you no CPU?


File (hide): 1576835081346.jpg (30.09 KB, 298x403, Waiting-Skeleton.jpg)

Any minute now…. Any minute….


File (hide): 1576874070306.png (2.7 MB, 707x9190, bisharp 3.png)



it's a Christmas miracle
Hope you have a good one, Shout.


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and therein lies an incredible flaw to a system such as this.

i think it's probably good to have a self-assessment of this place after almost exactly one year. there are clearly pros and cons, but ultimately for anyone unfamiliar with the way imageboards work, or *just* want to see my garbage, i think this has been a bit of a failure.

so yes, it is such that i'll be looking for another place to crash and dump my garbage (some might even use the word 'gallery'!). i'll have another in-depth look at my options in the new decade (2020 still sounds cyber).

comic-dumping destinations on the other hand: i have a place in mind. it's one of those webcomic hosting places (like webtoon, but allows dirty stuff, i've forgotten the name), but i wanna go through the T&C with a fine-tooth comb before i agree to anything. let's face it, tumblr is the walking dead, so i'll be moving queen comic over there later. i'll keep you posted.

SPEAKING OF THE NIDOQUEEN IN THE ROOM: yeah it's been way too long, and i'm really sorry for that. I want to work on it, but there's another comic I'm working on that I need to get finished before her majesty's saga continues.
because one leads into the other. I don't want to say too much else on it because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who actually cares about what story i've cobbled together.

What's the comic? Here's a sneaky peaky of what I've been working on. It'll be a fairly lengthy comic, so more to come in the new year.

Sorry for the text-wall. I hope that makes up for fuckin ages of staying quiet. Probably not. I'll get back to work.

happy friday night lads.





I do kinda wonder whatever happened to that dude who wanted to build a gallery for shout


Also weaver has a pretty well working gallery: https://w.secret.graphics/about
But the set-up part might take some work





Once again, I want to point out that Discord is an option.


An option that, time and time again, has been ruled out.


Once again, I want to point out that no one cares you fucking tranny


well, all else fails there's always newgrounds.


Page 2, panel 1, midway down the right side. One of the Sunflora looks a little…tall.


Have you considered e962.net for gallery uploads? It's the sfw version of e621, but it does still lack some interaction features that other social media would have.

Wait is MySpace still online?


Merry Christmas, hope you enjoyed it.


Any chance of Christmas Queenie?


Holy fuck, the detail on that village is insane. There's even variation in the rocks on the mountain.

In fact, pretty much every panel is filled with detail. Looks excellent!


Somewhere in the world this decade has ended, so…
Happy new Decade everyone! Believe in yourselves and on having luck in the upcoming future so it goes as you expect, because, in the end, that's what we all have. Oh, and also in some ties.


Alright. First post of the new year. Might as well get it started off right and demand Queenie be released now.


We haven't had any queen since last decade! This is ridiculous!


These anons are right!


Release her? I'm pretty sure that whatever is binding her is saving the rest of us.
Yeah, we need more Queeny, but the man isn't an entire art department.


Perhaps, but as was established at the very beginning of this subchan tread, Shout doesn't need to focus ONLY on Queenie, he can draw and post whatever he feels like to.

ON THE OTHER HAND, the very last "official" Queenie stuff he posted here was on 09/13, and wasn't even an actual page/sketch, just a very desperate looking Queenie, and an actual chapter came even before that on 04/06. That's about full 9 months. For not posting anything here after all this time, makes me wonder if he just dropped the project altogether. As the creator and artist, he can do that whenever (given an official announcement ofc), but might become just another amazing series that will never get a proper conclusion like Noragami, Cyborg 009, MGS5, GoT books…


Now what sense does that make? He’s just gonna up and abandon the very series that made him so popular? He’s said in the past that he’s working on the latest chapters, and we already know he doesn’t like releasing them one page at a time. That sort of drip-feed does nobody any good. Additionally, if he worked on nothing but Queenie, he’d burn out and wouldn’t want to work on anything, all artists are like that.
Not to mention the dude’s a family man with a wife and two kids to raise, so we kinda take a backseat to that. Family comes first. Have patience friend. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and we’ll just love the new chapters all the more when they do release.


Oh go be a fag somewhere else.



File (hide): 1578092628367.jpg (97.81 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)


Gentlemen there's a solution you're not seeing here.

We're all fags.


did you draw a lot as a kid/teen
did you ever want to work as an artist when you grew up
How far do you want to push this hobby, ie how good do you want to get?


This is the truth of the matter. Two simple facts:

1. No-one wants Shout to sacrifice anything or work against his will, anyone who does is an absolute cunt and should go fuck themselves
2. The comic, when it's made, will exist for far longer than anyone waited for it.

I'm happy waiting, given we've got updates about the fact that it's on the way eventually.


If he had released one or two pages as they were completed, we'd have more Queenie rather than this dead as fuck chan. Instead of giving himself achievable small goals, he set himself up with this huge "impossible" task that he's not going to be satisfied with and is kind of unlikely to ever release.


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File (hide): 1578505260020-1.png (567.73 KB, 1200x1685, 83.png)

jesus i should really check this place more often… let's reply to some stuff here

>makes me wonder if he just dropped the project altogether
Not even close. There's a lot of work to do, plenty of tidying up, but once the comic I'm working on now is complete it's go time. I've wanted to work on different things since, improve in areas I knew I sucked at, it might even be noticeable in the future.

>kind of unlikely to ever release
see above, and it's a good thing i'm not on patreon or anything otherwise I'd feel really guilty lol
>dead as fuck chan
I wanted to highlight this and explain something: although the name of the site implies one thing (the guy who owns the space called it that, not my choice), it wasn't really my intention to have this as a 'chan' so it speak, definitely not a continuous-rolling discussion or subculture as some people might have assumed - this place was intended to be literally just somewhere I could dump high res pictures (because we all know about twitters' god-awful compression) and some silly sketches. It was supposed to serve the same purpose as the other mlpg.co/art threads, but understandably the translation isn't perfect. I enjoy the freedom of chatting with you guys without having to sign up to any bullshit, but one of the reasons why I didn't want a discord server was because I didn't want my own little fan club house and feel like a narcissistic cunt. Now it feels like it's just an anonymous blue discord server moving at a slower pace. It's not what I had in mind, but I don't know if I can or even should do anything about it, I wanted to admin whatever solution I had as little as possible to maximise my drawtime. tl;dr I dunno

On the topic of discord, my ID is shout#2789 - if you have an account, and if you think you'd benefit from it, feel free to throw abuse at me there. I don't have the time to hop on it every day, I usually check some things and disconnect to concentrate on drawing things, but it might be a little more reliable than here.

>did you draw a lot as a kid/teen
my parents would say 'too much'
>did you ever want to work as an artist when you grew up
yes but then i realised computers were awesome
>How far do you want to push this hobby, ie how good do you want to get?
I don't know. I just know I want to create stuff, get these ideas out of my head and onto a canvas, digital or physical, and in order to be faithful to the things I see in my head, get better.

also happy two zero two zero


There is moderation here, and things can be tidied up.
Hope you had a fun new year's, though. Looking forward to the next time you pop your head out.


it was like a dollar a month on your patreon, i was happy to relinquish that hard earned quid for ya


Check in once in a while? You mean a period of predictable time? Weekly, perhaps? Maybe even on a certain day of the week every week? A foolproof idea!


I hear Fridays are quite popular.


File (hide): 1578732646476.png (152.97 KB, 525x369, Pika.png)

Apparently not.



Tripfags that aren't OP ruin everything. Nothing new.


File (hide): 1578900130679.png (419.76 KB, 1259x1160, Leavanny03.png)

my god you're right
happy monday morning everyone


oh no she's cute


Yet another waifu Pokegirl. Shout you keep growing the backlog of girls that should have porn of them.


He just draws what he's in the mood for, I guess.
Can't fault him for that.


I was hoping to come off as sarcastic but it's hard with text…


not another waifu you can't hold hands with


>he can't gently grasp her leaves
sounds like quitter talk to me.


it's not her hands I wanna hold


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something something friday night


Well, that's certainly one way to use Attract.


m or f???!!!


>he can't tell




I wanna see what's down those pants.



I wish. Per Bulbapedia: "Baggy yellow skin hangs off its shoulders, falling halfway down its back. Scrafty's body is orange, with thin arms and a gray, scaled belly. Its lower body and tail are covered by loose yellow skin resembling baggy trousers. On its tail is a single red scale."


You are now all thinking about how, if thin and loose enough, Scrafty's skin can be used as a condom if pushed inside the relevant orifice by a penis.

This contraceptive practice would be pretty useless for humans, but is more for other egg-compatible Pokemon.

No, I'm not sorry. Yes, you're welcome you degenerates. Have fun!



I've been separated from this comic since the porn ban on Tumblr…. I'm so fuckin glad to see it's still being worked on


Keeping in mind what shout has drawn in the past, I can only assume that it’s scrafty pussy in those trousers, hence the embarrassment


And I want to see that Scrafty Puss.


Everyone in this board has been infected with horny. Y'all want to fuck the pants lizard and the armored pachyderm queen.

Personally, I like this new flower comic shout has been working on, it's a refreshing sight, and the amount of effort in each of the pages is lovely..


You act like people aren't going to want to fuck the flowers. You seen that chin?


The pants lizard wants me to fuck it. I can't be blamed for this


What a Friday to be a Friday isn't it?


BOY What a FRIDAY to be a FRIDAY isn't it???


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An anti-climactic Friday.


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Shout, we love you buddy. But we need our fix. Can you like, sketch us a picture of a happy, smiling Queenie? Something quick? That'll keep us out of withdrawal, at least for a little while.


>getting withdrawal from pictures
Anon, you need help.
Especially since you can just go back and look at older pictures.


File (hide): 1580515608945.png (1.4 MB, 1638x1228, sketchos.png)

boy it'll suck to be you for the next few weeks as i'll be working on the other comic, but as i had it close to me.

i often draw at work, partially because the paper they have for official letters is actually really nice to draw on, it has a fantastic weight to it. i have since brought home dozens of sketch pages of things i'm working out in my head. did some queenie sketches amongst other bits. it's probably not what you're after, but i want to draw queenie again properly soon, so i'll do something real next time


shit that does look like good paper. Is it for a printer/fax machine?


Shout is cool.
Question, are you ever planning to tell your kids (when they're older) about the lewd art you've drawn? If so, how will you do so? And if not, how would you react if they found out on their own?
I'm just curious, no need to answer if you feel it's too prying or something.


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How can you be so controversial and yet so brave?


You trying to shill some random porn here?


not anymore they're not


>so i'll do something real next time

yeah sure you will.


Came across the Queen comic years ago and recently just looked at Shout's stuff. I love anon in many of the comics. Keep up the good dedication. I can't imagine how it was after tumblr shat itself.


Is this a Queenie Friday?


no, and even if it were it would be that damn flower
fuck you flower I want cute queenie
I hope you remain an angry sad flower


I wouldn't mind the flower if it wasn't being made this long without a Queen update. If the flower happened right after some Queenie love I am sure I would like it…


Guys, guys, calm down.

The real Queenie was the friends we made along the way.


File (hide): 1581172333750.jpg (34.21 KB, 580x548, 1543347109473.jpg)

I don't have friends.


File (hide): 1581179922488.png (236.73 KB, 594x725, 04.png)

neither do i lol


>your wife isn't your friend
are you telling me you'd have three kids with someone who isn't your friend?



did the flower snap?


I bet someone’s trying to approach him, but isn’t privy to his reputation.


As another married-fag, it's different. Even if you do marry your best friend, there's times you just want a friend to do shit with and they go home when it's over. Someone to drink with, talk about life, and then part ways so it doesn't come up a few days later or something.
I dunno, I love my wife but when the only friend I haven't lost to the baby meme visits or I visit him it's different.


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I actually quite liked this. Not usually my jam but pretty good.

hapeeeeee frinoght


Happy Friday Shout, and I hope you and your missus have a good Valentine's.


File (hide): 1581714478418.jpg (52.11 KB, 400x321, valentine_beheading.jpg)

we absolutely hate valentines


well then tomorrow you can celebrate discount candy day!


>Valentine's Day candy


File (hide): 1581737189647.jpg (40.27 KB, 460x368, feast-of-lupercalia.jpg)

It's a shame Lupercalia isn't really a thing anymore. Blood sacrifices, streaking, and recreational public floggings. Like Mardi Gras, but with less beads and more blood-soaked goatskin whips. Good times.


Hello it is Friday.


Not a happy Friday, but a Friday anyways.

In any case, we wait.




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near-house fire lol


Good thing you caught it, though.


for anyone remotely interested, here's the module where the party was

looks like it was actually a problem with my cable than the tablet, the circuitry looks fine. I'll yank this cunt out (it's a bit stick), reassemble it and see if it still functions tomorrow.

happy wednesday night


i know right, i had just finished a page and i just noticed some smoke rising against the black of my screen
just a little bit scary


I imagine so. Good thing(?) it was just a cable, right? For a bit of bad lucky, you were still lucky to smell/see it before it got out of hand.


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It would appear it was the problem with the USB cable, must have been damaged at some point, then it started melting itself and fused with the tablet.

I'm shocked there's no damage to the circuitry, or at least the pins in the port. Oh well, but of electrical table literally holding it together and we're back in business, and back to working on the comic.

Hoppyy Froodu Naght I should draw something with tits next time.



Nice to hear / see that you can still draw and happy friday night to you too shout. :)


Glad it was a (so far) cheap fix.
also glad to see more OL charizard.


I just wanna hug Office Lady Charizard and tell her everything is okay.


Don't you know that it's all about ASS in today's modern world, Shout?
Liking tits is gay


Glad to see everything turned out alright!
Thank you for continuing work on the pages,
always looking forward. :)

(Love the charizard as well, she is so sweet.)


Enjoy you extra day, dudes.


Dubs and Shout dies of corona and we don't get a more Queenie ever.


>going for dubs on a site that moves at a blinding pace of one post every few days
if post ends in 8 you are a faggot.


File (hide): 1583137123454.png (125.18 KB, 562x395, sheetcan't.png)

awesome, i get to relax


File (hide): 1583161230535.gif (1.61 MB, 400x400, waah.gif)


Sure he has :^)


it's all fun and games until someone shouts in an eye


I wonder if we will reach a full year before the next Queen update…


Shout isn't Weaver, I'm sure he's not going to pull a boxdog.


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Gretings from the year 2048.

Humanity made contact with aliens from the Andromeda galaxy in 2021. As such, we have received the gift of infinite energy, eternal youth and world peace.

The Queenie webcomic hasn't been updated in 29 years though. Some say Shout grew tired of Pokémon smut, others say he's preparing a big update and others believe he is a lazy fuck. Either way we can only wait and hope.


I pray for a happy Friday.

By that, I mean that Shout is happy.


> oh wait shout, I totally forgot shout even exists
> better check in on what he's been doing
> oh boy I'm looking forward to seeing how many batches of pages he got done in all that ti-aaand there's nothing


The plot twist here is that Queenie finally getting with Anon is what cures COVID19.


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sorry it's taking so long lads. i'm making better progress now than at the start of the year (that was slow as all fuck). IRL's making a dent, but I'm working on it every night.


don't get the hip new disease in town, Shout. Looking forward to when you drop the equivalent of a novella on us.


Thanks for the update Shout!

An obvious reminder to keep yourself and your fam safe in these crazy times.


I'm no Shout but thought I'd contribute some Queenie content for the starving masses.
Thanks for keeping this place up man. This small corner of the internet is a nice little respite of my friday nights; I wouldn't call it a home, more like that autistic afterschool daycare for kids you hang out in sometimes.
You inspire me in a low-key way man- like any average joe with a drawing hobby can build something up out of it (the hot fucking poke- wives help)
Stay healthy and buy toilet paper!



You shall suffice for now, NotShout1.0

Your piece is acceptable. It would seem however Anon is not the one affected here.

How strange. Must be the Pokemon version of the virus then. Oh well, Queenie will be fine.


Something something Pokérus

Please appreciate my humour


that was a serious topkekkers moment bro!!! i'm rofling on the floor laughing!!!


Dunno what is going to kill me first: the coronavirus or the humor on this place.

Either way, keep the good work shout.


Well the quarantine is happening. Plenty of time to make comic about Nidoqueens and Anons and Anons giving Nidoqueens a good dicking.


Is it Friday night already or is it just me? (Other timezone and i think dateline)


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I've been spending a lot of time on the comic, and it occurred to me I haven't really been sketching much of anything else. Not much, but it's a little something that isn't FUCKING SUNFLORAS
>yeah but you drew a sunflora right there

See the quarantine just means you don't go out and mingle.
That would imply I do this anyway. I avoid mingling like corvid-20.
Honestly I have about the same amount of free time now as I normally do without the lager virus.

lol I absolutely love this
I had a thought actually to draw do something about the cruise ship they're still on (god that trip to cinnabar island is taking a while eh?) being quarantined.

It's just you.


That is one FAT rabbit.


You were waiting to get that big ol' 1500 weren't you?

Also that bunny is T H I C C


I really, REALLY, love your artstyle. It's not even about the lewds, your lines, the shading, the expressiveness, the small details, it's all just amazing.

Kinda makes me want to learn how to draw, but I'm too lazy and untalented for that.


you are not going to miura us right shout

you are not untalented
you are just lazy


but shout i thought you said the sunflora comic wouldn't be lewd!!!


>you are not going to miura us right shout
[CLANGS externally]




Yes, but consider the following argument - fuck sunfloras?


I guess only in the mouth, though. They don't seem to have any other places to do so.


I there is something internet has taught me, is

Life finds a way



wrap that leaf around your dick and go nuts


I personally would sip her sap.


Dear Shout,

I hope you are fine in these times of chaos and panic.


I'm sure his kids aren't that bad


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lmao that's what you think


At least they don't have the coronavirus?


if memory serves, you were building a forge at one point so you could build a tiny dungeon for them to stay in


lmao that's what you think


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fuck this guy but he's right
I'm pretty sure my house has already had it, we went through a really horrible flu-like experience and then a good amount of coughing for a week afterwards. We're all still good, thankfully. I mean it could have just been the flu but I like to think my family's been inoculated.

Honestly though my family and I are crazy lucky right now. I still have my job and working from home with no problem, we have a smallholding and a freezer full of about a years' worth of meat from our own pigs and the odd rabbit/pheasant/deer, and the weather is quite nice. I can't imagine what it's like for others.

Donate to your local food bank, fellas.


they are all inside, is it socially acceptable to build a small trebuchet and sling a chest freezer through their window?


Wait, was this flu thing back in December? My house had something like that too. Did you get the shivering and inability to get warm too?


The first cases were reported back in November. Supposedly it didn't leave China until January though. Nobody really knows at this point.


I'm really glad to hear you're in a good position. Fingers crossed for the rest of you tosspots too.

Also, you have a smallholding? Neato.



That would've been too early unless you were in China. Even with the uncertainty about when community spread started in the US January would be pushing it. Even then, it's extremely unlikely it would have been covid, because back then regular flu cases still far outnumbered covid.

Anyone that claims to have already had it back in November/December without travel to China is deluding themselves, as there's about zero evidence of it spreading internationally then. There's been a bunch of conspiracy nuts pushing that angle, though, and it doesn't help that China spent a decent chunk of time supressing info about the virus.


It’s being investigated here in Scotland from what I know, everyone I know ended up with it, and we get a lot of tourism from China. It honestly probably is nothing, but knowing what that was at least would be nice.


Friday is upon us…


No one cares, nerd


bitch i care


Again, nobody cares, nerd



But i care!


I care, but I also classify as a nobody.


You're the only one, nerd


Happy Friday night, friends.


Hope you had a good Easter, Shout.
And that the rest of you fags did too.


looks like there be three of us now :3


Looks like you're the only one who doesn't care


You can samefag all you like, it's still you.


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i should probably draw something for tomorrow
it's been a while lol
not sure what though


More Queenie reeee-


Happy Queenie.

Lewd (or not) Office Lady Charizard.

Delicious chub.

Those are my suggestions.


>>1539 something with Gen 8 perhaps:

-An atletic female Cinderace doing some sexy stretches
-A Indeedee extra THICC
-Toxtricity jamming on a net
-Sandaconda at the bar thiking "Why they made me look like a fleshlight?"
-Tsudere Hatterene
-Alcremie "tasting herself" and saying is "delicous ♥"


Moar rapist Meganium!

Moar Miltank!

Moar Queenie!!!!


anything lewd from you would be awesome


Pretty please more of the temptress gengar you did a comic of forever ago


OL Charizard working from home because pokerus
alternatively draw horse


Anything with ferals would work for me and a ton of others. That Lefeon comic blew everyone out of the water, and you could corner the Pokemon feral market with more of that stuff if you wanted. Move over insomniac, blitz, and kuro!


You're the only guy I know running a pokekmon drawing shtick like this, but do you have any interests outside of pokemon?
If not then more of the Chikorita line; we haven't seen a bayleaf yet I'm pretty sure


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It wasn't really my intention to do just your post but I guess

I have mixed/mostly negative feelings about g8 designs. Indeedee looks okay, but I can't quite get used to her overall shape (especially her neck fold). I'll try again later.

Office charizard is not for lewd (by me, anyway).

I had honestly almost forgotten about Gena. I'll do her again, I got some ideas, but later.

Before this whole viral mess exploded, the company I work for often encouraged working from home (otherwise hot-desking office environment, not my favourite but whatever), but not everyone did it - until a few weeks ago. Now of course everyone (4k+ employees) does it. We've shared around pictures of our home working environments, some are lovely, others are hideously cramped and clearly 'oh shit I need a space to work in uhhh THERE THAT'S FINE I'll just balance the laptop on this stack of books and oh god oh fuck'.

Anyway, the gag for the office charizard is that she's very large, very clumsy and very awkward (not to mention constantly on fire). I'd like to think her working from home space is a little bit like how I described the above. I'll try that another week though.

Also horses go in the other thread

Funny thing is the only thing I find interesting about pokemon is its universe, the games I couldn't care less about. Sounds ridiculous considering, but I do it mostly for the large variety in body type. You're right though, I need to work more on my other stuff (and then maybe post it once in a while).

hoppee frede nig


surely OL Charizard has fireproofed her home/apartment
how else would she keep the security deposit? Might be funny if her homespace is the one place where she can do everything perfectly.


+1, I miss my ghost


I don't have size thing, but gigantamax Gena has the deepest of throats.


Two out of three are ferals, so it's a win -win-win, really. And, as predicted, said ferals are blowing up in feral Pokemon NSFW circles all over. And you're not even using 100% of your lewd power. Doing The Lord's work out here, shout.


>>1551 >>1545
Negative vote here for Gena,
-1 for homewrecking purple blob


I've got only one word: Burritos


did she fuck your mum?


>that Miltank
Shout you magnificent bastard.


unvoting this negative vote

Gena owns


I have no strong feelings on Gena.


Revoting his negative vote. Gena sucks and isn't even that hot. I actually like the goodra more.

I do.


Yay! Thank you for more Tank, but that tail tease is just unfair T-T


Is it finally Queen day?


you know who I also miss
I miss tank


This meganium is 12/10. I also wonder how would miltank react to be asked to be on top.


One day you are going to draw Serperior, I know it.


This anon has a serperiority complex, how dare he


How about that Meganium actually getting some lewds?


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I do admit to possess a superior taste.


What does this plan chart look like now?


Since all the bullshit with life started and this virus? Probably just a "I work on the comic in my spare time getting done what I can get done, and I'll post it when I'm finished" type deals. At least, that's what I'll assume until he says otherwise.


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Pee Pee Poo Poo


Happy Friday Evening fellas

And to you Shout….if you read this.



what did he mean by this


Don't you play with my heart or I'll go outside and get the 'rona and it'll be all your fault.


Not the real shout


shout has never been real, he's just a computer entity with ms paint


Are you?


Shout doesn't even fuckin' keep to fridays, he's dropped shit with no warning on like a wednesday before


it's a busy world, and you're not paying him to show up.


Happy Friday Morning y'all


Happy Friday fellas


Even without Shout's updates, it's kinda nice seeing other people checking in here every Friday.


Aye. Cheers, mate.


oh boy, sorry about that again guys
I've been horrifically ill for a few days now - nothing to do with Covidya, just my digestive system doing something it bloody-well shouldn't. I had an actual real meal yesterday for the first time in a few days. A BLT with your own B and T has never tasted so good. Still painful though, recovering and resting as much as I can (which isn't much).

My desire to pick up a pen-shaped object during this stomach-punchingly-painful time has somewhat dwindled, I had wanted to do something for yesterday but apparently my tummy wummy said no. Sorry, I'll work on something for later this week (and, you know, hurry the fuck up with the comic).


it's summer, the time of stomach bugs and fast-paced weather.
Make sure to take your drugs and your fluids.


>What does this plan chart look like now?
ha ha hah ha.



That is all we needed to know shout dont stress yourself. Because our favorite artist is best enjoyed alive and well.


Your motivation is higher than mine, covidya's made me all but abandon art in favor of lazing about all day.


I just want you to work on it too T.T



Good to see you got that motivation.
I can't imagine what it would be like to be stuck inside all day with kids.

Thanks for keeping us updated and sending us a chart.

You're a great man, stay strong brudda.


Glad you don't have the rona and here's hoping you come to terms with your stomach.
Also,the plan going out the window is understandable. Detailed plans like that work for some and not for others. They don't work for me, that's for sure.
Take care of yourself, Shout.


After all this time, Anon needs some Fat Nidoqueen Ass (tm) pressed against his face.


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you know what i had totally forgotten?

the feeling of spending a couple of days on a drawing and it turning out to be -complete- shit. i had forgotten how that felt. this is all that was salvageable just for the giggles. i feel very out of practice, i need to do some studies.

ALSO I HAD A THOUGHT: i've been thinking of basically posting what i have of my comic now (up to a story-sensible point anyway) and posting the rest when I'm done (another 20 pages, probably less). Question is whether you'd prefer to see the whole dump or it in two bits, potentially having it feel a bit janky


I'm cool with waiting for the whole dump


However you want to do it, man. You da boss.


if they've already fucked, post it

if they haven't fucked yet, post it after that


I want Queenie CUDDLES. The sex can wait.


I don't feel strongly either way.


i'll take one double order of onion rings





we all know everything you draw is 100% gold plated shit


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did some gesture sketches for kicks
i should be doing this kind of thing every day but time
let's see if i can't squeeze some poke sketches out before i bed
it's not the queen comic
i'm hungry for this also
I'd say it's a pretty thin coating


Shout, your stuff is great. And I hope you really know it. I mean, we can make jokes about it being shit, but I think you shit on yourself too much.


File (hide): 1589582046190.png (597.54 KB, 1905x1656, pokeshit.png)

and already this dumb collection of sketches makes me feel a little bit better, kind of wished i had done something hardcorer. maybe another day.

maybe, just the last few days and weeks have been really frustrating, i'm still recovering and it's fairly painful, bunch of distractions, i'm working my day job in the exact same place i draw so it's hard to switch contexts, all of which impact drawing feels.


why on earth did they give goldeen such huge lips anyway?


And people wonder why "working at home" doesn't work for a lot of people.

…Can we have more gengar?

Because even the creators thought "You know what this fish will do really well? suck dick."


They do call them "fish lips" for a reason. Honestly been wondering why we dont see more goldeens with dick sucking lips. its free real estate



As someone who was working from home for years before everything hit the fan, I know the feeling. One trick I learned to maintain a sense of separation between work and home life is to manufacture a lot of differences in cues.

For example, instead of working in sweats, I always put on "work" clothes before I start, even though I usually don't see anyone besides family over the course of my day. In the beginning, I actually went full out with a suit and tie even (I stopped because fuck that). I also try to keep a sense of physical separation as well, but I have a whole separate room for that. If you're working in the same space you do other stuff in, I might suggest setting up a separate chair or moving things around a bit between work and other stuff. It might sound stupid, but the mind loves to make less work for itself by relying on routine and subconscious stuff like that.

My stress went down and productivity way up once I had it nailed down.


"soggy thot"
honestly never heard that one before


I prefer one big dump, I've got a giant list of weekly updating stuff to check anyways


I’d say dump is better, but on a way patritioning intro two segments might help alleviate the thirst. Perhaps?


If you were to post a single page every Friday, how many weeks of content stretch can you cover?
partially this helps us get new comic, and for you new feedback/backlash that can be entertained and ignored respectively!


The only reason people should have a suggestion box is for easy trash disposal. It is the natural order of things.



Two bits would be fine. Fine with anything really, as long as it's not one page a week or some such drip feed shit.


Perhaps a couple pages a week. Honestly, letting him get ahead isn't a bad thing. Means more good stuff for us!


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Just fucking post something already. Jesus.


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This boat ride is just as anticipated as the berserk boat ride


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Just fucking be patient already. Jesus.


>Being this bratty



This ignorance.




Take your time.

In my experience, bigger chunks of something worth sitting down and reserving some time for feel better than reading quick bites that show up more frequently. It's subjective, of course, but story driven comics feel that way to me, at least.

On the other hand, one shots are amazing at filling the void, but I understand that doing both would be a troublesome workload for many artists.


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So I just found this chat


He is halfway on his Sunflora comic. Not Queenie…





oh… Well that's still not a bad looking comic. depressed sunflora sounds fun.


Hope you're doing well, Shout!


Go find some dick to suck since you're so good at it


File (hide): 1590795714451.jpg (625.72 KB, 3840x2160, Yes.jpg)

Happy Friday today?

Considering everything,
could use one right about now.


if we are not so blessed i will scribble up a poke-wife just for you (it might come a bit late tho)


I'll take a Latias if the offer is still open.


Or mayhaps a Spinda or Lapras?


Guess it wasn't a happy Friday.
Oh well, with everything going on, I hope Shout is alright.

Also that's very sweet, you don't need too.


Looter scrafty/scraggy waifu when?


sure thing, sorry it's a little late.


Vape-free version so you can see all of that thicc jet plane action


File (hide): 1591067390258.png (5.72 MB, 5920x5016, klutzy wife.png)

and one more for good measure



Do you make any Lewd stuff?


No lewds on this Christian minecraft server, but I'm glad you liked it.


Adorable, thanks you ^^



These are all super cute!


give it time, time makes us all lewd and nude



Absolutely stunning, you didn't have to, but you still did. Thanks for making this week a little happier. :)


Oh she is adorable as hell



Hot damn, I didn't expect OP would deliver. Well done mate. Excellent addition to this thread. Though I would presume it will be a while yet before any more requests can be made. In any case, it's a nice piece of eye candy to hold us over till the next update.


File (hide): 1591314504106.png (1.34 MB, 2474x2683, skeksksk.png)

>what the fuck
>what the fuck
I recommend anyone looking to upgrade their computers to a ryzen-based setup do some serious research into compatible RAM. I've spent an inordinate amount of free (otherwise drawing) time building, diagnosing, rebuilding, but we're finally good now.

Whenever I go through a period of not drawing I like to go back to some kind of fundies. It's refreshing and calming.


Alright so I may as well do a better progress update on this unreasonably-late comic: I'm on page 32, the page where shit begins to go down, I'm going to guess 3-4 pages more of this scene, then the last scene of the comic will probably be another 10 maybe 12 pages. After that, I'll send it to a couple of hyper-cool dudes who go through whatever bollocks I've written and make it sound less shit, with grammar and spelling fixes. Fixing that stuff would probably take a day or two, then I just need to amalgamate it and finally post it.

Rather than using tumblr (fucking RIP) I'm going to post it on a place called ComicFury. It looks like it ticks all the right boxes for me (no login required for readers, can easily save the comic pages if you want, porn is a-ok). I emailed the guy in charge of it with some questions, he answered them and seemed like quite the cool dude. So I'll give it a shot, if it's good, I'll be moving the queenie comic (AGAIN HA HA) over to ComicFury. That'll probably take a while, but keeping it on tumblr is a bad idea. I don't want to have to make people, who don't like/understand how to use this place, use tumblr.

Anyone familiar with ComicFury? Any caveats you know about?

I'll try and sketch something disgusting for tomorrow. Friday night and all.

this is charming, wonderful work


Never heard of it. Glad you got your computer box up and running again. And I hope the move to CF is a clean and hassle-free experience.


Oh, and I just bought a Ryzen 5 3600 from newegg
I was thinking of pairing them with one of those glowy gskill tridentz rams since I read that those are made specifically for AMD CPUs



Bestow us with your disgust. You beautiful man of entertainment.



Am I allowed to hype yet? Is the goal really in sight?


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This idea's way too ambitious for a couple of hours' work, and something I don't want to rush for the sake of friday night
sorry lads


shout u cocktease


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Blessed Shout


that's a qt lapras, though.
Would polish her shell horns and rub her ear curls.


Looks nice, and I'm fine with waiting for us to get it later


You know, you never did lewd that Goodra from that abandoned comic. Any chance of giving that since we never got to the payoff in the comic itself?



Shout's current objectives:

1. Take care of his family and himself as well as work. (That's a given.)

2. Enjoy just a bit of time to himself. (Reasonable)

3. Sunflower Comic (Personal Project)

4. Queenie Comic (Massive project)

5. Shitpost (Understandable)


my goals
>sexy with queenie
>sexy with secretary charizard
>sexy with salazzle
>sexy with miltank
>sexy with that lapras
>delet sunflower
>chain shout to my basement and feed him sunflower seeds until all demands are met
>buy the wonderful 101 remaster


came for the lewds, stayed for the genuine artist interaction and lovable characters.
I genuinely don't care at all about lewd payoffs at this point




What Shout's objectives should be:
>misc lewds of other 'mons


Happy Queenie > Lewd Queenie


Happy & Lewd Queenie > Happy Queenie > Lewd Queenie


Queenie > Happy & Lewd Queenie > Happy Queenie > Lewd Queenie


Yeah, I'll just take any Queenie now. It has been almost as year.

Shout. Please.



I'm sure shout is perfectly capable of managing his own time. Sucking his dick ain't going to make the Queenie or Sunflora comic come out any sooner, but it does make me cringe.


Happy friday night!
(ft. a non-Queenie Nidoqueen)


This isn't dead, hell yeah!


Though Shout might be.


I'm sure she's right up there with the other waifu's Shout has brought out, but yeah, I'm hoping she makes a reappearance too. Goo was easily just as lovable as secretary Charizard.





Wow. Eye opening.


A truly stunning and heartwarming speech that touched souls around the globe. True masterpiece.




Happy Friday Evening everybody.




No you +1


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You know how some people are silent for ages and they come back and are like "my house burnt down and my arms turned into chalk and some other bad things happened"? Well in my case it's been the total opposite, I've had a really great time with my family. The other day I spent hours building an unreasonably big cardboard castle that my boys later assaulted with plastic dinosaurs. And now my eldest constantly goes through the recycling bin to turn any old rubbish into a helmet or a gun or something (very proud).

So, sorry for another batch of quiet, nothing terrible happened to me. I've just been busy being a dad, or working on things in the house that have needed fixing for years (and because I'm home all the time I get more annoyed by) and I've been having fun. This year has been an absolute mess for a lot of people, and it's not likely to get much better for some. I hope you guys are doing alright.

Speaking of that, I was tidying up some old files and I found the final page I was working on before I decided I hated it. I do still have a plan for her. Basically the comic thing I did was an absolute mess and I hated it. I had no clear objectives and it fell apart in my head as a result. Moreover, what I did was I posted the comic, then read feedback and changed bits, so it was changing all the time and was just a catastrophe by the time I dropped it. What I'd like to do later on is a "forget what I did earlier here's the actual thing", and this time I know what's actually going to happen. Won't be for a while, but it's still something that'll be fun to do.

>>chain shout to my basement and feed him sunflower seeds until all demands are met
My mum used to make toasted soy sauce sunflower seeds, they were top. I haven't thought about that in years. I'll make some later. Thanks for the reminder anon.

Happy whatever night it is now


>1699 You taking commissions or anything?


glad to hear things are good in Casa de Shout.


And is the lapras supposed to be dreaming/thinking about that?


Expectation vs reality.


according to bulbapedia "In the anime it was shown that Lapras is able to develop psychic abilities such as telepathy."


Ooooooh. I get it now.


you know how people watch podcasts to get rid of silence and simulate friendship?
Your updates are kinda like that, except a way to vicariously have the family experience through you




Happy Father’s Day, Shout!


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… What did he ask for?


Has no one told you about the pidgeys and the beedrills?


based and redpilled


>Shout gives us a wonderfully wholesome update.

>Audience demands more Queenie.

I'm not even surprised anymore.

Glad to hear Shout's doing great, makes me happier.


It is good to hear that Shout is doing great.
Honestly, we can wait on Queenie, but more of her is also great. Shout is a perfectionist. I'm sure she'll be fantastic.


I only saw one mention of queenie before your post




Man. With NSFW Pokemon content like this, you can just take over the market no problem. Having an actual life is shout's power limiter that stops him from destroying the universe as we know it. We are both blessed and cursed.


Shout, you wonderful faggét, it is my birthday. Please bless me with a lewd pokemon next Friday night.


Hey shout, just wanted to pop in and say I hope you're doing well. Thank you so much for creating such wonderful stories for us for all these years.



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genuinely glad to hear you're having a good time despite all the shit going on. it really feels like you're the most wholesome artist out there. i'm sure most of us are just happy to hear from you every once in a while. stay positive my dude.


More of this cryptic tongue! Speak the King's English witch, or face the stake!



T̃h͑é̍ ve̕ì͠l͝ ͘o͝ṕȩņs


Cease thy malefic skulduggery!




In the midst of silence I guess I'll think out loud for a minute or two. I sometimes wonder if I could see the process behind creating the characters that shout has made. They look so visually appealing. The way Shout draws the shape of the eyes of his characters compliments their head shapes very well.


what did he mean by this


if you can't see the words he worded there then you aren't worthy enough to read his words wth your eyeballs


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reminder that pokemon prefer human men


so ash banged that ponyta back then in the indigo league or whateverthefuck season it was


Happy friday night ma' fellas.
And of course to you too Shout.


apolgy for bad english it is my first languagen’t

where were you when shout die ?

i was at house eating dorito when Телефон ring

“shout is kil”



We have been forsaken. We shall now decend into anarchy and chaos.

*Smashes the nearest window* TIME TO START LOOTING!


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Pick that shit up and go back to masturbate like the rest of us degenerates.


Dudes got a family and lives in the States, iirc, which had a major holiday this weekend. Calm your boobs. Shout will return.


File (hide): 1594013654611.webm (1.61 MB, 662x768, video0-26-1.webm) [play once] [loop]

How about some Lewd Eevee from you Shout?


cursed video, it used that shitty new cry


i'd love to see his take on skitty/wailord




Begone thot!


Happy new ye…erhm
… Happy new friday night my fellas. °~°'


This was the last Queenie comic update. It is well over a year ago…


Technically it was this one: >>1549 a little over 3 months ago.


Last we heard, Shout was doing alright. Hope that's still the case.


27 days since last update.

NGL little sad about the radio silence. ;_;


We'll have to say goodbye to Shout for good, one day. Isn't that a sad thought?


Don't you say that dammit! We can't lose Shout too…


-Shout is kill





Holy shit, that guy's bulge. That's not just moose knuckle, there's got to be an actual elk in there.


they're swimmers, it's the only place they can keep their balls


suspension bridge when



Fun fact: you can determine the sex of a sneasel by the strip on their left ear.


so technically, shout's picture is of a hella gay sneasel.


awww yeah! glad to see you're alive shout!

I noticed that you don't draw blatant porn anymore, is it because now you're surrounded by your family (like kids) and you can't draw them?


ha ha ha shit

nothing to do with it, it's just really boring most of the time.


The king hath returned as the prophecy foretold. It's good to see you're doing okay.


Jesus, how does a Sneasel get so thick?
What's even left for the evolution?


I was under the impresion that female Sneasel were the ones with shorter ear feathers?


You’re correct. They’re as short as the other ear.


That sneasel has a big ass, and I need to see it filled.


but shout I can't live with so much cocktease and no payoff

ur a cruel dominatrix my nigga


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I've been spending a bit of time recently going back to traditional. Paper, ballpoint pen and a couple of fake copics for shading. It's a nice change, relaxing.

Then I made this anti-anatomical abomination because I haven't sketched tits in a while.



now thats the good shit my man


they're nice tits.


Some rump roast
>on my face


tf is that line quality


The fact that it's a dude with a dump truck ass makes this 10x better than it would've been if they were just a chick.



A cryptic message from his Loudness. But what can it mean…


Probably a site error or someone making an empty post while namefagging for some reason.
could be either really.


Most likely the latter, though.


Will today be a Queenie day? Will Shout finally stop being a tease? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON THE NEXT EXCITING FRIDAY ON SHOUTTHREAD Z!


Queen will never get the D.


Every time someone mentions Queenie Shout disappears for one extra month.


I knew it


Queenie, Queenie, Queenie!


Oh hey, I finally found your archive! Yo Shout, you do great work my dude; hope you're doing well. To the other anons here, hope y'all are staying safe and happy.


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Shout has no more interest in Queenie and Anon story.

Maybe his life is good and busy and he is working and being happy far from all of this.

Or maybe he never thought about making a whole story about 'em, he was just fooling around, he's bored with it or he's just lazy.

We have to get over it.



kys you philistine


The truth in the post is honesty no one will want to accept.


Yo, it's good to see you doing art again.

Since you yeeted Patreon, how can I throw bread on you?

To be real clear: I don't want a specific commish, or a DRAW MY OSHEEE or any of that. I know it won't make you draw comics faster or post moar.

But can ya throw a paypal or kofi link on twitter or something so I can send beer money as thanks for having drawn a bunch of shit I enjoyed?



I say we draw and post porn here to usurp king shout if they simply havent left the crown on his Nidoqueen shaped throne.


good luck with that


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just another little 'i'm not fucking dead' sketch. comics are gay.

it's more like a hat. like a silly hat. the kind 'kooky' people would wear in the early 90s. it gets attention, but not necessarily in the right way. you're welcome to it.

actually i've been kicking around the idea of opening a small number of commishes again for the first time in uhhh 6 years? not because 'i need the cash' but more because i'd quite like to move house faster. we'll see what happens.

it's true, RIP all the plans i had about involving a salazzle and more fighting and team cockit


So her name is Diz? Lewd her.

Also where were you when Queenie and anon were kill?



so no queenie? *slams phone on ground*


>small number of commishes again
color me interested
would there be any restrictions on content? Aside from the obvious "not my fetish so I'm not gonna draw it" stuff.


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yo i'd drop mad dolla for real


If commissions are the only way to get you to draw Latias, then that is the price to pay.


>no more Queenie
You do you man, but I can't support this decision.


You know the only barrier I have against giving you money for a commission would be the indecision

nigga you have so many characters I want to see ledwed


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Honestly I have no idea. It's just something I was thinking about. I'd probably think about it more after I make at least some progress on the queenie comic.
(I hope no one believed me)


imagine using 10% of your power just for fun by opening commissions and not realizing 100% would mean no artist would even hope to compete


Hopefully I'm around when/if you open, I can't imagine them being left unclaimed for long.



Mayyyyyybe not that far, but perhaps just posting personally drawn pics if Shout is cool with it since this is kind of their thread.


Hope he is cool with it, since people have already done it before


Been coming back every friday for a year and a half for queenie. This is the definition of insanity.


It's also faith.



Who's Faith? She sounds pretty.



Most of all, even more than Queenie (blasphemous, I know), I want to see Goo lewded.



>nigga you have so many characters I want to see
Office Charizard going on a nice date to a place where she can't set anything on fire.
Goodra just being given a big hug.
Meganium getting the everloving shit fucked out of her.
̶Q̶u̶e̶e̶n̶i̶e̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶g̶n̶a̶n̶t̶


I want to have sexual intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with Queenie


yeah nah, she's out of your league


I miss shitpost inc.
Don't know if it was a horse exclusive thing.



I think Shitpost Inc. was sort of like representation of 4chan in general, so if there's a board for it on the site then it probably has a branch in the company.


Should we have any hope left for Queenie this Friday? Not really.


*Suddenly turns Latin*

Friday night! *Dances Tango sad and alone without Queenie*


I started a sketch a few days ago, and I didn't get the time to complete it. I'll have something finished by next week to post (and on twitter, too).

At the time in my head it was just an MLPG thing. There were various conversations across its lifetime where some dudes talked about MLPG like a company, and the idea kind of spiralled out from there. You'd have a taskforce of anons doing the gruntwork (lowly shitposting to keep the thread/company alive), with horses as managers or higher-up functions, an ever-dwindling number of artists churning out content of varying quality. It was silly, but made for some fun comics. No reason it can't expand to other fandoms and generals.

After this thing. I can't apologise enough for how long it's taken.


what a slob that goodra is.
Anyway, I'm just glad you're still alive and picking away at it.


We’ve been blessed this day


Praise the Shout! Praise him!



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>those sunfloras
oh shout, you know us too well.


Apologize? I mean we aren't paying you monthly for comics, I'm mostly here to complain about hiatus myself tbh



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I should learn to read before I click things. New Reply and Browse looking the same…


He shouldn't apoligise really, there are some right entitled prickwhores on here


I can't believe we've been on this thread for 2 years. Incredible.

Joined for queenie Comic, stayed for all the other pocket monsters. Also the excellently done art. Plus the sunflowers. I've become invested in the world of Shout.


shitpost inc was cool and good and i would love to see it expanded

especially if Office Charizard works there


if shitpost inc was gonna expand into the pokéverse I feel like it might have happened already


>I can't apologise enough for how long it's taken.
You could if you would actually post more lewd of that Goodra. Or Charizard. Or anything really.


More like LEWD-dra amirite?


Well, seeing as always in FurAffinity, it caught my attention that there are some artists commenting that there is a Lapras artpack that is starting and receiving artists who are interested in the project (or a shit like that). And do we know who could make a good drawing? This good man who made these drawings

Shout, you should consider it, at least it would temporarily fill the void that Queenie left to many here


>man is busy with real life shit keeping him from drawing his comic
>hey why don't you join our artpack and draw laprases for us
surely you realize there is a time and place for shilling


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>2 years
god damn don't remind me, i had so many plans that have been dashed upon the rocks of my weird ass life
I feel as though I'm kind of due a lewd. It's weird actually, I don't get the mood a lot to draw hot sweaty pokedirt, but it build up to the point where 'hey I bet that pokeslut would look great getting fucked on the armchair' and it just kind of happens. I'll think about it, hopefully it'll be worthwhile. Comicwork dulls that kind of thought process I think.
Nah that doesn't interest me.
This too tbh, my time is stretched as it is.


That goodra is a fucking terrible roommate. I bet she doesn't even pay for anything in that fridge.


Maybe she makes up for it with super good cuddling?


Maybe not marriage material, but god damn if I wouldn't embrace the lifestyle for a few years as roommates with benefits. I can slum it hard when I need to, I've literally shovelled a floor off a few times in my life, I think I could handle it. The times when you're half asleep naked in front of the TV and she stumbles over and plops her ass down on your lap without looking would make it worthwhile.
Looking forward to lewds.


gigachad Shout having a home, a family, a job that can support all of the above, and a hobby he is passionate about while I'm struggling with the mere act of existing
I haven't drawn anything substantial in days, how do you do it Shout, which part of the body does the will to live reside for humans because mine is clearly vestigal.


Omg please lewd her once or twice man. If they don't fuck, Idk how this guys puts up with this freeloader if she's not providing *anything* back.


She's a great conversationalist.


It's the goo puns, he just can't live without them any more


Goo is absolutely the trashiest Pokegirl possible.
(She's fucking great)


if you just walked up to her lazy ass lying on the couch and stuck your wiener in her belly folds, would she even bother to stop you? or would she kick your ass?


your dick would stop existing


she wouldn't even notice


Is this a lazy joke, or a small penis joke?


Been lewded at least once. Lost to the mists of time here - external link is unfortunately necessary.


Rule 34 Lmao


Charizard needs to be taken on a nice date and given snugs. She deserves it.


What happened to the Patreon? I wanted support Shout for all the good content over the years.


He got rid of it awhile ago


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A long ass while ago. I'm happier for it, and I know with everything that's happened this year (not just to me) that it would have made me even more miserable. Also the Patreon company is revealing itself to be less and less of a morally acceptable bunch of folk. Nasty shit, yo.

>how do you do it
Honestly I don't know. All I can recommend is just to try and not stress about it. Draw what you want, when you want. It's supposed to be a hobby, something that makes you joyful. If it is no longer joyful, stop and try something else. Woodworking, cooking, programming, jogging, whatever. If you feel the desire to draw again, fine. If not, no problem. These things come and go.

Lewds are long-term comic-based. Silly skits with these two are frequent in my head.

Honestly that sounds more like a snorlaxlady. That's another one I should investigate. Eventually eventually.


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Also I had a thought. I'm sure a few of you have noticed I don't dwell on certain pokemon for too long before I draw another one (with certain obvious exceptions), that's just because I like to try different stuff. I've been massing a list of other poks to try, and here's most of it. I'm missing out a couple, either because I've already 'done' them or because I intend to do more of them later on.

Any preferences/opinions on what to try next?


how about Audino, Chansey, and Clefable having a Pink-off
have to determine who's the pinkest, most cuddly pink pokemon, after all.


A lot of these seem to be on the chubbier side (which I suppose fits with the ones you've drawn before).

Unless that was that a call for suggestions? Because if so, I'd suggest maybe Luxray (It's a lion that sees through walls, that's always a win) or Shinx (gen 6+ gave its idle animation a butt wiggle that makes me want to sin).


poipole looks easily lewdable but i'm interested to see what you'll bring to an octillery.


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>no overprotective swampert gf
why live


I'll keep staring, I won't back down from a challenge


Dragonite please. I love that derpy dragon.


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Zangoose would be cool
It's not a pokemon I normally think of much, but I do have nostalgia for this oldass flash


Dragonite and her big fat ass


Lopunny. Preferably Lewd.



Noticing a bit of a pattern with these body types here, Shout. Perchance, how do you feel about pears?

Poipole, Clefable, and Octillery could be neat, and I don't think you've done a take on them yet.


Either poi pole or indeedee


Polipole and Mareanne have that imp body type going on that i'm into
And Ampharos has always been a personal favorite


I'm going to go with a dark horse, but maybe you can do slowqueen.
Would love to see how you would draw her.


Goldeen or Delibird would be interesting


A chubby Raichu being insecure she's not cute like Pikachu


the only reason I would ever train a fucking bastard pikachu is to get a raichu



Lmao, all the anons come out of the woodwork to screech about which poke-waifu they wanna nut to. All the choices got them thick thighs and large asses. Y'all are simpletons

The true peak pokemon of sexuality is Bellsprout. No contest.


Peak sexuality would be Bellsprout making out with Goldeen, DSL galore.


Im a simple man I want lopunny


man I just want to see three of the pinkest pokemon in a bitchfight to find out which one is top pink
If a wigglytuff ends up dropping in with the folding-chair assist, that's up to god and the referee to allow.


Indeedee/audino, says I


Chubby Raichu that's insecure because everyone loves her younger sister Pikachu more is hot stuff. Bonus points if her mom is a tan alolan raichu surfer milf.


Thot fight


What about adding reuniclus to that list? It's got potential in those big ass grabby arms.


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Medicham. Please. I beg of you. Medicham medicham medicham. They're my favorite and nobody gives a shit about them and it breaks my heart.


Didn't you already do a little thing for Slowking(queen) and Dragonite? Those two would honestly be at the top of my list for the one's you provided, but if I had to choose new ones:

Clefable, Ampharos, and Weepinbell.



how would you even fuck a sexy magmar

maybe that makes it even hotter


Audino is the cuddliest on the list.

(I whish (non-alolan)Raichu was on there.)


I'm curious how you would handle a Snorlax with their sleeping habits, maybe morning wood shenanigans?


Definitely Audino


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This lil cutie




every day is less of a disappointment and more of the expectation



It's been that long?

Her milk will taste that much sweeter when we finally get a sip again.


And now, in my head, lactating Queenie. Thanks anon.
She doesn't have any nipples, though, so I don't know how that'd work.


Tell us something we don’t know.


from bulbapedia

"Its body is encased with extremely hard scales that serve as excellent protection from any attack and stand up when Nidoqueen is excited or provoked."

She gets excited, nipples stand to attention when her breast scales ;ift and reveal them?





May we be blessed this acursed friday tonight?


File (hide): 1600478790035.png (73.31 KB, 336x358, FUCKYOU.png)

There is no Happy Friday.

Gengar GF is disappointed.


will we see more queenie before the heat death of the universe?


The world may never know!


Everyday in which we do not get a piece of queenie content only makes it that much sweeter when we do get it.
However, I fear the day in which we do get it since by this point the sweetness has gone way past anything we have imagined.
And by god one singular pixel of queenie now is the equivalent of cramming a damn nuclear sugar bomb.


Somtimes I think shout will never be satisfied enough to post queenie stuff because he's always improving and by the time he finishes something, the content completed earlier will no longer be at the current standard.

At this point I'm just here to enjoy the cute side stuff, maybe someday we'll just get a "fuck it" dump of the WIPs that he's had for all this time.


I agree.

But on the other hand Shout puts up with our shit and even manages to deliver. So props to him.


I'm still so invested in this shit because it's clear Shout's only doing this because he likes it, no other motivation. Bruh he removed his patreon and that was just a reluctant tip jar, what did we do to deserve this legend


He do be spitting facts tho


I'm surprised Sandslash is not on this list seeing how she fits the same body type.


More "all of them" please.

With an extra helping of best girl Audino.


some people wanted a dragonite uhh

I'll probably do some sketches another time of other more popular requests, sketches normally turn out raunchier (and are faster).

I want to get better at drawing audino, I'm still not used to her smooth transition from shoulder to head and her stubby little legs, I often draw her like she's been in a horrible accident.

I'm actually getting close to finally finishing this FUCKING sunflora comic. It's taken long enough. 2020 has been the weirdest year for me. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

>only just noticed

Happy Friday not quite night yet but I wanted to post it here now and I'll shove it up on twuttur later (some people like lossy compression???)


We have been blessed lads, may we savor this till next Friday.


> I often draw her like she's been in a horrible accident.

Can we see sometime maybe?


>dragonite mom
I wonder how many children were lured to dragonfucking in adulthood by those big goofy-looking dragons


File (hide): 1601066905549.png (263.72 KB, 1129x456, 41.png)

Do you have a fetish for horribly deformed pokemon? I mean I just haven't managed to get consistent with her body/leg ratio.


That's . . . pretty sweet. Like the idea of Dragon-mom a lot.


nah, I'm just curious


now sit on his face


Nah, Mom Dragonite is for snuggling, not lewding.
Plus, have you seen that ass? she'd kill him.


Death by Snu Snu


Best Shout does it again. I love the little folds on her skin at her thigh, tail and underarm. Very excellently done.


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Hey wait… is that…?


Dragonite mumma is absolutely precious and I love her dearly! <3


Shut up, pussy. Need that fat ass on some face


If you won't have a Patreon, will you at least let us commission you to draw shit so we can pay you and encourage you to art it up more often?


File (hide): 1601208332380.png (85.77 KB, 500x531, TorielIsDissapoint.png)

At this point it's obvious this is sort of a hobby for him. I don't think he wants to be pressured into making more, or more frequent, art.


>2020 has been the weirdest year for me. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
I think it's been pretty weird to outright bad for all of us.


dude thats adorable
please lewd her


Love your art, lots of artists these days seem real pretentious and annoying, but these threads are great, and I'm glad you draw such nice moms.


Shout, I'm a weird person. I want to know what mama dragonite smells like. I'm betting apple pie. Yup.


It's been wonderful to me. Tons of time to draw and don't have to talk to people. Helps that I didn't catch anything.


We are in desperate need of Greedent content of any kind


I can only imagine either a she Greedent stuffing her holes with fruits or some light vore with Cherubis and such. Is that what you want?


Have an Audino with the cafe outfit like >>1903 shown, serving us some goodies and offering some "extra service" on the back would be nice


Happy Fri-day everybody ^_^ !


Happy Friday, Friend :^)


I do hope shout posts soon.


Thick assed and thighed pokemon always make my day just a little bit better.


They are the font from which we derive our power, brother.


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Nothing 'new' this week. I've made good progress on the comic recently, and I'm at a point where I know I need to scrub up on some studying, so I'm doing a bit of that, ideally more than one a day but I've been helping with butchery, which eats into drawtime.

After some studying I'll probably work on some sketches of some of the pokes here >>1871

It's quite exciting to get to this point, I can imagine the rest of the comic will need less than 10 more pages, then I can get it the FUCK out of my system. Well, before that there are a few textual edits I need to work on THEN I can get it the FUCK out of my system and die peacefully.


godspeed you wank emperor


that dude is missing a happy trail to make that bullshit triangle into a proper arrow

he needs a fucking bigger cock as well


Are these your 'voluntary' models?


File (hide): 1602269793010.png (296.66 KB, 877x544, RYaWinningDuaghter.png)

That's a damn nice cock you virgin. Looks yummy as hell.

No homo though.




I've had better


Honestly, that looks fantastic. Anatomy is an A+. The little jokes on the bodies gave me a chuckle.

Also I hope this massive project doesn't turn you off of future comics. I understand it's alot of work. I commemorate you on your grand achievements so far.

Closure will soon be upon us, and when it does, the angels will sing out: "GLORY TO SHOUT"


thought it might help if you're up for some light reading and piracy


Unorthodox training methods produce -interesting- results.

OKAY I've been doing some studies and relearning how brushes work in krita, as well as working on that fucking comic that's been going on for something like a pissing year.

I kind of projected to get it finished sometime in April, but the world went to shit (moreso than usual) and it rotated my life in such a fashion that made time for myself (or anything else for that matter) a little tricky. Anyway, it's looking like another 6/7 pages maybe? Saying that I'm now working on possibly the most ambitious page/panel I've ever done, so that could take a little longer than usual. It's just nice to see the end on the horizon for this thing.

Then I'll start working on another big comic, again.

My anatomy is very sketchy (ha ha) and unbalanced in a lot of places. My ratios are all over the place, it's just something I'd like to be less shit at.

u gays r guys

Funny thing is I keep forgetting I have like a massive cache of PDFs and scans of books, chock-full of references and guides, I've just rarely had the time to really get stuck into a lot of them. I've gone through them in the last week or so and keep finding bits where I go "oh fuck I could have used this nugget of info like last week".

Right, back to it. Have a great weekend lads.


>"oh fuck I could have used this nugget of info like last week".
i feel like i have that thought every other fuckin day. im fuckin stupid i guess.


suffering builds character, shout


haha her head is a tiddies


Japanese name is Boober if anything lol


"Oh fuck I could have used this nugget of info last week"

So exactly how I feel when I am going through my D&D books when I am planning for the next session.


Glorious, thank you Shout.


>Then I'll start working on another big comic, again.

wait between sunflora and queenie you are also adding ANOTHER one to the pile?
you are worse than me with my writing


Happy Saturday afternoon, fagguetes.


Oh cheers m8


Ayyyyy woot!


Hope you'll have a good spooky day, Shout.


Happy spook day everyone.
Hope you all are having a wonderfully spooky day.


no pumpkin fucking sadly from the great one


Please stay safe today, everyone.


It's like we're watching America get the results to an STD test.




oh fuck its a friday


Happy Friday Night ma fags!


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uuhh FUCck

I'm very close to finishing this bloody comic, now. This month? We'll see. Just wanted to do something small as an page inbetweener. This thing is driving me mad lol.

Happy friday night everyone, hope your weekends are good.


Those Weepinbell's are cursed AF.


File (hide): 1604703266673.jpg (8.11 KB, 224x224, 1491106205246.jpg)



Holy shit, Shout you maniac I love you.
It might not be bellsprout, but honestly it's close enough.

I bow in respect.


So if she suckin' the dick and then swallows, where does it go?


She absorbs the nutrients. Obviously


what in the goddamn fuck. she has the best dick sucking lips I've ever seen.


I'm stoked; going hunting this weekend.


File (hide): 1604938854379.gif (475.6 KB, 188x174, 1601896626150.gif)


the funny thing is that weepinbell has had DSLs since conception

its just our penut brains and cowardace thAT stopped us from going full simp and draswing the logical conmclusion

after all theyre literally A L L mouth

how has no one come up with this before?


Welcome, Shout, to the Fridayest of nights.


Darn, Friday has ended


Shout please, when does Queeny get dicked?


shout please! this degenerate needs more shout porn to live through this pandemic! it's my dying wish!


Calm thyself m8, we got another 3 days before we ‘might’ get something.


Patience my boy,
He's only one guy.


That being said, I think we got another Friday today lads.

Let us hope that it is a happy one.


well gosh diggity darn it


Don’t think we’re gonna get anything this week, hecking heck.


‘Twas a question not a request


*Tapes on neck beard, puts on fedora, and pulls out Kanata*

Now it's neither. It's a demand.


i should probably draw something for friday, comic's still not ready


Are you even going to have time, what with Thanksgiving tomorrow and recovering from Thanksgiving the day after?


File (hide): 1606344665830.png (153.24 KB, 442x341, 911.png)

>thanksgiving themed lewds


It's family weekend my dude, spend it how you wish.

If he forces himself to draw something for Friday, then I would probably support this.


I'm not american, or thankful for pretty much anything that's happened this year, so I doubt it.



>not thankful for your kids being healthy and your wife continuing to love you
wow, brutal
but I get what you mean.


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ha ha.
maybe I do need a lil break.


drawing isn't your job, and you aren't planning on making it your job (I assume).
So it's for the best if you just let it out when you really feel inspired, and don't force it if you don't. It's a pastime not a perogative.

Happy thanksgiving by the way.





if you really felt the need to draw why not something that isn't pokémon?

those comics must have you burnt out on anything related to the buggers atm


I gained the cursed 2020th message.
I second these statements.
I appreciate all the posting you do for us, but your own health and wants and priorities are worth more than a bunch of screaming idiots on the internet.

A break during the Holidays wouldn't be the worst decision. ;)


Hear me out: just post what you have so far an image per week. Only releasing the comic when it's complete is setting the goalpost so fucking impossibly far away that it has got to be demoralizing.


now here's an idea. Maybe even 3 images at a time like a weekly strip.


Yeah i agree with this! It would give you a buffer to take a break for a few weeks or more.
But then again if you just dont want to post thats okay too. its not like were paying you


It is the day of fri.


File (hide): 1607116621714.png (382.82 KB, 1326x692, stupid christmas jumpers.png)

This is a great idea, and I'd totally do that - however, I have a backlog of editing to do. I've sent what I got so far to a couple of friends who have gone through and highlighted spelling/grammar mistakes or just bits that sound retarded, huge help. I haven't gone back and polished them off yet. I might do that later.

Oh by the way, I had almost forgotten that this month is of course busy for me. There are a few things I wanted to make for friends/family, so I guess more delays? I honestly don't know how you have the patience for this shit lol.


oh shit uhh happy friday night


File (hide): 1607119881059.jpg (11 KB, 152x254, Yes! YESSSS!.jpg)

>tacky christmas sweaters
AS for questions of patience, it's mostly because I know you're doing this between other things and it's more of a "bonus" for the day as opposed to something that I base my continued existence on. I'm pretty sure if you were getting paid for this then people would be a lot less understanding about it.


If you do start posting the comic, you should def do it to Twitter and open a Patreon again assuming you actually want to monetize this in some way.

None of us know anything about you, but we like your work enough to check this obscure image board. Tbh, I'd read a comic about Pokemon office workers that was totally PG if you were making it.


File (hide): 1607145584980.png (265.05 KB, 320x409, win thmbs up.png)

shit's free man. if any of us had an attitude about waiting too long for free shit we'd be whiny cucks not worth acknowledging. your shit is worth waiting for too.



If I may add an addendum to the post made by this Anon, consider cross posting to other platforms as well, such as E621.

Twitter is a bloody cancer that I want to stay as far away from as humanly possible. But if you must post there, please consider having some alternatives that are more palatable and aren't liable to harvest every scrap of your data.

Posting to places like Facebook, Instagram, and similar sites are similar no go's for me, but having it on a site like e621 or similar should be fine. Hell, maybe you can even go the extra mile and get a proper website for yourself.

Or just this very thread is fine.


I have a dumb question. Why does it seem like in the first few hundred posts, there are just large chunks missing?


Likely because they are. Possible bug when the site was first coming online and you could post but it wouldn't be kept or something.


File (hide): 1607508233858.png (57.52 KB, 669x366, bloody hell.png)

Not a dumb question, a while ago (last year or something) I went through and *manually* deleted a large number of posts in order to try and trim down the thread. It was a foolish thing to try and do. It's very clear to me that this thread format, with the number of people posting here now, does not work. I have plans for the future, I'll let you know how it goes.


i'm just glad you also take the time to post on twitter so i know to check in over here. I can't be coming to this thread every day, i got shit to do


>It's very clear to me that this thread format, with the number of people posting here now, does not work.
which is a shame, honestly. But it's nice to have a secondary archive in case something goes wrong somewhere.


It has been suggested several times: Discord? It would allow for far better organization through the use of channels.


*Looks at calender* *looks at watch*

It´s Frrrrrriday ma duds and dudets.


You could always archive this one and start a new thread if this one has gotten impractically long. “Under the concrete staircase 2” or “under the second concrete staircase.” Something like that.


Happy birthday to the thread


Oh hey so it is. Time flies.



Three years…..
Three years…..

I've been a Shout fan for three years…


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The Eternal Flower Floette would be good for sounding


do NOT
stick things in your pee hole.
that's how you get infections


Maybe that's how you get infections, I get mine the old fashioned way; eating infected corpses.


oh it'll be fine, it fell off after I shagged a leper


File (hide): 1608672278223.png (85.88 KB, 487x434, 44.png)

When you got like 2 pages to go and they're an absolute grind. But tt's not like I'm getting this done before christmas, and even if I would, posting this in december would be weird anyway so I guess it doesn't matter too much. Guess I should probably work on something before then.

>I can't be coming to this thread every day
Neither should you, I don't. I only really post to twitter when I feel like I actually have something to post, otherwise I just reply to stuff or post some update here.

The problem is I'm not on discord all the time. There are times where I don't hop on for days. I think I avoided it completely for September and it was a very enjoyable experience, so it's not like I'm the best candidate to host a discord server. I don't want to have to deal with whatever drama inevitably goes down in it, or spend the time to enforce any arbitrary rules, or come up with any. I still don't believe it's worth it but if enough of you are still, at this stage, adamant that a scord server is a good idea, I'll consider it. There is, however, absolutely no guarantee that I won't delete it within 48 hours of its creation just for shits and giggles.

If I wasn't such a remarkably stupid person I would have done that by now lol. I'll do it later.



merry Christmas shout, I hope your family has a good week


Merry Christmas you wonderous old person.


For just in case reasons I shall drop a early good ol merry Christmas towards you shout.


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File (hide): 1608825976848.gif (2.07 MB, 360x199, 1488632790569.gif)

merr crimi


jolly rhombus, Shout


heopy gilideus


She's adorable and totally worth giving love.


stop making me want to fuck bisharp

(please continue making me want to fuck bisharp)


One does not fuck Bisharp. Bisharp fucks you.


Merry Christmas


Highly resistant lights for the task. She looks thrilled


Happy Christ and merry year.


File (hide): 1609195996734.png (54.17 KB, 552x324, ha ha vagina.png)

I'm curious to see what would happen if I post this here:



well, in my case I'm probably just going to lurk it.


You literally posted while I've been catching up. It's been a while but I'm glad you're still chugging, my dude. It kinda saddens me that there are so many assholes here who demand much when they weren't promised anything but I hope you just take it as earnest instead. I'm back to lurking though, happy holidays to you and your family.


Happy new year guys and gals


u 2, though that's still hours off from my time zone.


File (hide): 1609456894954.png (371.91 KB, 1157x682, new year.png)

I'm 40 minutes away from, one hopes, a slightly less absolutely devastatingly shite year.

But given the economic crater that covid has and is still leaving, ever-more malicious cyber attacks against the West by state actors, and (more locally to me) the absolute shit show that Brexit is going to drag forward, my outlook is less than optimistic.

New year. May happiness be derived from some-fucking-where.


May you be blessed with boring times, Shout.


File (hide): 1609465870075.png (21.43 KB, 331x286, 1484768945677.png)

you too man


Holy moly, the Discord is an absolute cluster fuck. At least I can still come here. :)


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Just a reminder, this thread ain't dead. It's not like I'm going to not post here just because of the discord server. Some people prefer it, some don't, and that's fine.

As for frini posting uhhh probably not until I get a certain comic finished. What's the situation? 2 and a half pages to go, then I send it off for editing and spellchecks and stuff, then I polish it off in a couple of places, and that's it. Should be by the end of this month.

I'll have jinxed it now lol. Happy wednesday lads.




good luck shout


oh wow it's almost done



dangit the invite expired



Could we get another discord link?


he just put a new one right above you


If money's becoming a problem, especially with your growing family, have you considered doing a patreon for Queenie/Your Artwork?
You can set it up like Brae does and patrons only get charged when you add a new picture or comic page.
You're one of the few artists I would genuinely like to give money to.


He had a patreon and he closed it.


it's dead, jim


well, he'll probably drop a new one next time he's in.


File (hide): 1611088597375.png (513.17 KB, 1009x686, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY.png)

It's pretty much done. Just fix a couple of spelling mistakes and post it. But it's not Friday yet.

In case anyone wanted more:





Why'd he do that?


Mate have you seen the state of Patreon these days?


has it gotten worse?


They've done terrible terrible things to artists



He stopped Patreon because he wasn't regularly producing and didn't want to just take peoples money OR be pressured to draw when he didn't want to.


File (hide): 1611349567004.png (874.91 KB, 1200x1685, 04.png)

who gives a fuck about patreon


i wrote an unnecessarily long comic over an unreasonably long period that will lose me followers


hah. didn't mean to write sage.




You did it. You mad bastard, you did it.


Wow, that is some Edge right there. Like, twelve-year-old’s Naruto fanfiction level of Edge. All this guy’s missing is a katana.


File (hide): 1611358778302.gif (222.58 KB, 500x369, Congrats.gif)

you have succeeded


Man, that rocket chick has some fat tiddies
nice work


did ya get all that teen angst out ya system?


File (hide): 1611369740314.png (140.23 KB, 293x290, JWO9AoV.png)


Dead link


File (hide): 1611387492758.jpg (290.89 KB, 1920x1080, post.jpg)


nope, maybe blocked by your ISP, I'm reading rite now


Weird. I'm also seeing a dead link.


>>2116 >>2118
…link perfectly functional for me. Intermittent server overload or something? What errors are you actually getting when you click the link?


>being a fan for only 3 years


that comic ended up being a lot more lit than I thought it would be, and I fully expect this level 70 sunflora to be the final boss in the queenie comic


Every panel is filled with so much detail, all those little pen marks building up into what I consider to be some of the best landscape panels in really any comic I've viewed.

Holy shit Shout, this has more effort than an entire industry filled with companies that have dedicated teams to the craft.

Fuckin' blew all expectations out of the water.


jesus christ, shout. that shit is amazing.


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alright time to draw something that isn't flower shaped…


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motherfucken sunflower samurai


Gotta get back, back to the glade, Sunflorai Jack!~♪


Aw dammit, i found the legendary "Noni MLP Guy" but all the discord links are ded… fak (Note, my first time ever on this site or anything like it, holy shit its new to me but i like it)


He'll probably put a refreshed link in here next time he pops in.




(Damn, i really gotta figure out how this works)


File (hide): 1611955482777.png (521.48 KB, 1763x1522, sketchy friday.png)

https://discord.gg/NfnRttq7Fa uh i guess

good to doodle some non-flower shaped things
as for what's next: obviously the next big thing to work on is getting back into the queenie saddle, but I think I want to practice some anatomy and values first, fundie stuff.

Happy friday night, hope you have a good weekend


happy friday, Shout
also a turned on golbat is somewhat terrifying since they're 5ft tall


She could put your entire hips in her mouth


she could put your entire YOU in her mouth if you curled up.


tfw no golbat gf to vore me


File (hide): 1611960109432.png (151.5 KB, 1158x580, is this vore?.png)


suddenly less scared of this, thank you shout


This is one of the best things I have ever seen, thank you for enriching my life


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This is my hole. It was made for me!


Best flying loveseat.


Boi that's HOT


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I sense there is a niche on the verge of being tapped here.


File (hide): 1612558126765.png (84.55 KB, 401x580, golbat.png)

hoo this week has been busy
something stupid for next week promise


As long as you promise. Happy Friday everyone.


>something stupid
I love stupid things


stop making unsexy pokemon sexy


we are now entering the age of golbat


and it's the best golbat as well


so how would she feel if someone grabbed and squeezed that tongue




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I'm laughing from the teaser alone, this outta be good.


Welp, now I'm gonna be obsessed with horny bedroom eyed Golbats.


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funny enough, eyelashes are an almost universal signifier of femininity in cartoons. look at almost any cartoon and the women almost always have drawn eyelashes and the guys usually don't.


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File (hide): 1613165959582-1.png (178 KB, 1106x732, golbat2.png)

yeah this is just about the dumbest thing I've drawn

Funny how that is. I mean it's a much easier thing to slap some thick eyelashes on a character than having to define its femininity in each key frame of animation. It's kind of lazy I guess? I but it works.


sounds like a new benchmark to surpass


also at first glance i thought the anon in that second pic had weirdly placed eyes, but it was just sweat.


I was expecting it to go on her tongue


the trick is drawing them with the feminine eyebrows and then adding a trouser ekans


If is not the elongated eyelashes it can be using lipstick, makeup, a bow, flowers, high-heels, well defined legs, or even have a mole ("beauty mark") in the cheek that will automatically turn the character into a girl. Just check any OG art of Ms. Pacman lmao


hell, look at minnie mouse. you take off the bow, the dress, and the heels and the only thing that doesn't make her a carbon copy of mickey is the eyelashes. probably doesn't help that she's flat as a board.


Random question, did you ever draw a pic of an Imp Overlord from Risk of Rain or am I thinking about a different artist? I swear I've checked every art site around but for some reason I can't find any trace of this one specific pic that I've randomly remembered.



Nah, it ended up being a different artist. It turned out they purged their art from e621 for some fucking reason.


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File (hide): 1613775851717-2.png (185.39 KB, 891x667, tongues.png)

eh hopefully something will get done for next firififidididnainghting. Fucked around, cam eup with an idea, didn't like the angle, re-adjusted, working on it. have a good weekend lads.

Post it here I'm curious


what a wanker


3 days and no comment about a Shout's pot w/ images? Weird…

The green one actually have the exact body proportions of one of my ex's. She was one extra thicc wonder ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


almost everyone is on discord I bet


Probly. Last count there's about 140 users (mostly lurkers obviously). It's actually a surprisingly normal/comfortable/friendly place. I honestly expected the worst and have hyper retards shitting the place up in a matter of hours.

Not that I'm suggesting you join. There are plenty of reasons not to use discord on the whole.


Shout with a capital S? something is wrong!


I avoid discord 'cause I truly don't trust it. Otherwise it's no different than any other internetty place for talking.


Worst comes to worse, we just keep posting everything here.


I definitely do not trust discord as the discord "trust and safety team" has the ability to look at your private messages. I can envision a scenario where a zealous moderator make a database query of all users/channels/text that has "wrongthink" in it and ban/shame/harass those people because of it. I don't trust them when they say they don't proactively look at people's messages.



anyone worried about wrongthink is worthy of side-eyeing tbh


Lookin' a lil sus there.


>Alright, finally searched for shout's art again
>Read relatively new Queenie chapters (circa 2 years ago)
>Looked through Twitter
>Found link here
>Read the whole thread
>I guess I'm buckling into the waiting now too

Love you shout, keep on going man


File (hide): 1614682515243.jpg (126.01 KB, 1014x1645, 1613559481543.jpg)

I couldn't find the colored one.


hah this is taking way longer than it should and it's not even that good, just trying a different technique
oh man that's nice
curious: how did you find the link?


speed will improve as familiarity increases.
though you'd think with a tongue that long they'd have more than one piercing.


It's not showing the tip. That's were the good stuff is doing the GOOD stuff ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Oooooh I like the looks of this picture.


friday happy


File (hide): 1615583777887.png (1.22 MB, 1456x1326, final tongue.png)

Friday nights are happy nights
Working on a commish right now
_MIGHT_ be done by next friday probably not though, we'll see how it goes. After that though I've arbitrarily decided that April will be a no-franchise month, just to see what I can force out of myself. I'm quite excited actually.

Have a good weekend chaps


u dun it
looking forward to April to see what shakes out.


Anyone got another link to the Discord? all the currently posted ones are invalid now. Got one thing I'm trying going on in the background but if getting a link on here works, then that works too lol


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I can't not hear that as mickey mouse



Oh boy, ha ha!


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fucking disney


stumbled across this while going through my tabs from 2019 damn yo
gone from pokefucker to horsefucker in that timeframe
pretty cool to enjoy your pone stuff from back then too
keep up the cool stuff man, you always got my support


File (hide): 1616790676314-0.png (419.22 KB, 855x1049, purrloin2_a.png)

File (hide): 1616790676314-1.png (796.07 KB, 1020x967, purrloin1_b.png)

File (hide): 1616790676314-2.png (624.11 KB, 1183x1029, purrloin1_a.png)

File (hide): 1616790676314-3.png (687.5 KB, 1016x979, purrloin2_b.png)

someone comished me to draw a cat
i don't know who they were
they found out where i live and paid me in marmite


Firstly, The prophesied Shout lewds! It has happened!



aww shit shout's from the land down under


Holy shit we can get commissions from you??


That's one fine looking pussy!


That's some grade A+ pussy's pussy! P:
Only thing missing is a (gaping) pussy hole filled w/ cum

And if I give you 2-3 marmites, can I get a comission too?


Excellent as always, Shout.


its a joke idiot



How could anyone think it was legit? Marmite is terrible and not worth a penny.


Fuck… What the hell do I do with all this fuckin marmite then?


inb4 a cat is fine too



fuck it


Friday is the day today is


Checked. A cat is always fine.


File (hide): 1617412345451-0.png (1.82 MB, 1255x1119, linda1.png)

File (hide): 1617412345451-1.png (502.15 KB, 936x621, linda2.png)

I've been looking forward to this. Welcome to Arbitrarily Abandoning Apocryphal Animal April, or just AAAAA. Imma draw some stuff throughout this months that won't be affiliated with any franchises. Feel as though I could do with the practice and creative shackle-shrugging.

Hoppy (hah aha get it because easter bunny hopping fuck you) Friday night

The marmite part was a joke, but I can buy many jars with the delivered dorrar.


well open your wallet for dollars to fly in, then
also, I hope Office Lady finds someone to spend her evenings with.


>hello? quintuple A?
here's hoping we get some non-franchise lewds at some point


is it going to be all humies?
you know, if we are abandoning animal peopl for april…
maybe some robot girls will do the trick…


Welcome to another Friday. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


File (hide): 1618002075054-0.png (824.02 KB, 1288x1533, facessketches.png)

File (hide): 1618002075054-1.png (266.54 KB, 841x935, koboldish.png)

Just a few sketchy silly things, man this week has been busy. I want to do something cool for next week, really push myself. Hopefully it won't be shit lol.


>something cool
why stop at cool when you can go for downright RAD


It's been about a month since I went digging and found the link to this thread. I wanna say that it was buried in the Twitter comments somewhere, but I can't be sure. I was on a dive looking for your art for 5 hours straight man, it was like a fever dream.

Just 3 more weeks before the semester is over. Happy weekend fellas!


File (hide): 1618087264449.png (1.34 MB, 1084x1332, bovine.png)

oh yeah and i forgot i sketched this earlier in the week but it looks better as a thumbnail lol
welcome to this really bizarre club


I love big titty minotaurs.


I love bovine girls so much, thank you shouty


bottom left reminds me of taric


Now there's a golden calf I'd worship.


File (hide): 1618482377152.png (315.5 KB, 849x834, milk.png)

in fact i'm now doing a dumb lil comic about a big cow
probably not by tomorrow, but remember to have a nice weekend regardless


File (hide): 1618501108856.gif (358.02 KB, 500x357, 1591980756060.gif)


looking forward to it


We are truly blessed bois.


minotaur babies spotted on the horizon



it better have lactation and facesitting you coward




Happy Friday everyone! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


File (hide): 1619225017195.png (4.69 MB, 964x4784, whole milk.png)

feels like it's been ages since I had done a comic. I'd better get back to working on the other one, eh?

happy friday night laddos

Sorry bro


happy friday, shout
and little does new guy know, cows need that every day.


Delightful, but you sure a tease.
I had hoped to see more…


File (hide): 1619266864231.png (710.8 KB, 970x503, Sin título.png)


It's like you get off on torturing me shout


She sucked out his goldurn soul


Feretta is such a treasure.


>I'd better get back to working on the other one, eh?
Yes please.


good shit



Holy shit the coloring on this is amazing. The shadows on the walls and the light diffusing around the skin.

God damn, Shout this is a masterpiece.



well…. it has implied lactation


Cancel your friday nights for a while, I'm working on the comic. Feels great to get back into it. Inevitably the first few panels are opening/establishing shots so they're taking an unnecessarily long time, but it's fun, and page 1 is done. The plan is to do a 'part' and post it, rather than massing all the 'parts' and posting them in a weekly sched because that approach, judging by that bloody flower comic, will take years. It should'nt take that long until part 1 is up, assuming nothing awful happens. Excite!

Also I painted a cat. Binary brushes are great for this style. Happy đ¶→ðæ← night.


good kot
and looking forward to the rolling releases.



Drunk Queenie? Is that happening??


Awesome can't wait wait to see it


File (hide): 1619861233190.png (290.88 KB, 500x375, 1594759986076.png)


10/10 would fuck it


yeah it knows. look at that side-eye. it knows


File (hide): 1621020855536-2.png (87.99 KB, 626x1342, experiment thinkyface.png)

So we're fully into 'comic mode' over here, if you can remember from the last time I nearly killed myself with a comic: other art posting was infrequent and spaced out, and this time is no different. I'll probably do something real next week. Can't let the uninitiated get the impression I have literally died if I don't tweet for a precious few hours, can we? Fuck 'em.

In the mean time, have a lovely weekend guys.


does it say "lay your head on my lap under these fat tits"?



Nice stuff, I love that nipple bit


Lady Dimitrescu in a kimono.


French Fry Day


I've missed doing an unreasonably complex panel that no one will take notice of. It's a fine exercise in futility.

yeah prolly


Seems reasonably complex to me
Wonder how the third heads fits in on the personality spectrum.


I always notice and appreciate the depth of quality you put into things, Shout. It's why I love your work so much.


Yooooo. I get a punk AND a nerd? It’s the best combo I never asked for and yet always needed


File (hide): 1621685506677.png (1.37 MB, 664x835, Threeheadedknight.png)


I can see perhaps: a depressed goth totally pissed with both "heands" arguing about beating or befriending someone
Nerd will be the central head trying to control both punk heand and a overly cheerful girly heand, both arguing about the same thing, but no one is paying attention to the meek central head.




Zweilous my beloved!
Just recently stumbled across you (and by extension this place) and boi am I enjoying the stuff you make


The day is Friday fellow Anons

-increasingly louder grumbles-


luckily, there will always be another Friday approaching




File (hide): 1622780107534.jpg (6.68 KB, 229x220, Glados.jpg)


Test Completed.
What were we testing for?

Nobody knows.
Results conclude that you are new here,
and therfore have earned the title "newfag"

Please enjoy your stay,


File (hide): 1622794626443.png (155.46 KB, 600x625, 02.png)

uhhhh friday morning uhhhhhh

Some of you may have noticed that we're getting less-than-legal threads popping up on occasion. We've now stopped thread creation, so that should at least subdue it. It's blatantly obvious now that this dumping ground is not suitable, and a move is required. I'll have to have *another* root around to see what services are available, ideally somewhere without compression or 'LOG IN TO VIEW TITS'. We'll see.

Oh! And my wrist began hurting at the start of the week! Specifically my thumb and associated tendon on my right (drawing) hand, so I sought to rectify it by wearing a wrist brace and doing stretches recommended to me by real illustrators (so I assume their advice is sound!). It feels better, and I tried a little linework last night, but I want to take it slow. Carpal tunnel syndrome does not sound fun.

Have a great weekend guys.


Sucks about your wrist, hope it continues to improve.
But yeah, not much we can do about the bot threads without captcha or, as you said, halting thread creation. Can't think of any real alternatives other than a booru or personal site, though, but those aren't really great for the occasional discussion you might actually want.


Some tips for avoiding wrist pain that have really helped me:
1. draw with your shoulder
2. Pray every 66 minutes
3. don't wear linen (shirts) or denim (shirts+pants).
4. Don't draw on thursdays


> less-than-legal threads popping up on occasion

wait what?


Bots spam dubious links with pictures of content not allowed in some countries every so often.
At least we weren't getting the ones with real people in them yet.
The fact you weren't aware they existed means I did my job properly.


File (hide): 1623151083015.jpg (425.24 KB, 1534x1022, Internet-Cookies-Blog.jpg)

sounds like ya did


File (hide): 1623426872799.png (103.96 KB, 556x940, ACHOO.png)

Wrist, tendons & thumb feel tonnes better. Wrist straps (one for day one for night), stretches and rest, all very important elements to utilise to get back to business. Obviously I haven't done anything this week for FRUDUNU but something for next week I'd imagine. Still working on the comic, *shouldn't* take too much longer to get this one out the door.

Happy friday night boys, remember to do your stretches!!


I see you have learned from your mistakes


Glad to hear your wrist is getting better.


Nice, glad to see you're feeling better.



you fixing your body is more important than us getting a picture





With regards to the pain in your wrist, I would suggest you nip whatever problems you have with it in the bud before proceeding with anything else. As a long standing artist, I am presuming you know the inevitable issues that come with such pains if not dealt with properly. Just in case you do not though, I'll go over it anyway.

Proper posture is important when doing any long, repetitive motions that strain any parts of the body. The hands are among the most important, if not the most seeing as they are vital body parts we utilize on a daily basis to manipulate every day objects. That being said, all things wear down with time and age, and hands are no exception. In the field I work in, I have seen the end results of people who wear down their hands for one reason or another, but the end result is usually close to being the same.

Constant, lingering pains. Carpel tunnel all throughout the arm preventing its usage to the greatest degree. Numbness in the fingers and the joints. Even cysts in areas that show the most common wear and tear as expected of one's profession.

A lousy list an artist's bane to be sure, but it *can* be dealt with using the proper exercises and techniques to mitigate it. Proper exercising of the joints is important with regards to using anti carpel tunnel exercises for at least five minutes a day. The other would be easing up on the joints to give them some time to recover. Of all the things that can suck as an artist, having early onset of carpel tunnel or even arthritis is something best left for old age if possible. It may come with time anyway, but time spent on prevention is worth every pound of the cure.

Take care of yourself Shout. You don't have just the comic to worry about, but your budding family too. Again, I am sure this goes without saying, but it bears repeating. Take care of yourself, and you'll thank yourself later.

Now, as for the unwarranted threads, it's a surprise they were enabled in the first place. As said, this was merely a dumping grounds for your personal usage. Anything beyond that seems… A tad excessive. If I might make a suggestion, perhaps keep thread submissions permanently disabled and have them vetted on a submission by submission basis. I do not know the site statistics, but my last peak revealed that there were few threads as it was before this issue popped up. Most of the activity for the site was centered here, so I doubt a function like thread creation will be missed. I rather not have to move on to yet another damn site, especially seeing as most of the art based sites these days are sterile to a bloody T. But if no alternative remains, hopefully it'll be one that isn't a lifeless abomination of a Web 3.0 minimalist centric design like that of DeviantArt Eclipse.


Happy Friday.


File (hide): 1624033826602.gif (219.54 KB, 110x128, 632200217847922688.gif)

Friday? Friday!


We made it to another Friday. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


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File (hide): 1624046932175-2.png (276.77 KB, 1167x503, 04.png)

Wrist feels better, but I'm still being cautious. Last thing I want is any permadamage.

yeah but the drawings look better lol
Appreciate the text dump. Don't worry, I am being sensible. I'd love to go full urgo on my setup, but I can't do that until I move rooms and get another desk. Full stretches and exercises until then, and for some time after.

Have a great weekend chums


them's some good pokes
I would watch Jackie Chan movies with that medicham.


wow uh

hey shout could you uh

draw more medichams

for reasons


>surprised pikachu face


excuse you, she is perfectly chaste and single-partnered.


Read the filenames, silly


>reading filenames
hey now that's high-brow thinkin'
I'm but a poor simple dirt farmer.


Seconding this medi-chan is cute


Another Friday. Hope everyone has a good weekend and happy 4th for all my u.s friends.


no queen? D:


File (hide): 1625291670689.gif (938.19 KB, 480x270, reaccion triste.gif)


It seems so



It's okay anon, only three more years.
:) <3


File (hide): 1625655808289.png (133.97 KB, 974x522, BURGER_BEHEMOTH.png)

calm your tits I'm still working on it


please tell me that pidgey talks smack while surveying the street for someone to crap on


File (hide): 1625755396324.gif (1.4 MB, 320x180, lQaE4aw.gif)


Happy Friday everyone. Hope everyone has a great weekend.






Here's to another Friday lads. Cheers.




File (hide): 1626905656504.png (84.11 KB, 508x754, fuuuck.png)

i should probably draw something for this friday


Well, there's always an event at the local Greasy Slut that could be recorded





can't remember the last time I went there


I'll have to greasy slut again sometime.

hooh boy this month has been busy, and it'll be busy next month. I got to wear my sysadmin hat again. Next month should be delivery month for comic though.

Have a good weekend chums


looking forward to it, hope your weekend is good as well.


File (hide): 1627099844993.png (25.17 KB, 370x331, borf.png)

stay frosty shout


tried ordering a salad there once and got laughed out of the establishment. Never worked up the courage to go back.


File (hide): 1627222516686.gif (845.12 KB, 320x240, HackMePLS!.gif)

GNOME? Bill is one sadist son of a bitch.



Hold up. Delivery for the Queenie comic? Is it actually happening?

Sound the sirens! Alert the furries!


Yeah I’ve heard that before… 2 years ago…



What did he mean by this?



Only the truly pervy fuckers can read that. Alas, I can't.


Oh it's glorious. Come to the dark side, brother/sister/chameleon-thing that wears the skins of humans. It's a wonderful place.


shhhh shut the fuck up I'm spying


File (hide): 1628248514976.jpg (50.89 KB, 723x843, scally or whatever.jpg)

As well as wearing my sysadmin hat I'm also wearing my DIY hardhat. My usual drawing setup is in pieces in 3 rooms as we're doing work to the house. Kind of an emergency but things should be much better after it's all done (some time next week). In the mean time I'm back to pencil&paper and it's really very comfortable. I still suck at taking photos of it but I'll take pics of some of what I've done (mostly studies) and upload them at another date if desired.

As for the comic uhh the PC (with all the files on it) is currently in a cupboard while work is going on. As I recall I only need to do 3 and a half pages until it's primed for posting, so this month still looks good, provided no further real-life hiccups occur.

Happy whatever the hell this is anymore


thighs and tummy


her large
glad to hear things are moving along without trouble so far.


File (hide): 1628436874937.png (10.35 KB, 327x173, 1477596757456.png)



Thank you for updating us, I hope your situation gets better, good on ya for keeping your house a home.


It is the chosen day of the week.


So is today


So it is. Happy Friday all. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


Happy Friday everyone. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


File (hide): 1630113931755.png (287.41 KB, 763x807, i consent.png)

this took an embarrassingly long time to do. not even this picture: drawing 6 poks wearing the same shirt, in different poses, deciding braz, then the one i drew originally i didn't like the perspective, scrapped and redrew, now it's 2:25AM. happy friday somethingsomethingsomething


nice chicken
glad it seems you're set back up properly


That is a funky chicken, sir. Happy Friday Night.


I love chicken!


ride my face cowgirl



So, this is honestly one of my favorite things I've seen in a long time! Absolutely incredible!

Do you mind if I use this as a profile image (with credit being given of course)?


F r i d a y


Another Friday. Another week down. Enjoy the weekend everyone. Have a good three day weekend my American friends.


s a t u r d a y :(


Queenie Adventure vs. The Winds of Winter release date race, place your bets now.


Both a coming before One Piece ends, that I'm sure.


File (hide): 1631267891949-0.png (215.72 KB, 817x1118, megarape.png)

File (hide): 1631267891949-1.png (751.59 KB, 1200x1685, 06.png)

Comic progress is continuing, should have it done somewhere towards end of this month/beginning of next month, 3 and a half more pages to do. Famous last words I know, especially considering I wanted to have it done in fucking Easter last time, and here we are approaching October. It's been a crazy, and at times a deeply unpleasant and stressful year.

Happy Friday not-night but it's bound to be later right.


oh forgot to attach this, other previous attempts, not including ones I had sketched and deleted, in case anyone was remotely curious


it's an almost-halloween miracle
Glad you're seeing the end of it, Shout
and I'm liking the line of consent shirts


that's an interesting expression on that meganium. i can't tell if she's horny or scared.
who was that gonna be on the right?


It's horny. It's always horny.


Why not both?

Short-stack, thicc thighs, board chest… I'm mostly pitcuring a Braixen


File (hide): 1631607667218.png (Spoiler Image, 75.27 KB, 248x226, 434AC70D-1081-4989-B88F-99….png)

Bro, if this thread and the discord server say anything, its that we are in for a penny, in for a pound. And I personally fell in love with your characters and can wait to see more as long as I know there is work being done, and it has been. It definitely helps with the updates to stay entertained


I love her


You guys have a new link?


I saw somewhere there is a discord?


There is one, but I'm not sure how many people will share it.

I'll ask members if I should.


Appreciate it


The prophesy foretold that today… is Friday.


Indeed another glorious Friday to behold friends. Enjoy your weekend.


A day for Deltrarune


this should be good for a week if it's not lying to me.


File (hide): 1631920675891.png (2.95 MB, 2099x1599, scyther.png)

came out worse than my sketch but that's how it usually goes who cares

not many pages to go now. of course before that i've got to upload the previous queenie pages onto comicfury, that'll be a joy.

happy frodo baggins lads hope your weekend is a goodn


how does she put on the panstu
her hands are blades


upskirt, nice


For a second there i thought that was a diaper and she just dropped a huge load


File (hide): 1631933295699.png (4.83 KB, 194x205, 1579014959899.png)

Hhh stretched out panty wrap



don't…. don't give him ideas please


Mantis Panties . . . Manties. . .


Happy Friday to all. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


Now's your chance to be a [[BIG SHOT!!!]]




File (hide): 1632840078019.png (29.52 KB, 255x161, 10.png)


I would let Psyduck track me. They seem like trustworthy fellows.


Psyduckduckgo is the search page for discerning trainers.


File (hide): 1632931869570.png (995.13 KB, 680x463, 1518377208539.png)


Happy Friday Night y'all.


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File (hide): 1633128302971-0.png (753.41 KB, 1200x1686, 11.png)

well that's it, better work on 12 and up


congratulations on landfall
their twenty-year boat ride has ended.


it has come, at long last
good stuf
Can't quite tell what was up at the end, though.


the gym calls to her
she's gotta work off those coladas.


File (hide): 1633149764129.jpg (15.35 KB, 276x276, D3xgXpEWAAAGuVs.jpg)

i can see why this took so long.
you appear to be falling into the same trap that Takehiko Inoue fell into where you want all the backgrounds to be perfectly detailed and that comes at the cost of your sanity. this story is far too interesting to be held back by chasing perfection.
that said, shit looks great. try not to burn yourself out on it though.


I can't believe that anon in /g/ was truly shout.

Thanks, man.


>propane and accessories
Nice little koth nod


anon in /g/?


Hey Shout, I think something's messed up in the queenieadventure site. It's missing the panel where he fucks up making fire in chapter 1 that I'm pretty sure I remember existing, and the last two pages of chapter 2 are repeated with the wrong page numbers or something.


she needs to work FOR the coladas…. and pizza…. and burgers…


>Cinnabar Island; once the bustling tourist-trap of Johto

But Cinnabar is in Kanto?



It was a long boat ride. There was a war. The island changed hands.


Lt. Surge barely made it through the war alive.



I bet he turned up late


It is the day that today is.


hey shout, was this you?


pretty sure that was weaver once upon a time


File (hide): 1634854164933.jpg (100.41 KB, 971x724, M1GKFgn.jpg)

oh right, duh. i got them mixed up.


File (hide): 1634935425331-0.png (3.01 MB, 1163x1567, spoop01.png)

File (hide): 1634935425331-1.png (2.53 MB, 1090x1497, spoop02.png)

ha ha drawing


File (hide): 1634936181219-0.png (1.46 MB, 1749x2460, NORULESONLYTOOLS.png)

>backgrounds to be perfectly detailed and that comes at the cost of your sanity
oh boy do I know it but I *am* cheating a bit here, sort of. I'm using blender. made a load of buildings, setup a scene, slap lineart filter on it, then take the render and add a bunch of details, like scuff marks, signs, shades to make it all look a little more hand drawn. It does save time, but adds a level of complexity I'm not entirely used to. It's good fun though.
>i can see why this took so long.
Also not really related, I'm just a busy boy outside of drawing.

yeah lol that was me, i main /g/ and /vr/

Yeah I omitted it.

Ha ha fuck how did i mess that up.

Yep, weav's work. We've both been going for an embarrassingly long time. Imagine all I could have done if I didn't like drawing.


she laughs but I'm sure that miltank gets off on it at some basic level.
also happy friday shout


File (hide): 1634941229618.png (149.99 KB, 333x333, oEIVVIG.png)

that's still a lot of work for a "cheat".
looks good tho


That's actually really smart to have blender get all the perspective for you.

Even so this is a massive amount of work, very commendable. Impressive as hell.

Those Gengar and Miltank arts are also fantastic as always. Love the chub, very cute stuff.



frozen was cheating, i wouldn't worry about blender considering your attention to detail


Miltank is just perfect.


More Tank! More Tank! More Tank!


Some love for GenGirl too guys!
Those straps are BEGING to snap due that THICC-LICIOUS body!
If was possible (or made sense?), I'd ask for a tanned version cuz nobody can get enough of horni lol


File (hide): 1635120429989.gif (408.34 KB, 500x295, FreezeFrame.gif)


*record scratch*
*freeze frame*

Yup, that's me. Another college semester, eternal suffering in calculus 3, and a few more A&Q chapters. Glad to see the thread is still kicking.

Love it. Linux jokes and cute drawings? Instant save.
Can't believe you took this sneasel to the chopping block, but the blaziken is still amazing.
Damn, can't believe I missed a whole recovery arc, but I'm glad you're doing better Shout.
Even revamped the workstation
Just missed it. Could I have just a crumb of that discord server, perhaps?


not 2233


Hey, shout, could you release the blender blockouts? Would love to see them in 3D. To learn meshing, or to learn Blender. How’s your 3D art in that case, do you do more in 3D? Animate, mayhaps?


I hope we get to see some spooky booty


File (hide): 1636756675376-0.gif (506.59 KB, 928x926, nonut3.gif)

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File (hide): 1636756675376-2.png (814.32 KB, 967x2084, nonut1.png)

Would you believe I've had this idea in my head for like 3 years? Decided not to go with pok, pretty boring at times. Man, animation is really interesting. Time consuming as hell, but fascinating. I'll have to learn more and have another stab at something else in the future.

Have a good weekend lads.


oh why'd it post it in reverse? gæ


u2 shout
hope your wife is making sure you fail NNN every year.


Yeah, EFG was Weaver. That image also has Chainchomp Chan, Boxdog,


yo does the discord still exist, and if so can I get a link to it



spooky booty!!


it pains me every time you introduce a hot as fuck character and no lewd happens DDD:


it has been a minute since shout drew some lewds.


I check back like once every two months at this point expecting Queeny to eventually get the D. No such luck so far.


I just saw a new Queenie dropped a little while ago. Nicely done, Shout.

See you all when the next chapter drops in like 2025.


I hope Shout's doing alright. Holidays and all.


I'm sure he is, but I'm still hoping for a quick sketch of either a xmas Queenie or some raunchy Delibird gals


Well, that was a quiet couple days of the site being dead.



no different than any other day really


All I want for Christmas is for Queeny to catch some dick and get blasted with jizz.



we all want that really. she deserves a white xmas


File (hide): 1640382012395-0.png (771.63 KB, 815x1957, 01.png)

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File (hide): 1640382012395-2.png (339.45 KB, 970x757, 03.png)

oh god this place still exists lol
happy something something the 25th
i've been hideously busy, unsurprisingly. I'll get back to it soon enough. Hope you lads have a good holiday.


y-you too


Happy Crimbo :^)


Merry Christmas, shout!


File (hide): 1640907553375.png (316.89 KB, 1032x1306, medochamo.png)

man this christmas sucks for me so far. i've been ill TWICE. stomach bug, and now strep, bloody awful timing: the time of the year where everyone has a free pass to be lazy and eat lots and i can't eat a fucking thing without it feeling like i've gargled glass shards and vinegar.
hope you're all well.
oh and pic is result of secret santa on some server. i think it sucks but it's something happy uh thursday night i guess


the cost of living with germ factories, I guess. Hopefully your new year's will go a bit better. Remember your tea and ginger.
and drugs
so many drugs.





whiskey is a liquid drug


Happy Friday!


File (hide): 1642798902353.png (452.58 KB, 1262x1156, skeks.png)

I've been working on the comic but I'll probably get something finished for next week. I did some sketches today for funsies, and someone mentioned on another server that top-middle looks like Angela Anaconda so I guess I'm part of a new fandom now guys. HuFuNu


good to hear from you
happy friday 2u2


>Angela Anaconda

Oh….oh no….. why did you remind me of this you demon


File (hide): 1642980370753.jpg (55.7 KB, 585x568, hard.jpg)

why do i have this uncontrollable urge to let her sniff my dick



cheese is a good smell but dick cheese is a whole 'nother level


Oooooo who's the alien-demon babe on the middle bottom? Loving her already :3

ppl already have fetish for smelly feet, so those who like dick cheese are two birds of a feather, basically.



I guess, the weirdos


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yeah we're not weird or anything are we

I sometimes come up with single pages that look like they're a part of a series, but likely never will. I played around with screen tones and techniques I hadn't used before, it was quite fun. Back to queh comic, it's coming along nicely.



cute horsebug
happy friday shout


>yeah we're not weird or anything are we



File (hide): 1643442978498.jpg (118.66 KB, 1280x720, alpha lop.jpg)

That is a large bug
and a cute queenie

Have you seen the stuff with Alpha pokemon in the new game? I haven't had much interest in official pokemon stuff for years, but lopunny can be 9' tall now.


W-what are they talking about haha



exercise that involves heavy breathing


Moving a refrigerator?



she is certainly a unit


File (hide): 1644620908638.png (494.71 KB, 2406x1089, doodles.png)

just some skemches. wanted to take a quick break from comic, and also then get back to it asap because i'm having fun lol.
hoppy fririrdifnaiasgh..


v nais


cute snek


Cute kobold


cute post


File (hide): 1645388959739.jpeg (442.72 KB, 2525x2341, iGDjHMd.jpeg)


i am going to be pissed if that weed cat goes bipedal


You and everyone in the fandom.

Also, peppercroco is best boi





That bullshit really only applies to the fire starters, which I think will be fire/ghost because ghost pepper


Zangoose day pic?


there's a zangoose day?


this zangoose a cute. CUTE!!


File (hide): 1647039290733.png (1.85 MB, 1995x2466, TIIIITS.png)


ha ha I hurt my hand a few weeks back, THEN I got covid, so that was a double whammy of no-progress. Getting back to things now. Hope you have a great weekend.


Nice spicy chicken breast
glad your hand's doing better, as well as the rest of you.


File (hide): 1647111614319.png (397.14 KB, 2105x1085, tity.png)


The best kind of chikin: juicy breast and thicc thighs


What I wouldn't give for a romance sim with your juicy characters. Truly delicious.



Smool brain smutt desire


File (hide): 1648554948290.png (63.89 KB, 247x202, That's kinda hot.png)


Binged Queenie last night and had a really long following workday but it was worth it. Too fuggin cute. Glad this thread is still moving. ty Shout


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God I hate April Fools. Experimented with my understanding of colours, I think I'm starting to get it, but a long way off in other areas. Still fun to do.
Hope you have a wicked weekend lads.

oh it's moving along, at a slower pace than I'd like but it's moving.


cute lizard and cute queenie, a fine start to April
and the colors came out nice



you always draw the curves to perfection


God just imagine resting your head on those thighs while she calls you a good boy.


Wow, I completely forgot about this place. Glad to see you're still around, and better than ever.


Happy Friday everyone


File (hide): 1650745784668-0.jpg (195.24 KB, 1080x1227, Top 10 Fun Facts.jpg)

Happy Friday Y'all


Queenie's near innocent partiality to alcohol is so damn cute.


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who even checks here anymore


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I'm working on the next part now, and I'm having so much fun. It'll take a while, hopefully not as long as this one, but we'll see. Hoppo Frodod nightjgn whatever.


She really needs to tell Anon her problems already.


Well its about time


Especially before she sends the next psychic type to try that trick the hypno did on a one-way express trip to Lavender Town.


File (hide): 1651280007953.jpg (79.34 KB, 594x396, ainsley.jpg)

I do. Like at least once a week.



I check here like once a week, and I am blessed today ^('o')^


comicfury supports RSS, so about once a day



I don't think anything other than a Hypno would do that. Can't remember the quirks of every psychic 'mon tbh.


I have a bookmark folder for all the comics that I read that I check daily.


I lurk eternal, also nice job man!




I want to comfort her


File (hide): 1652686054210.jpg (1.14 MB, 2700x2700, Nidoqueen.jpg)

someone made a queenie and anon fanart.





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I had the flu the other week. 30 hours in bed with a fever. I'd take covid over that shit any day.
Other than that I've been drawing quite a lot, mostly sketches studies practising, but I've been having a lot of fun regardless. Good progress on the comic, too. HFN

wow, that's pretty impressive




>mix up at the agency
how embarrassing


gosh darn, I love them cowgirls 🐮


File (hide): 1653676745540.png (969.08 KB, 1200x1685, 27.png)

bleep bloop
i'm having a lot of fun with the comic
it's really pushing me to figure stuff out. it's exciting
have a good weekend chaps


random pokemon just going about their day in the background/foliage
love to see it


Having fun is what matters.


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i know which one i'll continue with but i thought they were both fun lol
happy tuesday day? hope work's not being too bad to you


her big



Is it bikini03?


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File (hide): 1656112372396-1.png (174.73 KB, 840x1192, 01.png)

lol this took way longer than i would have liked and the result is underwhelming but whatever back to the comic HAPPYFRIDAYNIGHT


you do draw good moms.


You draw the perfect MILFs, shout.


milf time


my only regret is that dragonmilf lost her big shiny areolas from the first sketch somewhere along the way


Woah momma!!!

Shout, yes.


I like the way the mom talks a lot


Seem particularly quiet in here. Did everyone moved to a new art blog?



I think there is a discord thing… don't rally do that crap so I has no linky.

We only have a few comments here when shout posts a post


File (hide): 1658997160604.png (621.48 KB, 1144x2080, hiking.png)

I just haven't posted here because.. I haven't posted here. I haven't really posted much in the d*scord either, nor have I tweemted. Many of you might have guessed by now that my method of working is quietly and far away, in contrast to how others work by giving everyday updates. That works less for me, I'm not a fan of filler just to plug gaps of perceived activity.
As I've been saying for a while this place is being held, awkwardly, up by a handful of dedicated folk. The original intention was to offer other artists a place to dump their stuff without the need for login credentials, but rather understandably that never materialised. I'm still occasionally looking for other options.
Alsø wik for anyone here still without link to the server if you're that way inclined (https://d*scord.gg/DNZXE2Na), but again if you don't want to that's understandable.
Alsø alsø wik while working on the queemy qomique I got bored and started working on another dumb thing lol, see pic. Things are going fine, I'm still drawing every day, working on either project A, B, C or just studies.
it's thursday uhhh??


Well that's good to hear at least, and to see too.


fuck giving daily updates, i'll take substance over quantity any day

also jesus christ shout you're really good at the "fat titty big areola" ladies please draw more of them all the time



I'm happy with that, couldn't give a fuck when you post 'cause it's always gold so waiting is worth it


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bleep bloop friday posting
some artists get into the -ZONE- by sketching stuff like line exercises or cubes or nekked bodies or whatever, but i still go with silly pictures of fluttershy. i don't know how many i've done and not saved but here are just a few
i certainly aim to draw more of her, want to try something i haven't done in a while, for fun i guess.


cute butterhorse
>done and not saved
tragedy, but I'm glad you still have fun with them from time to time.


Pinkie's better.


File (hide): 1659870064325.png (181.56 KB, 800x600, Your waifu a shit.png)


no u



we don't fuck little ponies here, that's the old thread


it is eternal



in that case it's time to fuck the moon


Speak for yourself there, buddy! IWTCIRD, 4EVR


Holy shit, he lives.


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Alright lads, I'm calling time on this place. You have 1 (one) week until this place shuts down. Have I found an alternative? Not yet, but I'll let people know either through twitter or discord or both. I'll update it for friday (I should have a thing done by then) and then monday this place will be kill. Thanks for sticking around.

Pics: i still do art daily, sometimes it's comic work sometimes it's sketches to get into the right mood, here are some of them. happy monday lel???


RIP, we had an alright run.


cool if this place is gonna die can I get an invite to that discord then? the latest one posted says its invalid.




I liked this place, though. ;-;


God, no. Fuck Discord. Fuck Twitter.
God fucking damnit.

What about Fediverse?

At least I'll still have RSS.
Goodbye, Anons. <3


Welp. Rest in Spaghetti. Was a chill few years of Fridays here.
Guess I’ll go through and grab everything that’s not backed up elsewhere and keep my ears to the ground for the next garbage bin.


File (hide): 1661548227041.png (976.48 KB, 1364x3500, zubatfull.png)

yeah i'll find somewhere else that has no compression, because twitter's is a fucking crime. maybe i'll revive that neocities page lol


happy friday nights



at least he tried, such a sweetie


Why is this place dying again?


Damn, gonna miss this place, its fun to go back and see the old posts and reminisce on where I was at that time


Not a lot of engagement, I think. The place is pretty much dead outside of a few replies after an image drop, after all.


File (hide): 1661640856488.png (437.35 KB, 809x925, golbatlast.png)

there's been a lot of spam in the other threads, unsavoury folk use this place as a dead chan. i'm sure you can guess for what.



Well as long as we get some form of heads up through the discord or twitter it should be fine



What a pity. I was thinking of actually using one of those dead threads to start dumping art from interesting artists I stumbled upon.

Oh well. Discord can suck the big one, but if it's the only option… Eugh, we'll live with it until something better comes along.

If it comes along.

Nothing like a permanent temporary solution.



Whelp, it was a good run, have a parting eevee.


>unsavoury folk use this place as a dead chan
I'm pretty sure it's just a script on a VPN, I see those kinds of things hit a lot of imageboards.


Well it was fun while it lasted





is for fuck my queenie arse


pop in for a friday night and get an expired link, pls new link pls



Wow, its still here


well yeah it's not like he was pulling the plug on the board itself.


can someone send a new invite to the discord?


Welp, it's been fun, anons.
Heres to hoping for the future of Shout's mental sanity and more soft and cute arts. <3


>>3045 me here
>2 months ago
fuck yeah we still on
10 new pages in my RSS
fuck yeah


check out https://pixelfed.org
https://prometheus.systems can probably set you up an instance for less cost than whatever's running subchan


4 years… 4 years on here (and more before that) and Queeny still hasn’t gotten dicked…



Shout has an RSS!? Please share.



File (hide): 1670312210061.jpg (486.33 KB, 729x2467, 1670207820474097.jpg)

I did a thing. A silly sexy AI Chatbot thing. It was fun


Is there still another alive Discord Link?


>filing out all the fields
>using an actual email
actual Oof, bro


Sorry i never really touched 4chan like stuff but is it bad I placed the email there?


Its pointless, and now we can mock you for your email that sounds like you're 12.


I want in pls ;__;


Ahh thats fine because you are right I made that email at that age but its not my main its for stuff you dont want in your main


>everything has moved to discord because spam
well, I guess I get it, but doesnt mean Im still not sad about it
this place was super unique and cool for being a gallery, a very cool use of an imageboard and very comfy for those of us who still prefer these types of places, or at least an older way of doing things
oh well though… I guess everything dies in the end


I mean, that is generally what happens when you introduce discords to an imageboard environment.


>ignores the reasons for moving to discord for now
>ignores that it's meant to be a temporary holdout
but do go on being intentionally disingenuous for your own agenda


>have watched multiple threads/subjects die because they ship off to a discord and no one comes back because they do all their talking there
>nah bro you're just being disingenuous, discord wasn't the reason this place died
It died because no one else used it (he can't carry a whole board by himself) in addition to off-siting discussions for this thread. We didn't come here to be friends, we came here to look at Shout's stuff in a way that wasn't compressed to fuck by twitter.
as for the script/bot post that happens once or twice a day, it's a mass-released thing that shows up on every imageboard it can reach. It is not a unique thing.


So… What's the latest up to date gathering point for us? There still a Discord or is it just twitter for us unfortunate enough to have missed the links?


the discord's pretty much it but shout only pokes in every so often. Better than being terminally online at least.
the link's good for a day


man am I lucky to just randomly check this today


>5 days late


Can anyone share a link to the Discord server?


>You know what, might as well post some stuff I found browsing onlin.e It isn't as if this thread is gonna be used for anything else. Anyone else, share your shit.
How about you make a new thread instead of dumping unrelated things into the unofficial ShoutingIsFun museum here?

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